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Forum Post: THE WORLD CAN'T WAIT !!! Saturday 4th Feb. - Day of Mass Action !! Stop a U.S. War on Iran !

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 3, 2012, 8:51 p.m. EST by shadz66 (19985)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

NO WAR !!!! NO Sanctions !!! NO Intervention !! NO Assassinations !

Visible street protests and other events and outreach will happen in many places, including around the world: in Ireland at Shannon Air Base (forward base for NATO); in London; in Dacca, Bangladesh; in Calcutta, India and other cities in India. Search the page linked to above for several actions in Canada as well.

Further, with reference to Iran : Some hard facts may bring some 'Light' to matters, rather than all the constant unpleasant 'Heat' being generated by the fear and loathing being spewed by the Unconscionable WARmongers. Thus :

a) Iran has The World's 3rd Largest known 'Total' & 2nd Largest 'Liquid' Oil Reserves :

b) Iran has The Worlds 2nd Largest known Gas Reserves :

c) Further consider and cogitate upon the fact that in Feb. 2008, Iran opened a Hydro-Carbon Bourse at The Kish Mercantile Exchange :

Trading in a basket of currencies, including Euros, Roubles, Yuan and Iranian Rial BUT NOT in U$ Dollar$ and thereby challenging both Reserve Currency, Dollar "HegeMoney" as well as the Monopoly of the existing Oil and Petroleum Bourses.

d) The Iranian Central Bank is State Controlled & Entirely Government Owned and NOT Privately Owned :

Thus do 'a-d' above actually constitute the Real "Casus Belli" ?!

e) The same NeoCon, Neo-Colonial, Paleo-Imperial WARMONGERS who beat the drums for The Unconscionable, Illegal & Immoral WAR on Iraq (where The Only "WMD" = Words of Mass Deception !!) are now beating the Drums of War and this time Iran is in the Imperial crosshairs. Pls. Research PNAC eg. :

Please also see the film, "WHY WE FIGHT ; What are the forces that shape and propel American militarism ?" :

Further, towards a rational discourse about Iran, also consider watching the following Videos :

Finally, for insights on the matter of 'Iran and Jews' please see :

Fiat Lux et Fiat Pax !!



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

I need longer days.

WMD - Words of Mass Deception - Love that!

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Thanx, wish I could say the same :-(

Further to the above, please also consider and cogitate upon the following Articles :

a) "USrael and Iran", by William Blum ; http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29880.htm ,

b) "The Worst Case For War with Iran", by Stephen M. Walt ; http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30052.htm ,

c) "From Occupation to “Occupy : The Israelification of American Domestic Security", by Max Blumenthal ; http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29892.htm ,

d) "George Orwell on the Evil Iranian Menace", by Glenn Greenwald ; http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29890.htm &

e) "War On Iran Has Already Begun. Act Before It Threatens All Of Us", by Seamus Milne of The UK Guardian ; http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29917.htm .

Fiat Iustitia ...

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

to read and watch everything because

tempus fugit.

Great links, Shadz66. And, they better not start something in Iran. I don't like how hawkish Obama is.....

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

'bw' : Not much better and indeed arguably much worse than many previous "US Presidemperors" !!! Also for your consideration :

Fiat Pax ...

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

Consentio (I'm finally learning Latin, LOL!)

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Ave 'bw' & :

[R.I.P. Curtis Mayfield ; June, '42 - Dec. '99]

Vale ;-)

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

Great lyrics. Thanks. ;- )

Pax vobiscum...

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Also for your consideration :

pax vobis. et pacem in terris ;-)

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

That was great! Mark Ruffalo, who knew?

Have you ever read Zinn's "A People's History of the U.S?"

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

No, but even in the UK, I've heard of it ! + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX8szNPgrEs !!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

Love those faceless people. Cool video. Thanks.

[-] 2 points by toukarin (488) 13 years ago

You know what the strange thing is? We have been the ones perpetrating acts of war on Iran all of this time and all they have done is remain calm and raise their concerns in the UN.

It was the US sending drones into sovereign Iranian airspace. Iranian response: Demand apology and vow to defend themselves, not threaten aggression.

