Forum Post: The violent future of OWS?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 20, 2012, 8:27 p.m. EST by arturo
from Shanghai, Shanghai
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
While reading a financial newsletter recently, the author suggested that OWS protests as of yet, will be truly small potatoes compared to what is bound to happen in the future.
He was talking about how the coming devaluation of the dollar will leave practically all of the people who are now middle class in dire straits. With their purchasing power greatly diminished, most of today's middle and even upper middle classes will be struggling to survive, much less enjoying their lives.
Life in the US will become like a third world country where even doctors earn just a pittance. The rich will become substantially even more wealthy and powerful, while the rest of us are left to struggle and die.
The author claimed that OWS types will no longer be protesting the rich but rather fire bombing them. Under the circumstances, I imagine that even I might get a little violent. How about you?
Let's leave that for the future and continue trying to prevent it peacefully.
Yes, but recognizing these possibilities can give a little more urgency to our work to prevent these things.
True. That's why I'm here. It's always in the back of my mind. I worry about my kids' future, to tell you the truth, not mine.
That's right, what kind of world are we leaving them? We should be building something for them.
This is a ruling class mantra. I believe the establishment wants this to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
In a letter to New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez, in an unrelated issue, his staff responded by bring OWS into the context of the answer. In addition, they made reference to the need of the Movement to remain non-violent.
I responded and criticized the inclusion of OWS in the vain of the possibility of an out break of violence. I think the Defense Authorization Bill was designed with OWS in mind. Furthermore, I pointed out that OWS has been non-violent, and it has been the capitalist state that has engaged in the violence towards its citizens. The terrorist actions by NYPD are similar to the crackdowns that have occurred in other countries.
I do not see a violent future for OWS, I do, however, see a violent present for the failed capitalist state we live in. It is time to end this Representative Democracy and replace it with a General Assembly form of government.
I hope you are right, but I would not be surprised by what people might do if they become desperate. If you were starving, wouldn't you be more likely to commit a crime?
I have been hungry and without food recently, and I did not commit acts that are violent or anti-social.
Also, in my experience, it is wealthy people who are more likely to commit acts of violence. I look at the violence in the world today, it is not largely hungry people who commit acts of violence, but the exact opposite class, the rich people, who commit acts of violence and fund wars and violence.
If things become so desperate that people are starving to death, or freezing because they are homeless, then yes, violence will become a regular part of simply surviving.
See what happens when a plane crashes in remote regions. Cannabilism is usually how the toughest survive. Scary thought.
You're the only one who has acknowledged this so far.
It's human nature, arturo. The thin veneer of being civil, or civilised, is stripped away quite easily and quickly when the system fails.
Yes, just imagine how some people respond with road rage.
no .
Only if we allow it
Only if we recognize the intentions of some that see it as necessary.
OK its like a spoiled rotten kid that looks at his parents as he puts his hands in the cookie jar... if you dont correct him and let him get the cookies without any recourse or teach discipline, the child will learn to disrespect and keep grabin cookies ...RIGHT? We cannot allow The Rules to be broken or changed to file suit.
I don't think the BlackBloc will be corrected. It's what they do. They're violent. And OWS is approving it with their very words.
"The march continued onward when suddenly the familiar sound of revolution rang through the air as [the Black Bloc] smashed through a luxury car dealerships window "
They talk of revolution (violence) as if it is something to be invited.
Notice the censorship of this post.
I personally believe no real revolution will be achieved without violence. Those bankers at the top don't respect you, they have no reason to do that, they think the common worker is just a donkey. So, when you aren't respected, you must be feared. The most effective way to be feared is, of course, violence. You think the french revolution would have been as effective without the severed heads? You think the Russian revolution would be effective without all the workers arresting and killing their leaders? You think the American Independence would ever be achieved peacefully? Peace is too magical and divine, humans can't achieve it when they are trying to earn their territory.
yeah ..only I do not think the OWS *types will be the ones who turn to violence. I worry more for those who are dead set on maintaining the status quo, at any cost necessary. Those who oppose OWS. I have said before, I think it is they who will ultimately turn to violence to usher in the real revolution.
Yes, I believe that provocation is a big part of it. But I don't think you know what people do in desperate situations. That author had studied economic crashes through history, and apparently, violence is something that happens.
I think it's starting to happen already - the violence.
Those who want to maintain the status quo won't BE "ushering in" a real revolution.
At that point, it will be the status quo. So they will be happy.
you make NO sense
lol.. sorry.. well, I am just thinking that .. Fore-thinking people will likely have moved to another country by the time the shit really hits the fan. And those who wish to maintain the status quo, will maybe be living under increasingly oppressive conditions... until eventually, revolution becomes the status quo.
Those who desert the ship like rats will be gone. Good riddance. Those who truly love this country enough to fight for her will either be in charge-thus NO revolution or dead-in which case I could care less what happens.
No. Never. Not under any circumstances would I take up arms against my country. I would, instead, fight against those that attacked it. This is the kind of rhetoric that gets people hurt. Promoting fear and violence is reprehensible and weakens your credibility. Trading one tyranny for another is not winning.
And when those who attack it hold the seat of power?
Sorry. No. I think that if it can't be done through force of argument, force of arms will ultimately not prevail. The most to hope for down that road is a pyrrhic victory. Victory at the cost of everything. A battle for peoples minds will only be won with ideas.
Yes, I agree with this. In a state of economic collapse the best we could do would be to band together in community organizatios to allieviate the worst suffering, while working to rebuild society from the community level. I think a lot of people just can't comprehend what a civil war would be like in this country. We could expect to all die just from the pestilence from so many dead. We'd all be better off just putting a gun to our heads. We will learn to share or perish.
I'm just telling you what I read, and actually, I would not be likely to commit any acts of violence. But I do believe many people would if they were desperate enough.
However, the author of the article was a financial professional of the OWS type, which means he tries to help people understand finance and how to protect themselves. He's studied economic collapses throughout history, and know what happens.
I'm sure that was his only intention with that article, that is, to warn people about what he thinks will happen.
I understand fully what your intentions with this thread were.
Is that a good, or a bad thing?
There are MANY people who view OWS as "attacking" this country and they will fight against them if necessary.
There's an OWS on another thread encouraging the return of the guillotine for crying out loud. It IS possible.
Yes, and worse things than that even.
The sky is falling the sky is falling.
If you had studied history, you would know that revolutions happen. Bad things have happened and they can happen again. Perhaps your sense of reality is based too much on watching cartoons.
What's up Doc
Silly rabbit.
Beep Beep our ass
Learn to be self sufficient.
Do you do that? If so, what do you do?
Wouldn't we be better off if we didn't allow things to get that bad?