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Forum Post: The Vote for Nobody Campaign

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 7:39 a.m. EST by darrenlobo (204)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We, the Anti-Electorate, do not believe there is a need for “strong leadership” in government. We are not drawn to “intellectual” authorities and political “heroes.” We are not impressed with titles, ranks, and pecking orders – politicians, celebrities, and gurus. We do not struggle for control of organizations, social circles, and government. We do not lobby the State for favors or permission to control those with whom we disagree. Rather, we advocate freedom. By its very nature, the State does not. Exercise your right to say “No” to the warfare-welfare system. Refuse to vote. Then tell your friends why.


Don't vote today, you have better things to do.



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[-] 3 points by six (4) 13 years ago

Use the write in vote! Vote for anyone or everyone vote for Tux the penguin. It was done in Brazil and they voted for a cartoon from tv. more than 50%. Can't find a link. Not sure but i think they had to have a re-vote At any rate write in anyone to show our willingness to participate but write in to show our disgust at the candidates. I did not vote for the past 4-5 years but I am fed up with this . I am here and if it can be recorded I want my disgust recorded.

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Good point!

[-] 3 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 13 years ago

I always vote, but I very often find that there are no independent progressive candidates running. I never vote for what I perceive as a lesser evil because a lesser evil is still evil. What I do when there are no independent progressives on the ballot is cast a blank ballot. In most places there are almost always some public questions on the ballot, so it's always important to vote even if you do cast a blank ballot.

[-] 2 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

I like it

[-] 2 points by sickmint79 (516) from Grayslake, IL 13 years ago

yeah, change the status quo by not voting for any change at all. good luck.

[-] 2 points by Windsofchange (1044) 13 years ago

Sorry, but by refusing the vote is only going to increase the chances of a Republican getting into office. I am an Independent who is not pleased by the choices we have for President, but not voting is really the worst thing to do. Sadly, with the lousy choices out there it always comes down to the lesser of two evils.

[-] 1 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

So voting for democrats is better? Really?

[-] 1 points by Windsofchange (1044) 13 years ago

WE need to fight for better political candidates. Not the same old-same old crap. We need someone radical to shake up the "long established order."

[-] 2 points by willrosswriter (69) from Crystal Lake, IL 13 years ago

That is an incredibly bad idea. If you don't vote, and everyone against your ideas does, you've fucked yourself by accident.

[-] 2 points by technoviking (484) 13 years ago

if the 99% don't vote, it only takes 0.5% to bring in a party of their choice.

[-] 1 points by TheWolfStar (14) 13 years ago

Scads of the 99% have been voting and look where it's gotten us.

[-] 2 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

Scads more should vote. Only 35% do.

[-] 1 points by TheWolfStar (14) 13 years ago

That's a number that's gone down as the decades have gone by. The reason it went down is because there hasn't been anyone to vote for, for ages, and people realize the futility of it. It's futile because the game is rigged and even if it weren't, governments always become corrupt in the end anyway. Look what happened to ours. And it was only good for 13 years!

[-] 2 points by TheWolfStar (14) 13 years ago

It never ceases to amaze me how much the same all statists are. It doesn't matter if they're Republican or Democrat; fascist, socialist, Nazi or communist; Libertarian Party, Constitution Party or Green Party. They all say basically the same thing: Please, Mazzah, beat me some more or maybe they petition their master for fewer beatings and a little more gravy at the expense of the other slaves. But when a free person comes along they jump on him and bash in his head and scream how wrong he is to be free. Then they all endorse each other's condemnation at one who would so brazenly advocate their freedom.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

That's it. Turn to the best weapon of all



[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 13 years ago

Set up an online poll, a legitimate one-vote only poll, and make the results known in every outlet you can get to air the results.

Not voting is what the money boys would like you to do.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

yes! do what the tea party tells you to do - shut out poor people who dont have picture ids, shut out students who dont have government ids, shut out the stupid lemmings who believe this crap
grover koch wins! goody goody gum drop! would you rather eat steak for a week, or celery for a week, or nothing for a week - GROW UP

[-] 1 points by soumaa (1) 13 years ago

The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency and all appropriations needed to cover government spending and consumers. By adopting these principles, immense sums of interest would be spared contribuables.Le privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but also its greatest creative opportunity. By Abraham Lincoln, former president of the United States, assassinated.

As long as the emission control of currency and credits will not be returned to the government and its respensabilite recognized as the most obvious and most sacred, all the words on the sovereignty of Parliament and democracy remain empty and futile .. once a nation loses control of his credit, regardless of who makes the laws of the nation ... the wear in a situation of control, destroy any nation. _ William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canada's former prime minister who nationalized the Bank of Canada.

