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Forum Post: The voting, yet unheard 99%

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 4:10 p.m. EST by StephanieMD (5) from Baltimore, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

99% of us, get to vote, we are told we have a say. However, our legislators aren't easily influenced by us, we lack the funds to support their campaigns. Who would we REALLY vote for if anyone had the same campaign funds? Yet while our policians pretend to agree, or stick to backing their corporate friends, making a mockery out of the middle class deflecting the issues, they will gladly accept the lobbyist dollars pouring forth. Corporate lobbyist dollars influence policies. Policies put in place to protect their funds. The politician just plays slight of hand.

Most of my republican friends even agree that corporations are making decisions, influencing policies, and undermining the electorate. Yes you heard me, my REPUBLICAN TEA PARTYING friends AGREE with me.

Really? Those same corporations who make their money FROM US, don't want to contribute BACK to the system that allowed them to become so profitable?

The corporations keep us underpaid, charge a very big percentage over what it costs to manufacture and expect us to keep buying. If we can't keep buying, they run to the government crying that they don't have enough. Or if we can no longer afford our 25% interest fees. I think WE'VE had ENOUGH!

How can middle class taxes, even come close to paying the salaries of teachers, police, etc? We can't, so they are being let-go, because corporate taxes cannot be raised, and we've lost our jobs. And if we keep their taxes low, then the money will trickle down and we will be hired? Texas, boasting it's unemployment numbers, employs the highest percent of minimum wage paying jobs. So that's how it will be done?

The many of you who believe that this is against millionaires think again, the vast majority of us do not oppose people becoming rich, the vast majority of us do not oppose capitalism. We enjoy the gadgets, we enjoy the technologies, the toys, the computers, the TVS, the phones, etc. We pay our bills when we can and actually LIKE being able to pay them.

I am educated, my husband has a PhD and we are doing well, yet we support this movement. Not everyone supporting this movement is unemployed, don't fool yourself. If I cannot pay my taxes or my bills I get a bad credit rating, what happens to a corporation? I'm not asking for a bail-out, I'm asking for you to pay your share even when you do not want to. Quit whining and pointing fingers like we are wrong for asking for you to pay your fair share. So you don't like where the tax money goes, can't you influence that? I mean you seem to have so much money you influence everything else. Honestly, as long as it stays in your pocket you don't care what happens to tax dollars, show us I am wrong.



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[-] 1 points by StephanieMD (5) from Baltimore, MD 13 years ago

As you noticed I said "I am not asking for a bail-out" What is my gripe? that the US citizen does not get represented as long as lobby dollars are influencing politics.

[-] 1 points by StephanieMD (5) from Baltimore, MD 13 years ago

Yes they did. Very good.