Forum Post: theorycle19
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 6:56 a.m. EST by theorycle19
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Whose government? Our government. I hope to see you occupy a seat beside every legislator and shadow their official actions. That way you can know who is for us and who is against us. In the process you will know how to run this government and we can put you in their places. You are the new wave of protest. You are from the same sea of past protests against our runaway government. I was a part of those. You are offering the greedy of this country an invitation to improve themselves and the world. I hope they accept it. The world is watching. The opportunity might not knock again. Blinded by their haughtiness, they might drown in the "red sea" as others in history did before them.