[-] 1 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

While ballot voting is almost invariably an exercise in futility, selecting a candidate from a pre-approved, corporate funded pool of liars, crooks and sycophants, to abandon the process is counterproductive.

Vote for Nobody may very well be a conservative ploy along the lines of "Democrats vote on Wednesday" aimed specifically at the revolutionary movemnt to reduce their participation.

I'm not sure this country is going to be able to hold a national election in 12 months, as there may very well be open warfare in the streets by then. But assuming there is an election, massive participation - only 35% of those eligible to vote do so - would send a much stronger message than having less people vote.

We need to be active on EVERY front, and be continually creating new fronts and opportunities to advance the cause.

[-] 1 points by TheWolfStar (14) 13 years ago


"Vote for Nobody may very well be a conservative ploy along the lines of "Democrats vote on Wednesday" aimed specifically at the revolutionary movemnt to reduce their participation."

Uh, no, it is definitely not a conservative ploy. Trust me, you're talking to a life-long anarchist here. And two, if it was really a revolutionary movement they wouldn't be voting for Democrats anymore than Republicans.

You can't be serious.

[-] 2 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

Maybe the message was muddled, by my point was that no matter how futile it may seem, we should ALL vote ("massive participation").

Glad you got a chuckle out of it ... :)

[-] 1 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

It doesn't matter if only one person votes, that is enough to determine who will screw us over even more. Rather than stepping out of the system, you need to fight for candidates who believe in what you do. That's what the TEA Party did and were quite successful. Too bad they were duped by main stream Repubs claiming to be something they weren't. That movement was hijacked by the far right and is now toxic. OWS will probably go the same way by the next election cycle as the far left keeps stepping in to represent the OWS movement in the national media since the movement really has no idea at how to be an effective, positive, movement for real change.

[-] 1 points by rin1 (123) 13 years ago

i'm pretty split on this - i have been practicing this, because the last few elections it was like trying to vote for two evils and it really doesn't make a difference because corporations back the candidate they want, and they are going to make sure that their candidate wins, no matter how many people vote against them or don't like them, they will run ads to discredit the other person and to make their candidate more popular. you really can't win

but i'm actually going to be voting this year in the republican primary for ron lawl, i know it seems futile, but i actually believe in him and i think we need to make our voice heard, he's the only candidate that hasn't been bought, and the people need to stand up for congressmen like that

[-] 0 points by TheWolfStar (14) 13 years ago

I'm 99% committed to not vote but if Ron is on the ballot in my state I will vote for him.

[-] 0 points by sickmint79 (516) from Grayslake, IL 13 years ago

he will be on the republican primary ballet in whatever state you are in.

[-] 0 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

Why wouldn't you write him in if he's not?

[-] 0 points by TheWolfStar (14) 13 years ago

Because I'm 99% committed to not vote. :-)

[-] 1 points by rin1 (123) 13 years ago

do change your party to republican before the primaries to vote for him, so that eventually you will be able to vote for him in the presidential election!

it really doesn't hurt if we vote, but it will hurt us if we don't. i get what OWS is doing and i've been doing it for a while now, but ron lawl is the only one who wants to regulate bankers and the federal reserve, not to mention he turned down the congressional pension, which gives a hefty chunk of taxpayers money - that says a lot to me about a person

[-] 1 points by Droid24JG (119) from New York, NY 13 years ago

You have nothing better to do today than vote. No wonder americans are being taken advantage of.
How can people expect change when we are not willing to take advantage of the options available? I believe that the answer is, ' to be informed takes hard work, and we are not willing to do the work'. Many people are well informed. Many, many, . . ., many more people are totally uninformed. Very sad day.

[-] 1 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

Anarchism is how sociopaths start the game. Then they jump in and say 'Oh I can fix this, just do such and such'. And of course because everyone is dying of starvation and bleeding in the streets they say yes! And that starts the new elite class.....and you know the rest of the story.

[-] 0 points by gr57 (457) 13 years ago

That right buddy. When you have a problem with the political instituion and it being run by people you don't like, the best idea is to not vote becuase that is the sure fire way to make political change

[-] 1 points by darrenlobo (204) 13 years ago

Keep dreaming. It sure doesn't look like voting has brought about any change for the better so far. Matter of fact, things just keep getting worse. A definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over & over hoping for a different outcome. You can keep the insanity of voting. I'll try something that can work:

Principled Nonvoting: The Beginning of Disengaging From the State

It is past time for people to face the reality of what voting really is, an endorsement of the evils that governments commit. I call on you not to take part in this fraud any more. Withhold your consent! Have the courage to join us in principled nonvoting and commit not to vote ever again. Remember, if you vote don’t complain!



[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

Don't vote your a moron, we need less morons voting thats the problem for eveything

[-] 0 points by superman22x (188) 13 years ago

Vote for John Mclane!

