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Forum Post: These Beliefs Occupy Us

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 9:53 a.m. EST by Hopefilled (0)
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“…a long habit of not thinking a thing WRONG, gives it a superficial appearance of being RIGHT…” Common Sense by Thomas Paine

1) We are a social movement; inclusive to all who care for equality and integrity. There is corruption in a political process when a single interest group donates excessive money to a politician or a political party; the common good of a constituency and the greater good of our nation are abused for the singular good of a donating group. A simply worded, enforceable law shall be made where only single person donations with set maximum amounts for local, state and federal elections, public access to this information and no lobbyists so to preserve a more perfect union.

2) We are a social movement presently doubtful of video, audio and print media. The news outlets developing point of view programming and periodicals arrange stories to prove their intent and hinder our opportunities to learn and with free will create our own points of view. We will rely on ourselves using the internet which is now fundamentally independent and shall always be as open as a conversation between friends.

3) We are a social movement persistent laws are enacted concerning capitalism whereby food, clothing and specialty retailers divide a majority of the businesses for independent ownership and a limited number of franchise stores. All businesses are subject to certifications.

4) We are a social movement persistent laws are enacted for a defined tax on the earnings of single persons and groups. Ensuring we will pay our share and receive an education, social services and justly enforced rules of law.

5) We are a social movement persistent our federal government’s foreign policy idealize economic gain and good will, intellectual growth, artistic expression and progression to a military, home stationed, for national defense and trained in natural disaster relief.

6) We are a social movement whose intention is to evolve as a tree grows and our achievements, the nourishing fruit, is an educated vote for a politician who will be respectful of the common and the greater good.

7) We are a social movement believing in democracy and capitalism. We believe recognition and recourse of our present and future frustrations will bring about new hopes and new insights for our nations refinement. We believe the government represents us. Finally, we believe all of this is easy if we are willing.



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