Forum Post: The Worlds Most Warring Nation
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 2:41 a.m. EST by SwisS
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Lets see the government for what it is, i stumbled across this article today here is a quote
"US strategic interests simply overrode ideological commitments to human rights or democracy promotion, as it supported a series of brutal dictatorships in places like Latin America, Asia and Africa. In some cases, the US even approved of mass murder, such as the Indonesian government’s suppression of Communists in 1965 which killed 500,000 people, its support for the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia, and its support for Latin American death squad activities in places like Chile and El Salvador. In other special cases, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia, US strategic interests override ideological commitment entirely and little real effort is made to promote values-based policies."
Here is a link
I am in no way affiliated with this site, I found the article very interesting and wanted to share
Thank you OWS for standing up for what you beleive in, but this government is too militaristic to change anytime soon! Keep FIGHTING!