Forum Post: The World As I See It (part 6)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 10:23 a.m. EST by IAMSPARTACUSSCOTLAND
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We can create a future were history will tell a tale of a generation of struggle and a common goal. Be the generation that refused to stay down stand up and be ready for change it will come because it ours to make that is why it will happen. We shouldn’t fear the change we should embrace it like you would your own child and have dreams for it to grow this is what is needed. The answer’s to our questions will be heard by the great minds of mankind the scientist’s, engineer‘s and all others among us with the skills required to rebuild this civilization be it with hands and mind’s we are all required. The rebuilding of a whole civilization info structure would create billions of jobs in every area imagine new 100% green renewable energy this is no dream it’s a reality scientist already have the plan they just needs resources from government to get it running fact. Travel pollution can also be a thing of the past green 100% renewable fuel in all vehicles this is also possible. The whole world deserves to be equal this is our choice.
Know that when we stand the powers in charge will try to break you they will make us all public enemy, know that violence is NOT our weapon no ours is the very thing they use to control us all DEBT. We all stop paying tax bills, fuel bills all bills that don’t effect your basic survival take your money from the bank use this for any medicine your family requires to live use this also for food and water if everyone done this for just 2 or 3 months they would panic. This is because true power will be on show not the same as the power money brings. The army’s that they control are our brothers and sisters and shall not be fooled into there war on the public and I don’t say this to scare but they would try and overpower people with the very army’s and police they say are there to protect us this isn’t a lie even thought its hard to imagine our own army’s being given orders to round up there own country men and detain them they. Its been done before but if we all stand strong our army’s will know this is what mankind wants and we are who they swore to protect not banks hell bent on chaos. A world free of disease and poverty were no one starves and everyone is given the same chance. This is our only chance.
When the masses fear there governments something is terribly wrong it is the governments who should fear the masses, we all have to stand together and fight for the rights of those who cannot our future depends on us shall we just sit and watch as genocide is committed all over the globe in the name of our freedom, when really it is for nothing more than control. We can no longer wait till there is no other option, when the majority of us really on propaganda fuelled media for our information our own opinions are lost we are pumped up by the fear that they create, our hatred for others of different nationality or religion is there why do we let our equals be butchered. When do you say no more, when they come for you and your family.
Thanks for reading and sorry about grammer and spelling
‘Free people survive on food, water, air and love all free’
‘Live for money die for nothing’
MONEY=POWER=WAR=DEATH this cycle goes on and on forever until mankind is dead.
LOVE=UNDERSTANDING=PEACE=LIFE this is what mankind should want only then can we guarantee mankinds existence
If I can see this with basic education, then so can the rest of the world
And remember Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.