It was the US sending carrier battlegroups within striking distance of Iran Iranian response: Express intention to defend themselves. Threaten to blockade Strait of Hormuz.

It was the US repeatedly imposing economic sanctions against them without ever actually showing proof of a weapons development program. Iranian response: Trade with people who still will trade with them, in gold if nor cash (arguably a better deal for them).

Numerous Iranian scientists have been assassinated by various western intelligence agencies. Iranian response: Blame the US and Israel (probably correct) and vow to track down those responsible. They did not threaten retaliation.

Iran is also (arguably) a much better country to be a woman than our good friend Saudi Arabia...

I mean... all things considered.... Iran does not look like the kind of country to launch a nuke at anyone... even if they had one or were planning to make one... All I am hearing is... stop fucking with us and leave us the hell alone...

With our allies (esp. Israel) we have the policy of innocent even if proven guilty, with everyone else its guilty until proven innocent... in which case we say: "Oops... our bad... we bombed your country back to the stone age and forced your new puppet govt's to acquire billions of dollars in debt by forcing them to use US contractors for rebuilding..."

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

touk@rin : Thanx. Excellently put but alas ... "'Truth' is the first victim of War" !!!

pacem in terris ...

[-] 2 points by toukarin (488) 13 years ago

"pacem in terris ..."

Amen to that

[-] 2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

First - I'm all for a public banking system. I think we should have one here, in the U.S. I think that in time it may be inevitable.

Second - The international community has agreements regarding the proliferation of nuclear technology. Iran seems to be stepping outside of those agreements.

Third - Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has supported terrorists and advocates the complete destruction of Israel:

from CNN: Iran's leader

  • Khamenei said Iran will support any nation or group that stands up against Israel.

  • "The Zionist regime is really the cancerous tumor of this region and it needs to be removed and will be removed," Khamenei said to a cheering crowd.

  • He said Iran doesn't interfere in other nations but has aided militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah in conflicts with Israel in Gaza and Lebanon.

Fourth: Iran has helped improve ied technology used against American service personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan:

From the NYT

  • In Iraq, I.E.D.'s were initially associated primarily with the Sunni anti-American insurgency. But at the height of the sectarian strife in 2006 and 2007, American officials charged that Iran was helping Shiite militias make more sophisticated and deadly shaped charges for attacks against American soldiers.

We can argue this issue on the basis of inflexible dogmatic axioms, or we can examine what is currently happening within the international community on this issue.

Google Search Results: nations favoring iran sanctions reveal that Arab countries favor even tougher sanctions on Iran, while Russia favors curbing those sanctions - care should be taken here, headlines can be misleading.

We might presume that the Arab nations favoring tougher sanctions are primarily sunny.

We might also presume that since Russia helped improve Iranian nuclear technology they have an investment in credibility to preserve.

It is certain that even if such assumptions are correct, they only reveal part of the story - just as claims that Iran is a repository of significant reserves of oil and natural gas only tell part of the story.

I find it telling that the closest ally in the region is likely Syria - currently in the grips of revolution.

Also telling is the fact that Iran put down their own rebellion just two years ago.

I am not in favor of war.

Perhaps I should repeat that -

  • I am not in favor of war.

Yet I accept that Iran has a choice to make - and that is: Will they work within the international framework of agreement as it relates to nuclear proliferation?

Or not?

Their current behavior indicates they will not.

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

@ ZD : Re. your 'Four Point Post' above, I shall attempt a reasoned response :

1st : Good.

2nd : Re. "Iran seems to be stepping outside of those agreements." : Iran (unlike Israel) is a signatory of The NNPT. The IAEA has not said it is is in breach of its treaty obligations. Also see :

3rd. : It is really very regrettable indeed that you'd quote Corporate MSM to me and rather disgusting that you think that you can glibly repeat that hoary old misinformation gambit that Iran "advocates the complete destruction of Israel". This is BS and anyone who doesn't get spoonfed their opinions by The Pro-War MSM knows it.

