Forum Post: They just don't know it yet!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 3 a.m. EST by Jeanelle007
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The very rich people are under the FALSE impression that we need them more than they need us; this is SO NOT TRUE! We clean their houses, we prepare, and serve, their food, we dig their ditches, we do all of the things that they won't, and couldn't do if they tried. If they succeed in all of the things that they have been doing for years, they will eliminate the rest of us. They want to make cuts, but where? Education, public schools are not where their kids learn, so, lets cut those. They don't need social security or medicare, so, lets cut that, but, when anyone even talks about taxing them to make things even, they won't budge! They are effectively creating the voting status by making laws as to who is eligible to vote and who isn't, funny, the ones that they are disqualifying are the ones who traditionally vote democrat! EVERY society needs the rich AND the less rich, history has proven this; when our rich have made it so that the rest of us cannot exist, they will have to do for themselves, and they will not know how to do the things that we do for them, then, our society will fall. We cannot wait for this stupidity to happen! To the people who clean up the trading floor of the NYSE to allow trading for the next day....STOP! If you clean up after anyone who works on wallstreet, if you empty their trash, if you clean their bathrooms,,,, STOP!!!!!!!!!! Get them where it will hurt them most!