Forum Post: They are just waiting for Winter you know...How about this to start out
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:10 p.m. EST by poltergist22
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Whats the truth? I keep hearing it was the Government,it was Wall St. It was the banks it was all of them in cahoots etc etc etc. If crimes were committed then lobby the feds to press charges.In the mean time I think we should work within the system and restore fiscal responsibility. Not create chaos and point fingers .Two years ago I seen people losing there homes and jobs and you know what I started a little researching and it seems the government is 14 Trillion in debt and has no answers to raise employment. So this is the best idea I could come up with because it seems to me about 8 or 9 Trillion of the 14 Trillion is directly from the Federal Government trying to protect us almost 4 Trillion to the new Homeland Security Agency since 2001 the wars and ensuing bailouts some directly from events on 9/11/2001(airlines industry for example) We all count on the Government when times are bad but here we are supposed to be the Government I say we saddle up and take care of this together Rich, Poor, remaining Middle Class. Its a partial fix but it would the feds(us,you know we the people)2.unite all of us before things get out of control and we end up a third world the world we will sacrifice not just with the military but with our wallets to make this a better world, restore confidence. 4 Put us back to work so we can as usual be the consumers restoring global trade. visit the web site explains it better P.S. no one here is running for office this is an idea to help