4th. : The U$A has been engaging in arming, training and supporting anti-Iranian insurgent groups like The Kurds and The Baluch, "Jundullah" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jundallah ) as well as The Infamous MEK ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran ) but you want to pick & choose your 'information' to demonise only Iran !! Further, that all the despotic and fundamentally anti-democratic Arab Monarchies, Sultanates, Emirates & Plutocrats ABSOLUTELY HATE, The ... wait for it .. Islamic REPUBLIC of Iran is what ?!!! A f*ckin' surprise ?!! Are you having some kind of a laugh here mate ?!

IF you are truly NOT in favour of WAR (as opposed to just saying that to try to maintain your 'Liberal Credentials') then at least we are in agreement on something else other than the matter of "The Iranian Central Bank (being) State Controlled and Entirely Government Owned that's NOT Privately Owned !!

Whatever you've written above it is categorically NOT any reason to go to Yet Another Illegal WAR !!!

Pacem In Terris

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

3rd. : It is really very regrettable indeed that you'd quote Corporate MSM to me and rather disgusting that you think that you can glibly repeat that hoary old misinformation gambit that Iran "advocates the complete destruction of Israel". This is BS and anyone who doesn't get spoonfed their opinions by The Pro-War MSM knows it.

If you look at the link it includes a video of the Ayatollah - my assumption is that it is video of the speech he gave, and that since there are so many Arab speakers in the world, CNN isn't going to misrepresent his statement and so completely ruin their credibility.

I would also point out that this isn't the first time Iranian leaders have made such statements.

If you wanted to bring in issues of nuance behind the statements - and suggest that the Ayatollah is responding to the rhetoric of Israel and the U.S., then I might hear you.

It is possible the Ayatollah is responding to the rhetoric and the sanctions - and the link you cite

would support that argument.

This does not address the issue - are they within one year of being able to produce a nuke?

Have they, or have they not, over time, sought surreptitious means around prohibitions on exports of dual use nuclear technology?

Does it make sense to simply acquiesce to belligerent Iranian demands to possess nuclear technology that can produce weapons?

Is it possible to present this issue to Iran and remove the other concerns - their public banking system and reserves of fossil fuels? Would such an effort end their resistance to international will?

Finally, to your point:

Finally that all the despotic and fundamentally anti-democratic Arab Monarchies, Sultanate, Emirate & Plutocrats ABSOLUTELY HATE, The ... wait for it .. Islamic REPUBLIC of Iran is what ?!!! A f*ckin' surprise ?!! Are you having some kind of laugh here mate ?! Wake The "F" Up !

I'm all in favor of womens rights, including the right to drive, as a matter of principle. Women are not property. So much for kingdoms -

As to Iran -

They have a ton of money - and lots of sun. Why don't they really fuck the west up and go solar? Then sell the technology to the world . . .

[-] 3 points by Builder (4202) 13 years ago

Quote Zendog>>They have a ton of money and lots of sun. Why don't they really fuck the west up and go solar?<<quote

One could ask the same of the US of A, Zendog.

The reality is, the only man left standing in the current war climate is the man with the nuke warheads.

If it is such a major piss-off to the US of A that a nation has nuke capability, why is the Northern Republic of Korea allowed to have nukes? Why is Pakistan and India allowed to have nukes?

Oh, and the most abrasive and unstable of all the middle east nations, Israel, why the flying fukk are they allowed to have nukes?

[-] 2 points by ohmygoodness (158) 13 years ago

All animals are equal but some are more equal than others...

To refer to the superior animal by name might be sacrilege :)

[-] 2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

One could ask the same of the US of A, Zendog

My guess would be that the answer is the same for the U.S. as it is for Iran - oil interests and the Military Industrial Complex tend to dictate issues of both foreign and energy policy.

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

You show real insight with "oil interests and the Military Industrial Complex tend to dictate issues of both foreign and energy policy." So how come you and 'headupass' below, so easily revert to being 'Imperial Running Dogs' ? Are you an ex-services Veteran ? Is it a case of U$A uber-alles ?!!!

OK he can 'fart for himself' and of course you don't really owe me any explanation but I'm sure you'll appreciate my curiosity !!

ad iudicium !

