Forum Post: Thee solution, that will put US back where we belong! please read...tell all,
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 12:05 a.m. EST by scobeone
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Life, liberty…in the pursuit of happiness.
This is what it’s about, and the story goes on. Back in the day’ of the founding fathers of this country. Brilliant minds gathered and formed a concept and guidelines to follow so we could achieve Life, liberty…in the pursuit of happiness.
Well, we have blown that right out of the water. Life is your health. Liberty, you’ll know that if you’re educated. Pursuit of happiness. Starting our first in reverse order. The pursuit of happiness’ is the life you live. How much happiness you experience will depend on your education which gives you liberty. Throw it all out if you’re not healthy.
So working this out into our reality-we need to be healthy, money should not be a problem. Nowadays lots of talk about health care…coverage...who is and who is not. I’m looking at big picture. We need to have everyone covered period. But wait…think…. We pay all this money for premiums for everyone and then wait for people to get justify the money we already have spent. This is too expensive it would cost too much. So instead of paying premiums. We pay for services when needed.
Healthcare costs are going up and to cover everyone will break all of our backs, so to speak.
We eliminate healthcare insurance. No Medicare or medical. No more plans period.
This is how it will work. A person has to go to the doctor and goes, the doctor bills the fed. End of story.
Some areas the emergency bills are so outrageous. This could have been avoided if people had seen a doctor sooner. We have created extra costs into our system of healthcare. That needs to change. I don’t want the government to control healthcare; I just want them to pay for it. I get to get specifics later. I will speak about the liberties, which are achieved through education.
Education should be free period. Which would mean that you would not have to fill out a lot of financial paperwork. All the people, whose job is to give out grant money, they will need to find new jobs and so on. The whole business of education funding will be eliminated. The attendants pay nothing…the schools bill the FED. Just like the doctors and hospitals. Everyone goes to school if they want to. Our people will become more healthy, more productive and smarter. We will become much stronger, in so many ways.
Now hold on…. This sounds like some kind of socialism. Whatever.
We need to talk. We have seen what happens economically to our beautiful country, when the wrong principles are guiding us. We do not have to reinvent the wheel, it’s not broken. It’s just gone. We need to build another ‘so to speak.
Introduction Going to get more specific in the following areas; Life and your health, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness.
Health So many topics and issues here, I’ll point out first we are spending a fortune talking about healthcare issues…sup w/that. I should write a book on that and make a lot of money.
My first reaction is that, hang on here, I’m already covered…and this sounds like I’ll going to pay more money for something I already have just so people who don’t have anything have something. I don’t want to change its going to cost me.
Starting with our health, we get sick, go to the doctor; we do the paperwork with the insurance company and so on. Some people have no insurance, they get sick…. They lose work…sometimes their job. They fall behind financially at a time when they need money…not a good story. Eventually they get so sick that they end in an emergency room.
And the taxpayer end up having to pay…these costs are figured into the hospital, doctor services. We all have to pay…currently has it is.
-My idea is that when you feel bad you go to the doctor. The doctor bills the fed, period.
Fewer people will end up in the emergency room. More people will show up at work healthy.
To make that happen, well change is going come. part 2 will follow!
I am always surprised that large corporations aren't pushing a plan like you have proposed. One of the biggest costs a large corporation has, is managing and providing health insurance to it's employees. These corporations would be way ahead if they could dump that cost and administrative burden even of it meant paying a higher tax on profits because they would be making substantially more money if they didn't have the health care burden, plus they would still receive the benefits of having a happy and healthy workforce unlike companies that do not offer benefits at all which is becoming more and more the norm these days!! Oh and by the way, for those who think this will cost jobs, it will cost jobs in the insurance industry but it will be more than made up by all the hiring other industries will be able to do because they no longer have the huge expense of having to provide health insurance to employees! Seems like a win win to me!!
part 2...A lot of people will lose their jobs. Simply by eliminating health insurance...a whole industry of jobs will disappear. Currently many states currently have training programs that are already paid for. For people who become unemployed, who get pay while they get trained/going to school etc. So there is an answer to that issue.
The complete business of health insurance involves many aspects. First making profit. Which is done by limiting paying for services. If not they would be out of business. It involves a process of billing, with patient and doctors etc. This process costs doctors, who hire staff who handle and process the insurance claims. This raises the total cost of all services delivered factored in as the cost of doing business.
Now in my life every time I speak with a person of importance and I speak them saying ‘we should get rid off the health insurance companies’…. They will jump in and say ’Well …they are too big…you’ll never get rid of them. They are powerful and have lots of money etc.”
Well I beg to differ. I have contacted a big insurance carrier…spoke with people who were in management. It kinda went like this…I knew that to be in insurance of their type etc….there is a pool of money that is untouchable so to speak. Premiums going into this fund. And from this fund, money is distributed to the doctors’ etc. The fund is kinda like a bond to do business. Well if all the companies could take that fund and walk away…they would make a fortune. I mentioned ‘hey if you guys could walk with all the money would you?’ They basically said …we would run! Eliminating health insurance…. So there is an answer to that issue.
