Forum Post: There is an Opportunity here for Global Change
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 4:44 a.m. EST by iseeamuse
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is in response to MichaelFerrer's "Disorganization and Demands" post, and from the position of an at-home supporter.
OWS needs to seize the opportunity laid before it to demand the discussion of our global economic system(s). We need to understand our potential for real earnest change, and organize our tacitcs.
The website, especially the forum needs to be changed to handle volume of discussion necessary. More infrastructure is needed to handle the media output coming from the streets, and some regular publication needs to be maintained to keep communication with the general supporting public.
It needs to be understood that this should now be considered a global movement requiring free and open communication. Those at home on their computers have just as much opportunity to contribute to the action as those actually occupying. We need to be sharing our ideas, and organizing a platform, an economic model, a hope and plan for the future that understands all of our rights, responsibilities and limitations as human beings.
The whole world is watching, and waiting to see what comes next. We have taken a stance and have opened the doors for debate. Let's see this through.