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

"oil interests and the Military Industrial Complex tend to dictate issues of both foreign and energy policy."

I do believe that principle will be shown to apply in the case of both the US and Iran.

I'm all in favor of a peaceful resolution to the issue - I don't believe Iran will have any of it.

So . . . Viet Nam - do they have a public banking system? Or does their lack of natural resources and their small economy mean that as an example they do not apply -

We have normalized relations with them, more or less, haven't we?

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

If you "believe" that Iran wants anything other than peace & prosperity for its citizens and normalisation of relations with The U$A than that is irrational and the real question (imho) is from where do your 'beliefs' originate ?!

I really do not understand the Vietnam reference here. It was bombed like no nation in history ; its people still live with the effects and after historically resisting and defeating The Khmer, Chinese, Japanese & French Imperia the Vietnamese finally also defeated The US Imperium but paid a heavy price in blood, treasure and environmental degradation. Finally after a long period of spiteful US Trade Embargo, Vietnam is slowly being rebuilt by its fiercely proud, independent, peace and 'freedom from foreigners' loving people !!

Caveat : "Bellum se ipsum alet" ... !!!

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

If you "believe" that Iran wants anything other than peace & prosperity for its citizens and normalisation of relations with The U$A than that is irrational and the real question (imho) is from where do your 'beliefs' originate ?!


try their own statements

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

@ '(where's the)Zen?Dog' : WTF "wtf" ?! + Re. "try their own statements", so much for your : "If you wanted to bring in issues of nuance behind the statements - and suggest that the Ayatollah is responding to the rhetoric of Israel and the U.S., then I might hear you." And Your ; "oil interests and the Military Industrial Complex tend to dictate issues of both foreign and energy policy." !!

Please Stop regurgitating corrupted MSM programming and AIPAC 'talking points' ; open your mind soften your heart and move on up and Let y0ur Love Shine Ommm, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7AHah73MCw ~*~ !!!

per aspera ad astra ...~~~*

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

do you deny Iran has funded Hezbollah? Do you think funding terrorist organizations like Hezbollah is a reasonable approach to the Palestinian issue?

I don't think it is any more reasonable than some of the efforts the U.S. undertook in undermining Salvador Allende of Chile, or some of the measures behind our support of the former Shah of Iran.

I don't think it is reasonable when the U.S. engages in this kind of behavior - and I don't think it reasonable when other nations - like Iran - engage in this kind of behavior.

Your rhetoric is quite one sided.

One question that might help - do the current statements coming from the Iranian leadership leave it a way out of this situation and save face while doing so?

Or do their statements lock them into their current, pro-nuclear development position?

If the regime cannot back away from their nuclear program in a way that satisfies the international community without loosing credibility both at home and within the region, then it seems clear that they intend to push forward regardless of the cost.

I don't speak Arabic - hopefully someone who does is analyzing their statements very carefully looking for a way around this impasse.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Alas, 'ZD', your pedantic semantic psycho-gymnastics now reach a new nadir and this is my last and somewhat exasperated response to you on this matter.

Every time I introduce you to another fact or point of information you simply ignore it, only to return with yet another convoluted desperate attempt to clutch at straws.

Hezbollah is a phenomenon of the majority of 'The Shia Muslim Majority' of Lebanon & it is a Legal Political Party in Lebanon. Your attempt at conflation them with "The Palestinian Issue" is specious tendentious and IF my "rhetoric" seems one sided to you, it's because you and all the American 'Main Stream Media' (ABCNNBCBS, FUX Snewzzz) Are Exactly That yourselves and you say what you see as you 'look through a glass, darkly' ...

Again with the "Arabic" !! Modern Iranians are the Magi, Medes, Parthians, Scythians and predominantly Persians of antiquity. The very word 'Iran' comes from 'Aryan'. Indeed one of the self-important titles of That CIA-(once they'd arranged a coup d'etat against the Democratically Elected, Social-Democrat Progressive, Mohammed Mossadegh under "Operation Ajax")-Puppet, 'The Shah of Iran' was - "Ari-Noor" - 'Light of The Aryans'. The Priestly Class / Tribe of the ancient Persians were 'The Magi' {cf '3 Wise Men'} & Cyrus The Great of old was, well ... I leave the rest to you ...