[-] 0 points by reddy2 (256) 13 years ago

Actually I think you should do the opposite and put all your focus on electing the candidates that are anti-establishment. Ron P.aul for example.

Why? Because the election is going ahead with or without you.

At least there would be a president that had some integrity, who refuses the lobbyists and takes his oath to the Constitution seriously.

[-] 0 points by justaguy (91) 13 years ago

Sadly, since we have a populace that doesn't vote in very great numbers now, your proposal might get someone to the ballot box, but since they don't vote to begin with, their vote will be essentially the same.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

The real solution if you are not satisfied with any of the candidates would be to go to the polling station and cancel your vote. This gives the politicians a message. Simply ignoring your right to vote is useless and irresponsible.

[-] 0 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

I vote thumbs down on this idea.

[-] -2 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

He's a pure idiot. This is how Americans behave. They want fairy tales. Try rational thought. It works great. read more --

Joe Paterno proves Americans are creeps

Joe Paterno allowed a kid to be molested. When a kid is being molested you don't report it to an athletic director, you report it to law enforcement. For law enforcement to now protect Joe Paterno from the same justice they are pursuing with all of Paterno's staff involved in the molesting incident because Paterno won or lost football games proves that the American people are nasty, stupid, and ignorant creeps.

The fact that the American people allow the entire government to be bribed on the record because they call bribes "campaign finance" is glaring proof that Americans are irrational. They laugh at the jokes by SNL, Jon Stewart, and Steven Colbert while they ignore the reality of those jokes.

Casey Anthony alleged being molested by her father but the Florida State Attorney refuses to prosecute George. George Anthony on the witness stand gave evasive answers when he was confronted for molesting Casey but he isn't being prosecuted for perjury either.

The Florida State Attorney knew that their evidence of the duct tape was rearranged by them for their attempt to execute -- murder -- an innocent woman who was the victim of her father's molesting. Only creeps do that. Then the media lied every day to convince their vast audience that Casey murdered Caylee. Only creeps do that. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 1 points by TheWolfStar (14) 13 years ago

That is one of the nastiest, creepiest and most illogical things I have ever read. Holy shit!

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Welcome to America and its people.

[-] 1 points by TheWolfStar (14) 12 years ago

Actually, I was referring to your post, Steve.

[-] 0 points by NonnyMoose (11) 13 years ago

How about instead we create a viable third party with OWS issues as its platform? Let's have a national convention with delegates from every protest, write a platform, and run real people as candidates at the local, state and national level in 2012. Isn't that a lot better than not voting?

[-] 1 points by darrenlobo (204) 13 years ago

As a former Libertarian Party officer (state level) & activist I can tell you that the biggest waste of time, money, & energy you can indulge in is participating in the electoral system. Do you really want to knock down the present system? Start by at least not taking part in their phoney elections. Elections emotionally bind the people to the system. If we can get people to break free of those mental chains we might get somewhere. As long as people keep thinking that they're part of the system it will remain strong (& corrupt).

Principled Nonvoting: The Beginning of Disengaging From the State http://theinternationallibertarian.blogspot.com/2010/09/principled-nonvoting-beginning-of.html

[-] 1 points by TheWolfStar (14) 13 years ago

That is true, Darren. I am kind of torn about Ron, though. I don't know if I can not vote if he's on the NY state ballot.

Other than that, this system sucks and so does every other governmental system that does (or ever did) exist.

And, yes, folks, there have been some anarchisms that worked.

[-] 1 points by NonnyMoose (11) 13 years ago

Go read Chomsky. You are the chump here, for letting yourself be brainwashed into thinking that voting is a bad idea. It's not the electoral system that's broken, it's the two party "duopoly" that has a stranglehold on the electoral system. That duopoly can, and must, be broken.

[-] 1 points by TheWolfStar (14) 13 years ago

Chomsky advocates voting? Chomsky says he's an anarchist. lol

[-] 1 points by soumaa (1) 13 years ago

The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency and all appropriations needed to cover government spending and consumers. By adopting these principles, immense sums of interest would be spared contribuables.Le privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but also its greatest creative opportunity. By Abraham Lincoln, former president of the United States, assassinated.

As long as the emission control of currency and credits will not be returned to the government and its respensabilite recognized as the most obvious and most sacred, all the words on the sovereignty of Parliament and democracy remain empty and futile .. once a nation loses control of his credit, regardless of who makes the laws of the nation ... the wear in a situation of control, destroy any nation. _ William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canada's former prime minister who nationalized the Bank of Canada.

[-] 0 points by darrenlobo (204) 13 years ago

I get it, it's not the electoral system that broken it's the 2 party system (that is the electoral system) that's broken. Yeah, that's the ticket!

[-] -2 points by Frankie (733) 13 years ago

Great idea! All Democrats should do this!