Forum Post: The World As I See It (part3)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 10:02 a.m. EST by IAMSPARTACUSSCOTLAND
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Our family’s our neighbours our armies are the majority and power is in numbers our power is our life and there’s is money and when the soldiers and the people around the world stand together there money is useless unless they have the control of life there will be no war and no poverty without puppets the masters will fall there can be only one winner us. Take of the invisible shackles and link them together show the power of togetherness and only then shall we be free. The invisible prison is in your mind and when we are free from this only then will mankind know peace.
Money is the cause of nearly all crimes either directly or indirectly, it creates poverty and starvation it’s the reason wars are started and country’s are robbed of everything the banks see as valuable and its all a game that goes on and on and the elite thrive on it because the longer this game goes the higher there accounts and power rise, just like the poor people around the worlds dead bodies rise, in the last hundred years there have been millions of deaths and for everyone nothing no change no solution in a world were we all ask for world peace ask yourself why we kill for the few. I say no more put down the very weapons that have been made for us to kill our fellow brothers and sisters and build the schools and hospitals make the world a better place don’t stand under there elite ideology no more. Look at the very sign that defines them the pyramid with the eye at the top or the all seeing eye but lets remember that the foundations are the most important part of any structure and without it the pyramid would fall and when we take there eye from the top. Know that our struggle will be far easier than there’s, our reign of peace can be achieved in days and months it will not be years, decades and centuries like the war that they have waged on all of us. Just like they done on sep 11th to all those innocents and fooled us into believing that the Muslim world were responsible. Lets plant the charges at the feet of these elite and watch them crumble to the ground and watch as they beg for forgiveness and order, but there cries will not be heard by our ears because we are no longer there’s to order we will be free from there grip and the only voice we will here is the voice of reason, peace and love. A coward dies once and a hero lives forever.
Try imagine a family like your own living when our earliest ancestors were on this planet surviving by using all that is supplied by mother nature for day to day living. A simple life with no machines no politics no banks or science a primitive existence with only instinct and wit to survive. In these times man knew to reproduce and also the importance that there new life would live beyond there own. So early mankind understood the basics, they knew about birth, death and everything else needed for the survival of there seed. Like time travelling our ancestors have survived through the ages by passing on there seed and egg in order for new life to flourish and continue to travel through time and space and this process leads us to now PRESENT TIME. ‘You’re Life is free, a gift it is yours to own‘. Your life is not money it cannot be put in a bank but it is more valuable than all riches in the world. No man should be enslaved for profit and gains for others that are corrupt and seek to play games on us all.