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Forum Post: Their rules are only valid if we the people choose to enforce them

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 3:51 a.m. EST by kilroy (58) from Orlando, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The 1% is controlling us by use of the GOLDEN RULE, those with the GOLD MAKE THE RULES. The few have control over the many because they have control of the system. In this system we obey laws and rules, pay taxes and countless fees while the few collect at every angle. You’ve heard it before “You can’t do that they’ll just pass it on” and they do. In this system we systematically felonize anyone who may not agree and strip them of their right to vote. The SYSTEM is CORRUPT. The system is very difficult to change following the existing rules which they have set up. The RULES are only valid if we the people choose to enforce them upon ourselves. We are our own jailers. It is difficult to do or say anything without having to explain to authorities why. We live in a POLICE STATE. There are cameras everywhere. Your Internet search history is cataloged, your TV viewing, your every non cash financial transaction. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING. What do we need? We need a system that is composed of outright LIBERTY. It should be a crime against society to catalog and create databases and profiles of the PEOPLE of the world. Government needs be limited in its scope as to its citizens. That said, CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE, they have no heartbeat, and should be held accountable to the people. Society will allow great profits to those who profit society but not to those who wish to drain the society’s resources. It is the advancement of civilization and the respect of the individual that should be foremost in Government. That Government serves as a tool to UNITE society to accomplish what one cannot do by themselves so that all have a stake and therefore a say. To eliminate the corruption of government it is necessary to eliminate the corrupting forces in government. Eliminate the money, the lobbyists; the jobs given to those in power - eliminate the power of money. We live in a new age it is possible for everyone to have a say if they choose. Distribute the power and let all have a say. How? Civil Disobedience – The Rules only exist so long as the people are willing to let them. Remain Leaderless – They can fight the one they cannot fight the many Grow- Encourage others to stand with the PEOPLE even those you may think your enemy



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by SanityScribe (452) 13 years ago

I'm mad as hell....and in TX also :)

And I approve of this message.

I addressed that topic as well...


[-] 1 points by thoreau42 (595) 13 years ago

Except the people are unwilling for the government to enforce even the most basic and first law of the land, The Constitution. Not gonna happen, homie.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

I'm Mad As Hell, and I totally approve of this message!

They get bailouts, we get sellouts? Fuck that, kick 'em to the curb!