Forum Post: The World IS Watching... What Will You Show Them..?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 2:38 a.m. EST by skittles9pr
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If you cut through the crazy zealots, the publicity mongers and the just plain ole people who really have no clue as to what they're saying, OWS is comprised of a mass of people who love their country and feel that it has been hijacked by Cooperate America and the rest of the 1%. To make matters worse the system in which We as a People put our faith in to protect our liberties and freedoms has become so gridlocked and corrupt that no real change has occurred. Forget party politics of why no action has been taken. We can all agree that cooperate influence on government has led us to this depression (let us speak honestly) that we are in today. The whole purpose (correct me if I'm wrong) of OWS is to express this emotion that is being felt not only here in America, but all over the world; with the protests of the Arab Spring, Greece, London and Spain. Well congratulations! We as a People have achieved that goal. THE WORLD IS LISTENING. What will you tell them? That you want nothing? That we will not stoop to the level of negotiating with those 1% pricks? That we will wait for demands to come about naturally? Well they have. They have been outlined in the form of a declaration. A date has been set to discuss them democratically. Don't like them? Well you have couple of months to prepare your own response, to draft your own resolution to bring to the forefront. I challenge you all to read the 99% declaration. To introduce it in the next general assembly. To vote to accept it as official demands of the OWS movement. The world is waiting. Do not let time make OWS a simple sound bite in American culture. Let it be that great moment in history that it was destined to be. The world is watching. What will you show them?
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