Forum Post: The winter is coming - how to best continue the struggle (reality check)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 7:38 a.m. EST by ConcernedCitizen42
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The winter is soon upon us and the establishment is surely looking forward to the opportunity that it invites to diminish the movement in any way it can...
For those that cannot physically participate and have to return home: continue to inform and educate the people around you. Encourage them to seek the truth from alternate/additional sources of information.
You can't kill an idea with weather. And that is what the elite fail to understand. This movement will advance at different rates over time..but it will keep moving forward. The reason is simple enough: the diseases known as Wall Street and Government will continue to wreck havoc on the 99%. Eventually the 99% will find a way to contain the Only time will tell.