Forum Post: The World As I See It (part2)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 9:56 a.m. EST by IAMSPARTACUSSCOTLAND
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They control media so we all live our life’s the way they want they corrupt our nature by glorifying the death of soldiers and showing us images of terrorists doing inhumane acts of violence and inciting hatred to others they tell tales of horror in our own streets where every man could be a predator , they tell us story’s about us killing the planet they encourage racism every time they invade a country under the pretence that they are liberating the people of that country when in truth they are manipulating there own nations by encouraging there illusion of pride and patriotism in there great country for trying to save these poor people from the inhumane conditions they say that they are living under. When in reality they are killing innocent life’s on both sides for there own wealth and greed, wars are carried out by the very people they control the poor, every day soldiers of the world are recruited, trained and armed for these events why. Is there ever going to be a world without war when the elites want more power and wealth the answer is no because without war there is no more excuses for all the horrible things that they make people do. They do these things so that you live in fear glad they are there to save us. TV’s littered with nothing but material views being expressed to the masses through adverts and entertainment shaping there sheep into a perfect little pet consuming what they want removed from stock as if by magic, shelf’s are filled and empted then re-stocked until the end of the day then the whole process starts all over again just like the sun always comes up after the dark we will rise from our beds and begin there processing again day by day until we die. We live in a world of tomorrows garbage, ask yourself who’s fault it is ours or there’ s. Nothing we have in our position will ever match the value of life and that’s free no advert needed to sell me that, no politician no law no bank gave us this
Now I realize the truth that the whole world is a prison and that the public are inmates we can see no bars and no shackles when we look but only because they are invisible they only exist because of the system put them there around us all to stop us from seeing the truth. When we are being manipulated by the elite for there profits even at the cost of our losses be it material or human they do not care and the proof is every were we are just blinded by there illusions. They wear there suits like a soldier wears his camouflage they use there wealth, power and education as there weapons of mass destruction like a soldier would use his education wealth and artillery to punish the enemy.
They have convinced us all that were so dumb and that there so smart and that’s why they have such an important role in controlling our lives we all believe that voting for this person a stranger will benefit us all. We think we know who we are voting for when the majority don’t even know there own neighbours our sense of community is disappearing all over the world we connect with the people we see on T.V we know more about celebrity’s and politicians than we do our own neighbours this is because they encourage us all to be scared of the very people who we live amongst when in reality they are the ones who are taking the children away from family’s they are the ones making the orders to kill millions of innocents.