Forum Post: The World is a Business Mr. Beale! -A Must See
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 3, 2012, 4:20 p.m. EST by thenewgreen
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Classic Scene from Network that is more relevant now than when it was filmed.
It's a Rich Man's World
Damn straight. Cool tune, great energy.
Anachronism, Thanks for sharing that. I had never seen it before-completely apt.
As in biology 'jungle rules' prevail whether in nature or in affairs involving money and the savagery is only mitigated by those capable of altruistic thought.
The movie 'Network' is where the clip came from. Another great movie to watch is 'Falling Down' starring Michael Douglas who at one point mentions that he is 'Not economically viable.'
I almost chose 'Noteconomicallyviable' for my username but felt 'economicallydiscardedcitizen' was more apt since I belong among the 99% who were economically raped and displaced due to the great derivatives/securities crisis of 2007/08 that ultimately forced the closure of my real estate and loan company and displaced top producers such as myself effectively making us for the moment 'not economically viable' and even as far as being considered pariahs with guilt by association.
There is no doubt that "Falling Down" is some of Douglas' greatest work, though I have to admit I am a fan of this moment too which I think is appropriate given the forum:
I agree and I do remember that line! "There’s a great line in the movie “The American President” when Kirk Douglas’ (President Shepherd) gives his big speech at the end and says… “We have serious problems to solve and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you Bob Rumson (GOP) isn’t the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things and two things only, making you afraid of it and telling you who is to blame for it. That ladies and gentleman, is how you win elections” –I for one, hope President Obama can do as effective of a job in calling out the “Bob Rumson’s” of the moment.
I've got to say though, I'm very disappointed in President Obama's ability to call out the "Bob Rumsfelds". I see very little difference between his policies and his opponents. I'm disappointed. You?
Extremely. I 'gave up' on the 'One Party, Two Party' system in the '90's along with the droves of us who went Independent/No Party affiliation since such is predictable no matter which 'sock puppet' from the 'D's' or 'R's' is S-elected. We will never have a the Precedent of a President who hails not from the Great Republicrat Party but at least I am able to take some solace that my votes in local elections have 'some' effect.
Then what's the recourse? Have you checked out the AmericansElect movement? Perhaps it will cultivate a good 3rd party option. I recently was introduced to Rocky Anderson as a candidate, he deserves a closer look.
As for President Obama, I posted this which pretty much sums up my feelings:
Thanks. I'll check it out. Yes I have heard of Americans Elect, see
The second article is much better. "“It’s kind of like uberdemocracy meets back-room bosses,” said David Axelrod, Mr. Obama’s campaign strategist". -They have been attempting to be far more open about finances than either traditional party.
Pardon my candor, but that first link is partisan garbage. Any piece that starts off, "A well-funded, faux-reformist group", is anything but objective. They also go on to praise DEM's as centrist etc. Crap. Now I'm off to check out your second link. Hope it bares more fruit.
In honor of your "handle" I was just watching this:
Classic "stuff". Thanks for the links, I'll check them out.