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Forum Post: They want to get the wages and benefits down to nothing, get it?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 3:28 p.m. EST by NortonSound (176)
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Those who use social issues to get you to vote their way (you do vote don't you ? : - ) are merely capturing your passions so you will vote to put in place leaders who are paid off to sac collective bargaining and worker's compensation. That's all you need to know. That's what's been done to us since the beginning of time. Don't you make me repeat this, lol.



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[-] 1 points by NortonSound (176) 13 years ago

Well, that is part of it, there is also the bullying epidemic, a personality defect that when it goes into economics sets the abuser up to acquire power and control over others. Often seen in those who inherit money, as they try to separate themselves from those they see as below themselves. It is always best for a person to become a great human being before becoming wealthy, but even the greatest of us don't do enough for our fellows, thus we gladly pay taxes and contribute to chairty in the hopes that doctors, police officers and other good actors will work to turn the law of the jungle into a more humane place. I don't have all the answers, but what I do know is that it's so much better to be kind and generous. All the best.