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Forum Post: There is only one true revolution...

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 5:22 p.m. EST by theinnerrevolution (6) from Cambridge, England
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The only revolution that will change the world is the one that will happen in your heart and mind. http://www.facebook.com/the.inner.revolution



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[-] 2 points by sophiaomni (289) 13 years ago

The revolution of the heart and mind definitely should come first, but then you have to take the revolution to the streets. Otherwise you have an impotent revolution.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago


All great sages of humanity were progressive in their outlook, fought for Social Justice and NOT simply through "prayer and meditation", but by jumping into the fray and getting their hands DIRTY. Such was the case of The Buddha, Confucius, Pythagoras, Socrates, and last but not least, the great Jewish Prophets, including Yeshua (Jesus)...

Quite a contrast with the many contemporary American "pop-idol gurus" who seem to have their asses sown to a meditation cushion or pink yoga mat... Small wonder, as many of them declare that "this world is an illusion" and that "there are no injustices"!

When the riots broke out in London, Eckhart Tolle was quoted as saying on his publisher's website that the protesters were stuck in "the sad story of me"... Not a word of compassion, not a smidgen of insight about the violence ON THE PART OF THE SYSTEM which was the root cause of these riots. Even the British newspapers were far more balanced in their analysis than Oprah's guru...

Very disappointing indeed, coming from a man who declares himself "fully awakened" (To quote him : 'If the Buddha said I wasn't, I would think: "So even the Buddha can be mistaken!") and claims to prepare from the comfort of his meditation cushion the advent of "a new earth"...

[-] 1 points by sophiaomni (289) 13 years ago

You should sit your ass on a cushion and then get your ass out into the streets. Great insights, Tiouaise!

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"You should sit your ass on a cushion and then get your ass out into the streets."

Ha! ha! ha! I love that, "sophiaomni"!!! Both humorous and wise...

The "inner revolution/outer revolution" is a FALSE DICHOTOMY. Few people realize that the BUDDHA himself was a PEACE ACTIVIST. He often traveled to try and arrange truces between warring kingdoms. And CONFUCIUS was deeply involved in the politics of his time.

[-] 1 points by theinnerrevolution (6) from Cambridge, England 13 years ago

Of course you are right that sitting on our bottom with our head in the clouds is no going to change anything. My only message is that if people don't change from inside before going to the streets it will end up with "business as usual". The root of the disasters we see outside are lying inside and thinking that the poor will be better than the rich is also being very confused with the nature of pain on this planet.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

True... but for most of us, the inner and outer work are accomplished simultaneously.

If we all insisted on becoming "fully enlightened Buddhas" before doing anything about America's problems, the ship of state would quickly sink before we had a chance to fix it...

[-] 1 points by theinnerrevolution (6) from Cambridge, England 13 years ago

We all have a part to play in this, it will happen, it is coming...

[-] 1 points by OccupyLink (529) 13 years ago

The real revolution is the practical one. It is the one that stops these Banking creeps getting these mega bonuses this Christmas. Focus on it!!

[-] 1 points by theinnerrevolution (6) from Cambridge, England 13 years ago

Those bonuses are obcenes and we can genuilly be angry about it but how do you know that you would not do the same if you were in their position ? think carefully before answering. If your answer is no then congratulations you are a true accomplished wise soul.

[-] 1 points by theinnerrevolution (6) from Cambridge, England 13 years ago

I agree then we can safely take the revolution to the street. If the heart and the mind are not clear history will repeat itself.