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Forum Post: There has been some debate on this subject in our occupation group concerning voter registration

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 5, 2011, 9:48 p.m. EST by Evesangel (1)
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Has there been any consensus concerning voter registration by Occupy Wall Street?



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[-] 1 points by Evesangel (1) 13 years ago

Maybe Im not understanding your answer or I wasnt being clear in my question...sorry if its either of those things...but , what I meant to ask was will OWS be actively seeking to register people to vote or is it discouraged as an action under the OWS name?

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Voter apathy has been a huge contributer to this mess. You'll hear lots of interesting discussions on things like the Sovereign movement, the direct democracy advocates, and the anarchist crowd but that isn't going to register with the average voter (if you'll excuse the pun). I put it this way in one of my first posts here:

"I'm a farmer. I know a good machine from a crappy one (read Egypt). But a good machine in the hands of a lousy operator leads to damaged equipment and loss of crop leading to debts and hunger. We're coming out with better machines all the time but keeping the machine I have running productively means I can acquire a state-of-the-art machine sooner. So let's fix the machine we have (the ballot box is your tool box) while we discuss the new machine."

OWS may be every extreme under the sun, but the 99% will include them too. I have trouble with 'official' statements coming from the unelected "facilitators" of the NYCGA saying 'we' are leaderless/apolitical. Seems rather convenient if you're misleading a mass movement. Why dos the NYCGA cling to their untenable position and not endorse the National General Assembly?

NGA NOW all roads lead to Philadelphia July 4th 2012


[-] 1 points by acbdefg (51) 13 years ago

Yes, anyone can vote and if the leaders don't like the outcome, they can veto the outcome and pass the laws by being leaders. Problem solved.