Forum Post: They're Afraid Of Americans
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 2:20 p.m. EST by Howie1960
from Fort Worth, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Plundering in the name of God yet Godless. Religion is the gateway drug the kings, the monarchs, the (un)holy and the filthy fucking rich have pumped into obedient minds, all robbed of knowledge that they were not allowed to check out of the library. They have been pushing it, selling it, feeding it, injecting it, and the fear it instills, to the masses for over 20 centuries. When that God, the so-called "opiate of the masses", at last, has no effect, its properties distilled into a cheap imitation, its clothes fully removed, baring a naked and ugly little nincompoop operating various controls, when its meaning loses all of its power, it is over. The American Fall is here. Pick your side. The trenches will be dug deep. The blood, the flesh, the screams, the sirens, the war, will be witnessed; and you can either be a spectator or a participant. Now that the facade is gone, the effect wilted, the magic tricks exposed, the walls torn down and the inane grins of greed wiped away it's only us vs. them. No quarter shall be given. There was once a big man who laid ruin to my ass cheeks with a thick leather belt, expertly deployed via a ceremonial unbuckling, the pulling of the thing through dark blue slack waist strops, the mere sound of which brought tears to my eyes and pain to my heart. The lashing would begin then and only because I dared to stray away from the inbred and dumb hatred found in their book, the Bible, a silly manual of standard operating procedures; now considered an outdated and ineffectual document. No Child Will Be Left Without A Beating. Now, decades later, the beatings return. But not to a child. But to a nation of 300 million citizens, the 99% who took those whippings and plowed through unabated and have returned for redemption and justice. Occupy the bullies' streets laden with gold bricks, their churches full of the faithless, their carefully manicured yards, sickening in their perfection, their 18 million square foot mansions full of grandeur but overflowing with zero, their exclusive country clubs where they plan and deploy their deceptions, their high and mighty cocktail parties, laughing amongst themselves at pitiful us. Impose your will and rain down Hell. Slaughter them. Run them out of town. Hang the stragglers. It's time. Fight for your right. And kick ass.