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Forum Post: There are now 20 new Parties in the United States of America!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 6:48 a.m. EST by jameswestonmusic (222) from Los Angeles, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Finally, a dialogue has opened up! For years we waited, as our government squabbled behind closed doors like seagulls fighting over a fish... the money was "up for grabs" as they became clouded and arrogant. Running a campaign became a "reality TV event". And we sat, waiting for someone else to lead us. Now, there are no leaders. There are only people. We the People, and we are ready to lead. We lead collectively, the way it was meant to be. We discuss ideas, with no discourse. intellectually. elect.

now to the point of my "title"

most of the time i spend in a forum, I run into either a "troll" (which is a 99%'er that hasn't quite realized it.), or short answered, off topic opinions.
Yet, on occasion, someone posts something amazing. Stating facts and knowledge, cautious word choice, and ideas founded on real thought. Then, I think about D.C. It's like Thunderdome there, and it won't get better without a little medicine.
That medicine is the 99%. We are the white blood cells, and we are numerous! We must FIX this, because, we built this city, people. (joke_)

KEEP POSTING INTELLIGENT TRUTH. We are all in it together. out = jw




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[-] 1 points by adeed (7) 13 years ago

نظام لا يولد سوى الحروب و الفقر و التهميش و دمار البيئة الطبيعية و الاجتماعية في كل البلدان، نظام يقوم على النهب و الفساد و التمييز و تسفيه القيم، يجب أن يسقط .. أيتها الشعوب المضطهدة توحدي و احتلي مدن العالم

A regime that only breeds to war, poverty, marginalization and destruction of the natural environment and social development in all countries, A regime which is based on plunder and corruption, discrimination and undermine the values​​, must fall .. O oppressed peoples unitive, and occupy the cities of the whole world

Un régime qui se reproduit uniquement à la guerre, la pauvreté, la marginalisation et la destruction de l'environnement naturel et le développement social dans tous les pays, un régime qui est basé sur le pillage et la corruption, la discrimination et de saper les valeurs, doit tomber .. O unitive des peuples opprimés, et occupent les villes du monde entier

[-] 1 points by mbss (35) from Glasgow, Skottland 13 years ago

In every Federal election there are 30-40 parties forwarding candidates for president. Sadly, most voters haven't a clue--and most candidates are unable to access state ballots thanks to a very tight two-party system that has helped to create the OWS phenomenon. Take a look at ballot access laws state-by-state and you'll be alarmed! People like Ralph Nader who has run for president, what 5-6 times, has never gotten on more than perhaps 16 state ballots. I think that Michael Badnarik managed to get on 50 of 51 ballots 8 years ago--more than any 3rd party candidate in history! It's not an easy road for US democracy in practice.

[-] 1 points by jameswestonmusic (222) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

because you have to have BIG money to run. Popularity contest in "old" media. Well, new media is here. Livestream, and social networking sites put us all in charge, kind of hard to shovel propaganda on people now. I think there is a real possibility for a 3rd party to win in 2012.. the peoples party. I know I'm a dreamer, I'm not the only one. (thanks John)

[-] 1 points by mbss (35) from Glasgow, Skottland 13 years ago

Agreed. All PACs and political donations should be disallowed. Serious candidates, nominated by their parties, should be supported equitably, with huge limits, by tax-payers. Plenty of challenges here too, but worth development.