Forum Post: The "War on Women" Comes to Spain
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 2, 2014, 11:34 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
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"The new law would allow abortion only in cases of rape of a threat to the health of the mother, and oblige girls under 18 to get their parents' consent to have abortions. "
Not quite as bad as the US............yet.
It isn't for lack of trying though. This is why people should remember that new Pope or not, the Catholic church is just as meddlesome as it has always been.
Francis -
His publicist couldn't find a way to spin this one.
Exactly. The Catholic Church is a business.
On the other hand, they will keep it out of the press in the US, even though I'm sure they could get some mileage out if it in Texas.
Sure, they don't want to address there was a protest to begin with unless it's a protest they can bank on.
It's OK, if the Catholics or the Baptists want to teach this stuff, but it's not OK for them to shove it down an entire country's throat.
Nope. I am not a fan of fairy tale religions. They have an adverse effect on society. So, if they could just keep their crap to their pews everything would be fine. They are the most irresponsible people.
It's amazing sometimes how badly Europe gets ignored.
I guess because......Obama.
There is a guy that uses that when the trolls hit the comments section. . He says something like and you lost because.....freedom. It's usually listed in the troll argument. Cracks me up.
Then there's the stuff you have to dig deep, just to find.
Things like the New Democracy Refugees are 'unarmed invaders' sent by the Turks, says govt MP
Yep, and just wait until global warming kicks such clashes of culture into high gear.
The New Democracy =Tea Party.
Conservative revolution, huh?
The ultimate oxymoron.
That's the justification. The Golden Dawn is simply going to change their names if necessary but carry on the racist shit.
They don't understand that what they do endorses American Exceptionalism.
As though we're the ONLY country on the Planet with an ounce of influence over anything.
They think in little boxes made of ticky tacky, and they all think just the same.
Several commentary on Speigal
It's funny that you mentioned that. Both Germany and England are pretty damn vocal right now justifying the war path.
You mean stories like that?
Yep. They are utilizing those. I would be really, really really careful if you are getting any information from the UK right now regarding Syria.
Not the demonstrations in Russia either.
In compliment:
LOL.....I won't be anywhere near the place.
Me either - lets hope it is a common thing among those who would normally have attended.