Iranians are not Semitic Arabs ; they are Indo-Aryans / Indo-Europeans and they speak Parsi.

We have clearly reached our own "impasse" now as "- it isn't a subject I care to pursue with you further. You are of course, entitled to your opinion" and the last word, so ...

Shalom Aleichem ; Salam Alaikhum & Pax Vobis.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

showering civilians with katusha rockets is an act of terrorism, there is and can be no dispute about that, nor is there justification.

And I cannot help the linguistic choices of the Iranian leadership. The last speech given was reportedly Arabic.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

"Oil interests and the MIC...dictate..foreign and energy policy." Yes they have since at least the beginning of the 20th century. We have propped up brutal dictators to keep their populations under control. The difference today is that the suppressed people in those countries know that there is a better life to be had. They are also well aware of the support that we have given their dictators and, are not happy about it to say the least. It is amazing to me how people in this country can compartmentalize their morals, and not see this.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I do see it - and it's wrong.

My point is that the leadership in Iran is no different. I don't care what religion it is - any nation that operates on the basis of conservative religious ideology tends to be reactionary - doesn't matter if it's the non-existent moral majority in this country, Jewish orthodoxy, or Muslim fundamentalists.

They're all control freaks - and power mad.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

Yes and we have to look back to what brought Iran to this point in history, at least to the days of the Shah, and the sordid role we played in propping up his brutal dictatorship. People in this country tend to look down at these once great civizations, but ever since oil came into their landscape......they have never been able to develop in a natural way. Although the west continues to receive the benefits of their exploitation, we are now exeriencing the consequences of populations that have awoken. Social media and news agencies like Al-Jazeera have played a big part in this awakening. Oil has been a curse to them, rather than the plus it should have been. I agree that religious fanaticism is a problem, and I am glad you included the religious nuts in this country. Morals and and moralizers...the latter seldom have the former.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Fyi : "An Attack on Iran Must be Stopped", by Andrew Murray : http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30438.htm (The Guardian).

Fiat Pax !

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

Yep, that was a good article. I guess we are on the same page, so I am going out to find someone now who has the gall to disagree with my point of view. heee see you again in blog world

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

@ 'O' : Cool, tho' I don't have a blog. I post here and (these days not as often as before!) on I.C.H too. Good hunting + Hail & Hi to The /-Esir Hosts of Valhalla, from 'here to Thor' ;-)


[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

You are a 'One (wo)Man CONspiracy Theory', TrashyPhalus/Bart-Bot & an Autistic ; Reactionary ; Neo-feudalist ; Misanthropic Muso-snob and all round Mushroom, to boot ;-) & nosce te ipsum !

Has the extent of your Sociopathy been fully appreciated by no less a personage than yourself yet ?

verum ex absudo ?! ...

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

I think your purpose is to make me so cross with nonsense, imprecision and assumptions that I get so weary with it all that I might just go silent and indeed you might just succeed ! We shall see !! So ...

a) Re. "my assumption is that it is video of the speech he gave, and that since there are so many Arab speakers in the world, CNN isn't going to misrepresent his statement and so completely ruin their credibility."

  • WTF ?! Do you now what they say about "assume" ? It makes an "ASS" of "U" & "ME" !

  • Only you know what you mean by "so many Arab speakers ..." vis. a vis Iran because & I know this is going to be news to you here : They Do NOT Speak Arabic In Iran ! Iranians aren't Arabs !!