Currently I’m covered by health insurance, and it does not cover cost of healing me. I pay in each month and I have to pay more…’co-payments’. I have been paying in my own life and when I need it the most….it does not pay. So I ask myself…why? I’m I wasting my money each month. I should have opened up my own bank account just for medical help and put in monthly deposits. Had I done that, well I would have easily paid for my healthcare, because I would have had the money. I would be healthy and would be out spending money on things I want and need. Having fun working.
I have noticed the advances of medicine. It’s almost miraculous…new science and machines. We are advancing in research finding causes, discovering solutions to help conditions etc. this cost huge amounts of capital. We all have to pay. I be thinkin again…all the fancy new machines designed to find out how to save the worst case scenarios…the money spent here is huge. We all are paying, in the cost of services…factored in. I have experience these machines…tested in many. I have cancer. After they finished all the tests. It boiled down to…sorry good luck. Wish we could have seen you when it was first diagnosed. My first thought...well why was I not seen earlier? They would have stopped the cancer. I would not have got into those fancy machines…that tell me exactly how I’m going to die. It is this equipment that has cost us, sure it is good to some degree. A lot cheaper to prevent. The total unnecessary costs associated with health care…take up most of the money. Healthcare prices are going up….everything else is not keeping pace. This is hurting us. I was not seen earlier…because of the referral system relating to services that are rendered by insurance companies. The process takes time, as you go from to doctor to doctor – at this point, it is not a matter of whets wrong, or figuring how are we going to fix it. They know exactly what to do. It is a problem…finding the proper wording to put on the insurance forms so they can get paid. Lots of things are not covered. For example I had surgery, insurance does not paid for pain relief during the surgery. I had to pay that. They could have at least given me a bone to chew.
part 3 coming!
part 2...A lot of people will lose their jobs. Simply by eliminating health insurance...a whole industry of jobs will disappear. Currently many states currently have training programs that are already paid for. For people who become unemployed, who get pay while they get trained/going to school etc. So there is an answer to that issue.
The complete business of health insurance involves many aspects. First making profit. Which is done by limiting paying for services. If not they would be out of business. It involves a process of billing, with patient and doctors etc. This process costs doctors, who hire staff who handle and process the insurance claims. This raises the total cost of all services delivered factored in as the cost of doing business.
Now in my life every time I speak with a person of importance and I speak them saying ‘we should get rid off the health insurance companies’…. They will jump in and say ’Well …they are too big…you’ll never get rid of them. They are powerful and have lots of money etc.”
Well I beg to differ. I have contacted a big insurance carrier…spoke with people who were in management. It kinda went like this…I knew that to be in insurance of their type etc….there is a pool of money that is untouchable so to speak. Premiums going into this fund. And from this fund, money is distributed to the doctors’ etc. The fund is kinda like a bond to do business. Well if all the companies could take that fund and walk away…they would make a fortune. I mentioned ‘hey if you guys could walk with all the money would you?’ They basically said …we would run! Eliminating health insurance…. So there is an answer to that issue.
Currently I’m covered by health insurance, and it does not cover cost of healing me. I pay in each month and I have to pay more…’co-payments’. I have been paying in my own life and when I need it the most….it does not pay. So I ask myself…why? I’m I wasting my money each month. I should have opened up my own bank account just for medical help and put in monthly deposits. Had I done that, well I would have easily paid for my healthcare, because I would have had the money. I would be healthy and would be out spending money on things I want and need. Having fun working.
I have noticed the advances of medicine. It’s almost miraculous…new science and machines. We are advancing in research finding causes, discovering solutions to help conditions etc. this cost huge amounts of capital. We all have to pay. I be thinkin again…all the fancy new machines designed to find out how to save the worst case scenarios…the money spent here is huge. We all are paying, in the cost of services…factored in. I have experience these machines…tested in many. I have cancer. After they finished all the tests. It boiled down to…sorry good luck. Wish we could have seen you when it was first diagnosed. My first thought...well why was I not seen earlier? They would have stopped the cancer. I would not have got into those fancy machines…that tell me exactly how I’m going to die. It is this equipment that has cost us, sure it is good to some degree. A lot cheaper to prevent. The total unnecessary costs associated with health care…take up most of the money. Healthcare prices are going up….everything else is not keeping pace. This is hurting us. I was not seen earlier…because of the referral system relating to services that are rendered by insurance companies. The process takes time, as you go from to doctor to doctor – at this point, it is not a matter of whets wrong, or figuring how are we going to fix it. They know exactly what to do. It is a problem…finding the proper wording to put on the insurance forms so they can get paid. Lots of things are not covered. For example I had surgery, insurance does not paid for pain relief during the surgery. I had to pay that. They could have at least given me a bone to chew.
part 3 coming!