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Forum Post: These are Radical Times - PLEASE READ

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 4:11 a.m. EST by reason531 (2)
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I honestly haven’t seen a single intelligent argument against Ron Paul thus far. I'm a recent college graduate and majored in economics. I have student loans and am buried in debt, with a low to average income. To me, he still makes the most sense for young voters, being socially liberal, anti-war, and aiming to simplify and reduce federal spending and corruption. I don't want hand outs, I just want a chance to make it on my own. Ron Paul has been the most consistent with his beliefs unlike the other GOP candidates who are just trying to get elected. Don't even get me started on Obama the biggest liar of all.

IF ANYTHING, please read the causes for stagflation in wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stagflation , or read from any other source if you prefer.

This is exactly what is going on in the US today and it is because of too much government intervention, regulation, excessively printing money to justify spending, etc. Ron Paul is the only one that has a plan to combat this. Yes he’s radical, but these are radical times. Please register republican asap so you can vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. Otherwise the biased media (aka the 1%) will not let him have a voice in this election.



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[-] 3 points by DeadHand (45) 13 years ago

If you don't mind being poisoned by unregulated corporations....go ahead and vote for Paul. I mean we are being poisoned now WITH regulation...without it...I dont think you have a clue...

No enviromental regulations, there is no way an individual citizen can realistically monitor what they do. And if they are poisoning you, you might not know it for years, so saying "well, people can just not patronize their products" is the far side of absurd.

Some of these people are out and out sociopaths....they'd love to put paint in milk just like they do in china

[-] 1 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago


[-] 3 points by DeadHand (45) 13 years ago

If Paul/ libertarians supported getting rid of the legal personhood of Corporations (and, for the supposed constitutionalists they are, they really dont get this aspect), and made them much more accountable in the court system....then that could be a way towards less government regulation....but they wont do that

The thing is, a lot of them are really more interested in money than human freedom, whatever their rhetoric

[-] 3 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago


It's all in where they come from, at least here (American Libertarians are an embarrassment to the international variety). It's oriented towards the market and profit, justice and other human values are an afterthought - except for liberty - meaning "don't you dare expect me to have any social responsibility." It's Austrian economics and all the rest.. Koch Industries is all for a weakened, libertarian government - says it all...

As much as I loathe Ayn Rand, I thank her for crystallizing the "morality" behind it all.

[-] 1 points by DeadHand (45) 13 years ago

I do think, theoretically, OWS can and should make common cause with Paul supporters on issues like

-full transparency of the Fed -cutting the military and stopping these stupid wars

[-] 1 points by Alice (46) from Staten Island, NY 13 years ago


[-] -1 points by reason531 (2) 13 years ago

I disagree; I think you don't have a clue. Because regulation leads to bribery and corruption of the government. A lot of these countries- China, North Korea, Russia back in the day (and even now)- they all have seen extreme regulation and guess what? Government bribes are the NORM. US Companies that expand their businesses internationally to these regions actually include a budget for bribes and classify these expenses as "gate fees," because that is the only way to function in that culture. How do I know this? I work in forensic audit and have seen it time and time again. Why would I want to have more of that rather than transparency? Maybe if the fed's involvement in aiding and bailing out corporations was diminished, OWS could actually do something to combat corporate greed. For example, only do business with honest, morally-agreeable companies and let capitalism take the rest down. This will NEVER happen while the government is providing tax payer funded subsidies to sketchy companies like.... oh I don't know cough Solyndra*cough.

[-] 2 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago

I thought this was a pretty intelligent argument. One of many here that are dismissed with mindless propaganda about the elegant and perfect workings of the free market by brainwashed fanatics who spend too much time on infowars.com and mises.org.


[-] 2 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 13 years ago

I'm surprised you haven't read a single intelligent argument against Ron Paul... have you been reading?

On an economical level - it doesn't seem simple to me. If we go back the gold standard, we would be scrambling to close the deficit, meaning the Fed Reserve would be sucking money out of the economy at incredible rates. Why do you assume this would be good for our nation?

On a social level - I'm not convinced that "free-market" everything is the way to go - do I want education to be privatized? No. Do I want companies to self-regulate themselves? No. Do I want consumers to be in charge of keeping tabs on the products they buy without any governmental oversight? No. Do I want to rid of the EPA? No. Do I want to rid of protections for workers that eliminate the minimum wage? No.

On a more philosophical level, I would like to see a society that aims to care for one another - that aims for the wellbeing of all of its members - that aims to rid of poverty, etc.

[-] 1 points by reason531 (2) 13 years ago

see my comment above^

[-] 1 points by BonaFidePublius (93) 13 years ago

Politics will not work, philosophy is the answer. Ron Paul is a good man, but one man cannot solve this puzzle. Think, and concepts will become clear, not those of society, but of knowledge.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

Ron Pauls anti-war argument is a financial one which is sound

but I don't think he has any plans to provide public healthcare

[-] 1 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago


Job boom plan for America

For the protest to guarantee winning the next election the plan needs to be force the multinationals to buy all their supplies made by American workers. Prevent any imports from China and known slave states from being unloaded. The 13th amendment abolished slavery. Having slave made goods in America is unconstitutional.

Unions should have their own pay scale. Any workers who don't want to join the union will need to negotiate their own pension, their own wages, their own health care.

End all tax deductions or tax credits and use a sales tax to collect taxes so even criminals will pay their taxes. Eliminate the entire IRS which would save $400 billion annually.

To refuse to vote for that platform would be stupid and insane.The privileged keep ripping all the rest of us off and we are morons allowing that to happen. Any person against this plan is sabotaging the OWS protest and needs to be heard. Let's hear any reason to oppose this end globalization screw job.

[-] -1 points by reason531 (2) 13 years ago

a) To imply that he would make the country revert back to the gold standard in 1 day is ridiculous; it would be a gradual, revaluation of our currency...which is a good thing. I recommend you read the book Aftershock for more information. b) He doesn't want the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT regulating these things, because we have seen how ineffective the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has been at creating jobs, improving education, preventing fraud, etc. Ron Paul wants to give that power to the states, and have the fed limit itself to the fundamentals of the Constitution. States will be more efficient at managing their programs because there's a shorter pipeline, more knowledge about their individual needs, etc.

We can't keep complaining about why the government isn't taken care of us...it's just not going to happen. It's not in 99% of politicians' agenda, which is why I'll vote for the libertarian who wants limited government. I would rather be given complete freedom to make something of myself.