  • Re. "CNN isn't going to misrepresent his statement" : <Slaps Own Head With Palm> OMG !!! LOL !! Just how far back does your memory & attention span go ? Do you recall Afghanistan ? Iraq, perhaps ?! How about "WMD" ?! I should really just stop there ... but .. I stumble on .

b) Re. "If you wanted to bring in issues of nuance behind the statements - and suggest that the Ayatollah is responding to the rhetoric of Israel and the U.S., then I might hear you." : Geez ! OK then !! I'm explicitly bringing in matters of rhetorical nuance. So, do you hear something ?!!!

c) I'm not Iranian nor have any Iranian relatives but my intuition about any Iranian arms programmes of any sort, is that they are motivated by defensive concerns, anxiety, fear and maybe paranoia that they are in the cross-hairs of The Imperial U$A, Israel & The Arab Despots ! Please put the 'Bloody Kool Aid' down and allow yourself to be rational !! 85 million Iranians are NOT looking for War ; they want security and NOT to be "bombed back into the stone age" !!!

d) IF you don't know that women vote, are in parliament (Majlis), have professional jobs & free access to education and health care in their albeit Islamic - REPUBLIC, then ask yourself WHY you do not know this ! Compared to women in many Muslim US-Client states (case in point The KINGDOM of Saudi Arabia) Iranian women have much more freedom & civil rights. Further, your despicable attempt to use the murder of Neda Agha Soltan as another one of your 'clutched straws' to back up Pro-WAR On Iran Propaganda speaks volumes of the nature and quality of your so called "arguments" here. Whatever she died for, it sure as Hell wasn't for the right of Iran to be bombed for Imperial Strategic Advantage !!!

e) Re. "They have a ton of money" - Maybe. And Maybe THEIR Money held in THEIR State Central Bank and THEIR Gold Reserves and THEIR VAST Oil & Gas Reserves ... are just what it's All About !!! And finally, for example Arizona, Nevada, California aren't short of sun so WTF are they still burning hydro-carbons for ?!! It is Iran's inalienable right to pursue Nuclear Power as per all International Laws but this does not suit Imperial Hegemony as Iran is NOT a client state and lap-dog, thus this issue is being used As A Pretext for The Real Purpose of the constant sabre rattling and belligerence against Iran ; namely Regime Change !!!

Get Real "Dog", where's your "Zen" sense, man ?

Pacem In Terris ...

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago
  • Only you know what you mean by "so many Arab speakers ..." vis. a vis Iran because & I know this is going to be news to you here : They Do NOT Speak Arabic In Iran ! Iranians aren't Arabs !!

I don't speak Arabic either - but according to either NBC or CBS this evening that was the language that most of the speech was given in. I don't know what else to say. The reporter did, as I recall, make note that most Iranians don't speak Arabic, and their take was that it was intended for a larger, pan Arab, audience - I think their suggestion was the governments rather than the people.

It is Iran's inalienable right to pursue Nuclear Power as per all International Laws but this does not suit Imperial Hegemony as Iran is NOT a client state and lap-dog, thus this issue is being used As A Pretext for The Real Purpose of the constant sabre rattling and belligerence against Iran ; namely Regime Change !!!

That may be - or it may be that the Iranian leadership is absolutely insane.

In either case - I don't like nuclear energy - no one has yet come up with a reasonable method of disposing of the waste. Far as weapons go - I don't like nuclear weapons.

I can see you are indeed getting emotional - it isn't a subject I care to pursue with you further. You are of course, entitled to your opinion.

[-] -1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

This is one post I agree with you 100% on Zendog.

[-] 1 points by nichole (525) 13 years ago

Intellectualize and be as active as you possibly can, it's going to happen. As long as my sister can shower her baby and child in cheap plastic shit that corrupts, this war will go on. Too bad we don't get the excitement that Americans got whenever our government declared war in the past. You know, they thought they were the "Greatest generation" and they loved it!!! Now, it's just about consumption.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

'n' : "Consumption" ... and Corruption & 'Corporatism' !!! Re. the final clause of your first sentence ; I hope that you are wrong !! dum spiro, spero !

[-] 2 points by nichole (525) 13 years ago

Yeah, me too. Tho' thinks me not. The people love fascism!!! Order, neatness, efficiency ...

[-] 1 points by TomTommorow (78) from Hardyston, NJ 13 years ago

Good points shadz. Well written and informative. I and millions of others are sick and tired of all these wars and the death, pain, destruction and economic chaos they cause.

The time is right to "Give peace a chance".

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Thanx TomT : Your post caught me by surprise in my febrile pugnacity ! Thus :

Pax Vobiscum ; Shalom Aleichem ; Salam Alaikhum ; Ommm Shaaanti ...

