Forum Post: there are enough private planes and yachts already.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:34 p.m. EST by Rob
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Time to shut down the manufacturers as only the wealthy can buy these items. GM should only build 1 model with no trim options as this will cause wealth envy and only those with more money could afford them. Financial equality for all.
To viewers: Please don't mistake this forum for the movement. Posts like this one do not represent the movement's principles in the slightest, and are merely an attempt by its opposers to degrade it.
If you're tired of deliberate provokers such as this one^, please help migrate users over to the more moderated and organized forum at . Thanks.
Then what is your movement? All that I see is the demand for financial equality, living wage, the wealthy have too much money, blah blah blah. This movement is more about wealth envy trying to be disguised as a fight against corruption.
If that's all you see then you're not looking hard enough.
I also see nefarious forces at work, but I am not going to go there.
Keep looking.
I looked behind the curtain, you do not want to know what I saw.
Since by your language in posts you are deliberately provoking rather than engaging in civilized debate, no, I'm not interested in what you have to say.
If people aren't listening to you, it's easy to blame the audience for being naive. Do the more difficult thing and ask yourself if you're really presenting your points in the manner that's most likely to get a good response.
That's if you're actually out to be constructive. Which I doubt. But just in case.
What was behind the curtain?
There are people pulling strings and all these puppets are doing the masters bidding. This is a classic example of groupthink.