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Forum Post: The Zeitgeist Movement Adresses OWS, link attached

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 10:43 p.m. EST by kevinsutavee (209)
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8 minute address from Peter Joseph recorded yesterday..




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[-] 4 points by OWSNewPartyTakeNY2012 (195) 13 years ago

If they want everyone to believe in a resource based economy. They are going to have to build one and test it. They are asking for the world to be changed in the name of a hypothesis. Not very scientific. I'm not saying Project Venus is a bad idea, I'm saying they need some strong evidence. Also taking an account of all the earths resources could take centuries. It's not practical. While you guys are busy trying to figure out the amount of all the resources, someone is going to pull the rug out from under you.

[-] 1 points by Quark (236) 13 years ago

Please, it can work if politicians & corporations stay away. In fact it is the only way to save us from doom.


Have you watched this. It makes great sense.

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

also given today's technolgy with satellite imaging (infra red).. it will not take very long at all to map much of the world's resources.. not all of them probably.. but a start.. obviously this is a great departure from the current.. so a transition would be best accomplished in phases.. these phases to be planned out by the best and brightest minds in the scientific community which i do not pretend to be in league with

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

excellent point!!! truely clever... so does it just end there? thats it.. we don't make the effort?

[-] 2 points by OWSNewPartyTakeNY2012 (195) 13 years ago

who's we? you guys don't need an account of all the earths resources, nor could you get one. China is not going to just let you role through with a spectrometer. Many materials are also being processed and changed as we speak so it would be very difficult to get an accurate reading. if you have the tech to build self sustaining cities, do it. One brick at a time. On the other hand saying " I have a plan but I will need the cooperation of all of earths people and access to all of earths resources to execute it." Nobody will truly believe it's achievable.

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

you say noboby... yet i believe.. so that debunks your debunking statement right there... if the world's population rally around an idea anything is possible.. you mention china.. do you remember tienamim square?? if the people of the planet realize this is in their best interest who's to say it noonve will believe its achievable..

[-] 1 points by OWSNewPartyTakeNY2012 (195) 13 years ago

Ok I over reached when I said "nobody" but, If you studied sociology or evolutionary group behavior you would know that it is practically impossible to get 100% of a large population to behave similarly for the greater good of the whole group. Whatever it is you want to do, some people will see it as an opportunity to enrich themselves doing the opposite. As for Tienanmen Square, the Chinese people had and still have a lot of hard evidence that they are being oppressed by their government. The evidence of the oppression is what helped them take collective action. Of all the inventions the Venus Project wants to use to have self sustaining cities, they have build no working models in advance. If you want to use stuff that other people have already invented that's fine, but what about the stuff that hasn't been invented yet? Who is going to build it where and when?

[-] 2 points by technoviking (484) 13 years ago

not sure there is enough shark's fin to satisfy everyone in the world.

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

i don't eat shark simply because i don't eat what i don't want to be eaten by.. but seriously did you watch the clip.. do you have a commnet?

[-] 1 points by technoviking (484) 13 years ago

i read the RBE arguments.

computers figuring out what is the optimally efficient way to live sounds really fantastic.

but engaging in excessiveness and waste is the most fantastically satisfying thing in the world.

you won't understand until you have thrown away tens of thousands of dollars on absurdly luxurious delicacies in a single dinner.

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

so yes i know all about what we call "balliin" within my sphere of influence...but thats just empty.. my greatest fullfilment is when i see my son smiling, or catch a great wave... or hear a great tune... spending for the sake of spending is as emptly as having sex with some one i feel nothing for in my heart

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

my friend..i live on the north shore of oahu, i travel the world first class...i have a cadillac, an apartment in manhattan.. businesses in nyc and puerto rico.. i've spent money and lived "the good life" i've done well in the market economy.. however i've always been one who cares about the greater good.. .my success has not been at the expense of others but i am a rare breed. ... which is why i care..

[-] 1 points by technoviking (484) 13 years ago

exactly, you are a rare breed.

the RBE will do well if it was a closed environment with people that are exactly like you.

but we are all born different and we all desire different things and people like me who desire competition and winning will clearly destroy the foundation of RBE.

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

wow. when your days are over i hope you can look back with true happiness. full stop.

[-] 0 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

How about simply having free access to luxurious delicacies or sharing access to rockets (off-world travel), underwater cities, maglev travel, and all other high level technologies? e.g. Free access to disney world type parks?

All the (sustainable) millionaire toys would become common place if a RBE was implemented.

Another video example: The future by design


[-] 1 points by technoviking (484) 13 years ago

i don't think there's enough bluefin tuna to feed everyone otoro once a day.

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

i will watch these now and report back

[-] 0 points by technoviking (484) 13 years ago

yeah.... meh.

most of the arguments are around 'everyone can live like millionaires'

i don't want to be equally rich. i want to be richer. i want to be the envy of others.

that's the facking best feeling in the world.

[-] 2 points by genanmer (822) 13 years ago

heh, do something inspirational if you want to be envied/praised.

If you want to be despised and hated, gloat about your superiority.

Either way, no money is required

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

great point..

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

are you serious or being ironic.. i hope this is a shot at irony..

[-] 1 points by technoviking (484) 13 years ago

some people like being where they are.

some people like competing and winning.

a world without competition would be boring. why do you think the olympics is such a grand affair? it is also the celebration of the greatest unfairness on humanity - that these people we regard highly were born with significant advantages in strength, speed, and size over the rest of the human population.

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

btw.. the olympics are a grand affair as they highlight the achievements of athletes.. and yes many sports are combative in nature and some are not, ie, gymnastics, snowboarding, skiing, etc.. the point is to see how far the human can push their own limits.. not just in defeating others..

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

you are far too cynical for me to engage in dialogue right now...please take some time... do some research into the Zeitgeist Movement.. and get back to me.. all the best, Kevin..

ps i am absolutely open minded in a balanced dialogue..

[-] 1 points by kevinsutavee (209) 13 years ago

please take a moment to view the attached