Forum Post: The World As I See It (part1)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 9:51 a.m. EST by IAMSPARTACUSSCOTLAND
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Why should we be controlled and manipulated for greed and power at the hands of a few. If we all sat still and said leave it to the people in charge and I’ll get on with my job and family, then were would we be. No one has no purpose nobody should be left behind in this future. Every country every person you were born and exist and this is all we need our power is in numbers and that scares these people. So stand up for your rights and others around you regardless of race or religion your brothers and sisters need to be on alert for mankind is being controlled and their war began before we were even born our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers were manipulated by private banks ran by groups of very powerful family’s and this is still the case today they keep secret’s, they disguised there motives by laws they choose when there is war and were there is not. They funded both sides of world war 1&2. Like a gambler making sure they had something on both black and red just in case of bad luck knowing that whoever prevailed they would cash in anyway, they sold the weapons the fuel and worst of all our ancestors life’s and souls all for greed but they don’t care about our deaths for them it just business. But lets not forget that for ever gamble they took they had to make sure the (house/media) covered the (green 0/mass public) and they sure have been covering up, its like there’s no cover up because they’ve honed there skills for hundreds of years they put the control method’s in place before the poor could understand what was going on. Think about all the wonderful things that you posses T.V/cable, internet, home/mobile phone, radio, news papers/magazines. Imagine the cost of production the cost of purchase for these to be in the majority of peoples life’s all that money to control peoples choices when there are millions dying because of poverty every year.