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Forum Post: The Whole System Needs an Overhaul!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 2:14 p.m. EST by OWS53 (11) from Blythe, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

1) Repeal Bush-era tax breaks for the top 2 percent of Americans. 2) A 5.4 percent surtax on millionaires and billionaires (A millionaire's surtax has the support of 81 percent of the American people according to NBC News and the Wall Street Journal.) 3) The U.S. government must stop rewarding companies that move U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas through loopholes in the tax code known as deferral and foreign source income.  4) Ending tax breaks and subsidies for big oil and gas companies 5) If we prohibited abusive and illegal offshore tax shelters we could bring in $1 trillion over 10 years 6) Establish a Wall Street speculation fee of less than 1 percent on the sale and purchase of credit default swaps, derivatives, stock options and futures 7) Tax capital gains and dividends the same way we tax ordinary work 8) A progressive estate tax on inherited wealth of more than $3.5 million 9) Reduce unnecessary and wasteful spending at the Pentagon, which now consumes over half of our discretionary budget 10) Require Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices with the pharmaceutical industry. (Medicare Part D prescription drug legislation signed into law under President George W. Bush, Medicare is prohibited from negotiating with the pharmaceutical industry to lower drug prices for seniors.  This is wrong) 11) Enact a robust public option or a Medicare-for-all health insurance program, we would be able to save more than $68 billion over the next decade and provide affordable health insurance coverage for millions of Americans. 12) Impose a currency manipulation fee on China and other low wage countries. China is manipulating its currency, giving it an unfair trade advantage over the United States and destroying decent paying manufacturing jobs in the process.  13) Root out the waste, fraud, and abuse in every agency of the federal government.

Look around and see the damage caused by our so-called elected officials who are suppose to be representing the people but instead their concern was pleasing lobbyists, and corporations. But the people, the hard working class of this country are the ones who are suffering for their mistakes and greed, and so are their future generations. Millions of people lives have been destroyed.. Yet those who contributed to this major destruction of American Society, continue to live unaffected by such travesty because they are disconnected from the pain they have caused. They continue to get bail outs, subsidies, loopholes, etc. They are surrounded by their constituents who are rich, unaffected and out of touch with the real America.



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[-] 1 points by vernon (1) 13 years ago

1) You only like this solution because it doesn't affect you. If the solution on the table was to make sure EVERYONE paid at least some amount of income tax, you'd push back against it - not because it is fair but because it would hit you in the pocket. It is so easy to stand up and declare that you must take from someone else, not so easy when it will affect you. 2) This is just stupid. They will move their money to more friendly countries and spend it there hurting our economy more. 3) A better way to handle that is to stop punishing them for leaving their money here. If you do this, they will simply move their headquarters & jobs to other countries. 4) Agreed 5) We already have a massive underground economy, trying to fight this will only make it grow and we will spend Billions trying to fight it. Easier said than done. 6) I am not well enough versed to make a proper judgement call but off the top of my head, adding more txes/fees never solve any problems. Only sucks money out of the system and puts it in government hands where it gets wasted 7) This is foolish. This will have a huge impact on every working person's retirement. 8) The government has no right to anyone's inheritance regardless of how much it is. The moeny has already been taxed once. It is not fair to tax it again. I will state again, if this applied to everyone equally, you would never have suggested it. 9) You are right, defense is over 50% of discresionary spending. However, you need to compare it to entire budget, specifically mandatory spending. Mandatory spending makes up about two-thirds of the total federal budget. By far the largest mandatory program is Social Security which makes up one-third of mandatory spending and continues to grow as the age demographic of the country shifts towards an older population. So start where the real issue is... 10) You are absolutely correct 11) Government can not run any program efficiently. This has been proven time after time. If the government were to take on healthcare, we would end up with the same waste and inefficiencies we have in every sector of government. A good example is the post office. 12) Not sure on this one. I am not smart enough to accurately comment 13) The best way to tackle this is to reduce the size of government. The size that it is and the speed at which it is growing will make this effort nearly impossible. Another case of easier said than done.

I have often argued that lobbiest should be outlawed but here is a truth. If it were outlawed, the activies would simply go underground and couldn't be tracked. At least with the system as it is, we can see where the money is coming from and where it is going.

It is interesting that you point to the corporate greed that caused the financial collapse but you fail to mention the government programs and mandates that pushed the banks and financial sector in that direction. I would even argue that in many cases the government strong armed them to make the risky loans. Then when the banks pushed back, the government guarenteed the loans with Fanny & Freddy. Lets not forget the people that took the loans full well knowing they couldn't pay them. Where is personal responsibility in all of this. While the banks/financial institutions are not without blame, lets recognize that there is plenty of blame to pass around.

[-] 1 points by OWS53 (11) from Blythe, CA 13 years ago

Between 1979 and 2007, incomes for the wealthiest 1% of Americans rose by 281% During the Great Depression, it was a top marginal tax rate of 68% In 1963, it was a top marginal tax rate of 91% In 1976, it was a top marginal tax rate of 70% U.S.A was #1 and thriving! Today, it’s a top marginal tax rate of 35% Presently we are #5 and sinking lower Reducing the income tax on top earners is one of the most inefficient ways to grow the economy according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office The tax cuts were never meant to be permanent Letting tax cuts for the top 2% expire as scheduled would pay down a good part of the debt over the next 10 years. Republicans are denying that. Tell Obama to keep his promise to fight, and don’t cave on tax cuts. Go to: PATRIOTIC MILLIONAIRES FOR FISCAL STRENGTH. The list of wealthy individuals who support doing away with the Bush tax code, for incomes above $250,000/year

[-] 1 points by Yepper (277) 13 years ago

And a group of people who want to tax people even more so this corrupt Govenment has even more money to waste and send to their croonies.