Forum Post: The value of the dollar (world reserve currency) enforced through murder and threat
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 4:46 p.m. EST by LOVEPEACE
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Why is the US dollar the world reserve currency?
Does the US have the largest most brutal military in the world because it is the wealthiest or is it the other way around?
If the US dollar's (your dollar) value is enforced through murder and violence are you invested in it's enforcement?
How do you support it's value? Is it's value really controlled by confusing economic weather patterns or is it plain old murder and threats that give it that value?
Can the dollar retains it's value and status in the world if all the wars are stopped cold?
Does economic reform without Peace and an End to wars truly result in more freedom and liberty?
I say fight for PEACE NOW. Because reform of this tainted system is not going to happen. They are collapsing their rigged system as a pretext to WWIII. Demand Peace. Peace is Prosperity.
Exactly, which is why what we most immediately need is a comprehensive strategy that implements all our demands at the same time, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to be 1 of 100,000 “support clicks” needed to support a Presidential Candidate – such as anyone you'd like to draft – at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
Remember that any candidate, regardless of party, is a straw man, a puppet; it's the STRATEGY that the people organize themselves behind, in military internet formation, that's important. Read and think critically about the 1st link and join the 2nd link and you'll see exactly what I mean.
Peace is the absence of emotion, and so is good judgement.
I appreciate your effort. And if peace if your means then i support it whole-hardheartedly. But friend the system is not broken. It is designed this way. It's by design. Moral authority, demanding peace is what they cannot deal with. Murdering people to enforce value of paper currency is wrong. Everyone needs to let them know. We don't want more of their blood money do we?
You MUST have this Investment Voice as “new” Bank Owner-Voters having 10 TIMES MORE Purchasing & Investment Power as Purchasing Power Groups than you have now as weak individuals – that is, if you SERIOUSLY want to obtain the TREMENDOUS Socioeconomic Influence REQUIRED to eliminate Corporate Individualism, Currency Debasement, and Fractional Reserves, which are all VERY FINE GOALS. Why? Because you won't get a single vote – not one – from today's “old” Congress, for they are all owned by the Top 10% Management System, and as such, are puppets of the 1% like any candidate of any party today, except our candidate who must be, obviously, a puppet of the 99%, for they are now Bank Owner-Voters. And as Bank Owner-Voters you CAN get the votes, and you SHALL get the votes, in your “new” Congress of 4,600 Home Town Banks of 65,000, and related 48 “new” Business Investment Groups, to eliminate Corporate Individualism, Currency Debasement, and Fractional Reserves, as EVIDENCED by the great many others like yourself gathered here, right? It's the only way, so please, please, accept that and therefore join our group at the above link, for peace is the absence of emotion (except the emotion of love), and therefore based completely on logic (which is God's love), and so is good judgement.
Friend. Buying power is irrelevant. They make the money. They crash and unfold the economy. WE (including all our enslaved leaders) chase money, do the dirty work of killing to enforce it's value. Our Masters are outside of money. Ending the Fed would seem to be a fine goal. But how will you end it? How will you end the US dollar? By offering US dollars to people who will be asked to make them valueless? When the US defaults on it's debt everyone will be doing anything to make those dollars worth something. That is the point. Collapse the rigged system as a pretext to war. WAR is what they want. Not money. The slaves want money. They're are already multitudes of alternative markets and currency schemes. Any of them that threaten the application of the rigged system are destroyed by violent domination.
There is a man with a money machine and a gun. He holds the gun against your head and tells you to kill. You cannot buy him. You cannot overpower him. You can only demand Peace. Refuse war.
I love you and I agree with you (mostly), but obviously no one has taught you to READ and THINK critically before you respond LOGICALLY, not EMOTIONALLY.
But you must CONTROL the Banks as Bank Owner-Voters FIRST, before you can delete Banks, Currency, thereafter.
Remember that there are Natural Social Laws that are just like Natural Physical Laws, such as the Law of Gravity. You must follow those Natural Social Laws or the result will be Injustice, War, etc.
The FIRST step in Natural Social Law is to CONTROL the Banks as Bank Owner-Voters. If you do not, you will inevitably be UNJUSTLY EXPLOITED and KILLED by the Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government who have a Legitimate Profit Motive, just like you, to do so.
So please, I beg you, THINK logically.
I am thinking logically. Demanding Peace is not about being emotional. It is about admitting that there is no other way. The only emotion you feel upon realization is relief. I am free. What i need to do is VERY simple.
Yes you are right. There are very real natural laws. The new economy is based on natural law. A true free market is the only true economy. You cannot force someone into an economic scheme. But that is how our current model is sustained.
Violence is what gives the dollar value. Not laws. There is no true value in our dollar. The US dollar is the world reserve currency. Everything is valued in the context of US dollars. We have massive debt and yet the value of the US dollar stays the same. How? EVERYONE has bought into and supports the use of violence to enforce the value of the dollar.
The economic system is enforced with violence. I'm not worried about being killed. I am worried about being enslaved again. The economic model of the most violent survives is what we already have.
I've spent enough of my valuable time explaining Natural Social Law to you, so you'll just have wallow in your wholly ineffective and inefficient pursuit of liberty and justice for all while I, and many others at the above 2nd link cited, LOGICALLY do otherwise.
If truth be told liberty and justice are not served, they are realized. The effect of this realization reverberates throughout society. That is natural law. Try as you might, you cannot forcefully liberate someone. Forcing anything is oppression. Understanding this truth allows you to be free now. I understand what i am saying can be difficult to accept because we are all so invested in the murderous economy. Everything we own and have is valued in US blood dollars. So people hope they can take ownership of those dollars and retain some value while exacting some reform. I am not against what you are doing. It helps bring a deeper attention to the real problems.
Just remember, when they declare martial law and announce war with Iran, Russia and China there will be no reform or way to even think of organizing it. At that point you will either go along with war, resist violently or demand peace.. potentially be imprisoned or killed. Do you think they may have thought about it?
You claim the value of the dollar is enforced through murder and threat.
In reality, the value of the dollar is not enforced through murder or threat, and in fact the currency has been delinked in the sense that it is allowed to float with the market as the market pleases.
You are just the latest not-a-class-act who pleases himself by bashing his own country.
Hmm where did i hear that before. Could have been CNN or Fox trying to make me feel guilty for not supporting the murder of innocent people in those terrorist countries..
Friend.. you think the people that own the United States, the one's paying for people to go and kill on their command are at home kissing the flag and singing the Star Spangled Banner? They don't care about the "USA". Where does the value of the dollar come from? Because it's the best looking? Because we have the largest debt? Largest prison population? Is that an economy? Come on.. I know it's hard to believe how evil these people are. Especially when you are a good person. It is hard to imagine. But what kind of person does it take to build an army so ruthless and brutal? With poison depleted uranium and predator drones dropping bombs on families with children? Who could continue to command people to do this? Even if it was a mistake the first 500,000 deaths? Could you? Someone is..
I'm happy that the protesters, at least some, expose themselves for what they really are.
God bless the one's who can be honest about what is happening.