Forum Post: These are not the Droids your looking for
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 12:16 p.m. EST by Gbus
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Why does everyone think that the NWO is something that GOING to happen? your IS the NWO already...while you were busy listening to Alex Jones 9/11 is the NWO.......hey even JEDI knights were involved in politics........they know better then to clog up the subways.....
“Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?”
"Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?"
The Debt Star will be completed on schedule, Lord Soros.
I wish people would stop trying to perpetuate this whole "George Soros started OWS" thing, it's such bullshit.........
Because if your business was failing you would hope someone bails you out get what i am saying stop making excuses and make a real difference
Who's making excuses?.......OWS is attempting to hold accountable those who have destroyed our economy and livelihood for monetary gain of a few's not my problem if Nixon and the gang has convinced you that peace, love, good music and going against the status quo is a bad thing, Nixon started the drug war for example, because people who use drugs, didn't support's just so typical of an old school ignorant American to lean on that old saying "get a job hippie"........remeber the south not that many years ago?....string em up? you really want to side with the likes of the KKk or the Nazis?.......clean up the streets?.....clean the genepoole of all the dirty colors?......c'mon your an American in the year can do better then that!
Your conspiracies are just that a conspiracy not a fact you are looking for an excuse for what people have gotten themselves into and are to immature to deal with it like adults. Why have a peaceful riot like arabs the people who were brought up wanting to kill YOU. You have two ear and one mouth for a reason so listen before you go talking young padawan
No one said anything about the word Conspiracy, the KKK is very real, and so were the Nazis, and Nixon was real person you really think that Arabs want to kill ME?.....or perhaps you haven't noticed that Arabs are now the new niggers on the block, thanks to the media knowing that Americans are easily manipulated into thinking such things, America is a horribly racist you seem bent on "facts"'s a fact, the war on "terrorism" a war on you.....not Arabs.....anyone who opposes what the government wants is now known as a terrorist......
There you go with a conspiracy again you are hopeless and a good reason things are the way they are
stop putting words in my mouth, if you have zero common sense and can't quite figure out that the education level of Americans is low by design, and keeps dropping, to keep you stupid enough to keep buying crap you don't need, then it will be a shock when you have that revelation.......btw i'm not A young padawan, i'm a middle aged Canadian, with a wife and kids, not some schmuck down on the corner who doesn't have any life experience whining about the government, I spent my youth blocking logging trucks from destroying my homeland and watersheds, and in the process learned that the authorities don't protect what the people want, they protect the business that make them money, and apart of that process, involves brainwashing weak minded people like you into thinking that anyone who thinks for themselves, is a conspirator retard follower, but the truth is, you are the retard follower who can't pull the propaganda out of his ass that was shoved up there so far that it blocks your brain from functioning properly enough to see the truth.
See you should have said you are from canada in the first place then you being rompus asshole would have made sense go back to making maple syurp so i can have my pancakes
Rompus assholes don't care to talk about about the state of the world, the suffering of others or anything but themselves for that matter, like you, you have a job, your doing good, so who gives a fuck right?........we should all just get a job and be like you...........and a Canadian, I can travel to Arab countries without feeling threatened, but you on the other hand, yes Arabs are pissed at you, not because they are terrorists who want to harm you, but because of the perpetuation of Arabs being seen as "terrorists" be safe, you would either need an "OccupyWallStreet" badge, or a Canadian flag on your person, the whole world is aware of the tyrannical government ruling class.......well, everyone except you apparently...
Well if everyone did have a job and was happy like I was there would be no complaining so with that you can suck a bag of dicks. Noone cares about you if you died in five minutes not only would I be happy but still wouldnt give a shit thats.why im saying it is a person themselves that can make thenselves better. Who cares if you have to take a low paying job for a while, if everyone would do that things would start to turn around protesting gets you nowhere. If this was ancient rome do you think this would have went on for more than an hour. Eh?
Rome was a very wealthy, happy, prosperous society until.........Caesar messed with the currency, stamped his face on the gold to live out his sick, egotistical, sociopath
Wow since you know so much you should be the leader of ows hopefully someone will shoot you
You can do better then that c'mon! you're an American! you have the brains to figure it out and the passion to take action because your sick of being fucked around by your lying fascist government that squanders all your tax money away instead of using it to better your life and the country!
Gbus that's a well put comment.
A lot of people don't realize that Iraq was based on money and not terrorism. American Troops, NATO missiles, and UN sanctions have killed more innocent Iraqi citizens than Saddam ever killed in GOVERNMENT justification based on Kuwait, which was 1,000 people. Is Saddam still a piece of shit? Yes. Was he a threat to our nation? Fuck no. I had no idea we are the World Police, but hey that's why GHWB called it the New World Order, he just forgot to include only when it involves money. Which is why we have yet to go after North korea for their threats.
prospering businesses can't exist without failing businesses. a Failing one is a good indication of a product or service that is undesirable or one that can't compete within it's own market.
NO, if my business fails it will fail. I'll not have big brother put me on some life support and I'll not be subject to it's meddling into my private affairs as a result.
Well I dont wanna be broke so I make sure of that like everyone else should instead ofof collecting unemployment and making everything worse
collecting unemployment does not make everything's a very degrading and humiliating place to be, this whole stereotype of protesting hippies on unemployment is not's propaganda aimed at people like you who will believe it and perpetuate the stereotype........the real problem is mega banks and corporations taking massive bailouts of your money, you the taxpayer, when they don't need it..........this is what OWS is all about, they are mad because everyday average people, if we start a business, and it goes bankrupt, too bad, tough shit, try again..........but these big banks and businesses like GM and bank of America for example, get billions in taxpayer bailouts....for what?......why are WE the people paying to bailout their failing businesses? there something i'm missing here?...get what I'm saying?.........
Lets blame Wall street for the protest, make them pay for has their name all over it......
Yeah but all this is going to do is raise taxes. Somebody has to pay for all the extra police when this is over
The real problem is people spending money they dont have. if you dont have it dont charge it that just puts you into debt....did you ever think these banks lend you their money and people dont pay it back thank those assholes
Yeah but me who has a job, which i just got and it was very quick getting one has to suffer for others ignorance. Maybe these people arent qualified for jobs they are goingfor and need to go for something more there pace
yea maybe, it would be nice if new and interesting well paying jobs became available, that's what alot of this is about, hey just because you have a job doesn't mean you need to pay for the protesters ignorance, you could just as easily say that you are paying too much taxes because the country feels the need to constantly be at war......which costs Trillions.....who's more ignorant?, the government...or the protesters?.....or all of the above?
The "99%" of Americans.....are still viewed as the wealthy 1% to impoverished starving communities in third world countries.........if you really want to be a 1%-er.........go to Angola......or Somalia.......or Ethiopia......
Maybe we will get lucky and a few of theses aholes will fall in front of a train
Hey c'mon now, the protesters have their hearts in the right place, there just doing it wrong is all....they need a Yoda to consult.....
You are just going along with everyone else you want a percentage 95% of people are followers so hate me for being in the 5% that choses to lead.. If this was a mass suicide would you be standing right next to these people
LULZ this is not a mass suicide first of all....
And you call yourself a leader.. yet you spend your free time on a website telling people how you are better than others? Wow... I thought I was bored. What have you been a leader of?
I have a job. If people don't have a job does that mean they don't deserve their constitutional rights?
Your on here too you fucking retard .... and i never said anything about rights but since you bring it up i have my rights to oppose this dont i. Maybe i lead something you followed, you would have no clue of my point go drown yourself in a toliet, since I have the right to say that