[-] 1 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

shadz66, this is arguably your best work to date !! Thanks so much for this compilation.

The more "the powers that be" see that we understand what their motives really are, the less likely the unconscionable will happen.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Thanx Renaye : This matter is so very important and is inextricably linked with domestic matters in The U$A. Thus, please also see :

Pacem In Terris

[-] 1 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

Love the visual of that link. Thanks again!

[-] 0 points by tedscrat (-96) 13 years ago

I think the Isrealis are doing a fine enough job keeping Iran from going nuclear. Best thing we can do is leave Israel alone.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Therefore, make of these articles what you will :

Fiat Lux ...

[-] 0 points by tedscrat (-96) 13 years ago

I do not think 100,000 would be enough for an initial, successful invasion, not because of my love of Iran, but because America would not be prepared, militarily, economically, or idealogically for what would be required to keep the center of the old Persian empire in check. Iran has too many hands in too many of the cookie jars in the surrounding countries. My main concern is their acquisition of WMD's. Again, I hope we let Israel take care of its business; they are better suited for this task.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

WMD = Words Of Mass Distraction !!! & ...

Fiat Pax ...

[-] -1 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

Wow, you mean we now live in a time where a non-Jew can criticize Israeli policy without being labeled anti-semitic or a bigot. Gee, how refreshing. What about another Jew who criticizes Israeli policy? Will he be told that, "he hates himself?" Did AIPAC implode? Can a politician east of the Mississipi now cricize Israeli policy and still get elected? Are Jeff Goldberg from the Atlantic, and Thomas Friedman from the NY Times on Israel's shit list for criticizing Israel? Has everyone woken up? Just wondering.

The next thing you know, people will realize that the Palestinians have a legitimate gripe in not wanting to be forced to live in horrid conditions inside refugee camps. Imagine if we became a fair arbiter in that conflict. IMAGINE.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

I am most critical of the US because it is my government

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

Yes, I want my government to live up to its ideals. I would imagine that's why we are both here.

[+] -4 points by headlesscross (67) 13 years ago

Geez,shadz so now you're a cheerleader for Iran? Iran IS the Warmonger here,you apparently can't understand that.

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

NO - you graceless nut !!! But I will "cheerlead" PEACE - All Day & Everyday !!

Furthermore, you're 'less' than empty 'head' makes me 'cross' !

Nosce Te Ipsum ...

[-] -3 points by headlesscross (67) 13 years ago

"NO",meaning you can't understand that?

I'm sure you cheerlead PEACE when the ragheads go rioting in the streets of England,don't you?

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

No, wrong again !

"NO" as in "No I'm not a cheerleader FOR Iran" but I'll "cheerlead" FOR Peace any day !!

Furthermore, your language tells me everything I need to know about a bigoted, chicken-hawk, limp-dick, racist eager for other folk to go fight and die in another unconscionable Imperial War for the Banksters, Corporations and 'The US Military Industrial Banking Complex' !!!

Gnothi Seauton ...

[-] -2 points by headlesscross (67) 13 years ago

Naw,you're a cheerleader for Iran alright and a Radical Muslim Extremist sympathizer also.

Your language tells me so.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

"Radical Muslim Extremist symathizer", lol !

Trading insults is all you're good for isn't it because let's face it you've got no facts or valid, reasoned opinions to bring to the table ?!!

Regurgitating your spoon-fed Main Stream Media BS & Bollocks seems to be your primary talent, that and talking outta your (x), you mind-managed, propagandised fool !!!

Consider that there's none as blind as those who won't see ; that there's none as enslaved as those who'd clap themselves in irons and none as ignorant as those who won't think for themselves ...

verum ex absurdo ...

[ps : I dare you to watch : "Iran is Not the Problem" ; http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5708329875314599685 . Go on and surprise yourself ; no body but you need know !]

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

[-] -1 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

Once human beings can categorize a group of people as being sub-human as the Israeli's have clearly done, you have done just now, and ironically the Nazi's before them...... those people then are not only capable of committing atrocities and untold human misery...but they feel justified in doing so.