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Forum Post: The USA Economy is Past the Point of NO Return - What is the Point of Giving Triage to the Dead? [ If your young read, if your old run like hell ]

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 4, 2012, 11:25 p.m. EST by owsleader2038 (-10)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Fix Problems?? First you must understand the problem, before you can fix the problem. Your KIND wants to give us BINARY-SOLUTIONS ( Vote DEM or PUG ) to all problems,...

My position is that YOUR government MUST be abolished, and then and only then can we fix the problem.

I think for a long time American's could argue they did not know what their rulers/government did in their name.

That said, for two generations American's didn't protest much about economics, while they enjoyed being 5% of world population and enjoying consuming 25% of world resource.

Slowly over the past 40 years the US Dollar has lost 94% of its value ( 1970 oil 25 cents, now $4 )

It's no wonder that the frog is boiled and dead, it was a slow process, but albeit complete.

Today the USA suddenly wakes up and its middle-class is gone. The oil war's continue, but the 25 cent gas is gone, ... now we're close to paying that of the real-world.

Having been a world-citizen most of my life, I can say long ago people used to say, "I love americans', but hate your government, but today I see more like post Nazi Germany.

Today the world is saying, you knew about the gas-chambers, but did nothing, for long US citizens could deny, but no longer.

Today virtually everyone knows the IRAN WAR is not about Iran 'maybe' having Nukes, its about OIL, the oil war's of today aren't even being passed to the US public in the form of cheap oil.

So the US public is up in arm's and protesting.

But is the American people essentially good? For 40 years they were a minority people that consumed the majority of the worlds resources, they plead ignorance for years, but now with the internet nobody can plead ignorance, and virtually everybody knows for real what is going on.

I dare say the US public has ran out of excuses in the game of denial.

I would love such as you a nation of people that care's more about the people than its cares about business, but sadly the USA is a nation of business. The right-wing likes to talk about 'family', but we all know they mean their family.

Today the USA is what it is, has the most people in prison and most expensive medical, and has destroyed its middle class.

Looking at what the USA has done to the world in the past 50 years its very difficult to say "They are the worlds best", ... certainly nobody outside of the USA is ever told such a thing.

The USA really can't fix any of its problem's until it has had a good look in the mirror.

Like the comic used to say "We have met the enemy, and he is us".

Lastly, the US leadership, after all is elected by 'we the people'. Limited choice I would concur, but good men/women are rarely elected.

Our government is a 'Kleptocracy', and our People are a 'cargo cult'.

Read on if you can handle the truth. If you can't handle the truth, then run like hell.

I like Krugman ( Pushing Keynesian Stimulus in NYT 24-7 ) he's entertaing an sincere, but the day of reckoning, if the USA still was #1 ok, it would work, print more money and stimulate, but sadly the world no longer wants dollars for its oil or products, its game-over for printing easy-money and getting oil for free, now the OIL nations want GOLD for that oil.

I'm more of a liberal than you, and I hate Republicans same as you, this debate is not about left or right or DEM vs rePUG, this debate is about the simple fact that the USA is insolvent, bankrupt, and a fraud, even Madoff the latest Ponzi, recently while in prison pointed out that the USA was running the biggest Ponzi in the world, ... well its game-over for the USA.

It's actually good, because the USA will once again have to self sustain and make its own products and this will create job's at home, the simple fact that nobody will accept US dollars for their products or resources.

I know you have long advocated that "debt is good", that you want to "Die in Debt", ... ok fine, but a country cannot do that. That is the problem with today's USA the seniors for the past fifty years have passed the bill to the youth, and now today the youth looks forward to nothing but debt, this is why the USA is the biggest Ponzi in the world, and it was played by seniors on their own children.

The US does not want to find itself in a situation where we are faced with the choice between a depression or the Fed monetizing the deficits and debt as we try to find a new balance. Both are disastrous, just in different ways. And not only for the US but for the world. Not dealing with the problem in the near future (in 2013) will necessitate far more draconian cuts in services that we see as essential (healthcare, military, education, and pensions) and far higher taxes than anything we can even contemplate today. [ This austerity will create riots unimaginable to the OWS cowards who fear violence. ]

Are things really so dire? I would submit they are. It is simply economic reality.

A country cannot run deficits that are 8-10% of GDP forever (and that is the path we are on, under rosy economic assumptions that assume no recessions in the next ten years). In the US, we will soon cross over 100% of federal debt-to-GDP. At some point simply servicing the debt (paying the interest) will eat deep into the budget and decimate what we now think of as critical services and programs that we think of as fundamental rights. When a crisis comes, nothing is off the table. All the sacred cows of today? Some will get led to the altar and sacrificed for the greater good of the others.

In one sense the US is lucky. The basic choice we face can be stated simply: how much health care do we want and how do we want to pay for it? If we want the health-care program in place today, then we either have to raise taxes or cut other programs. Or we have to seriously reform the US medical system and how much we pay for it. Or maybe all of the above. But raising taxes as much as we'd need to would seriously impact employment, both potential and real.

The point is "What are We Fighting For?"

The US economy is dead. Only when kids lost their future did they get off their ass and think about 'protesting', but its a little late.

So now where do we go? The answer is 'abroad' is the only solution. Just saying, but for those who stay and fight. What exactly are you fighting for? The US economy is a dead parasite? What do you actually expect to do bring the Frankenstein monster back to life? Keep the monster alive forever on life support? Hell that's what the DEM/PUG party have been doing since they bankrupted the USA economy on the Vietnam War some 40 years ago,

Today is Game-Over the world is Sick and Tired of keeping the USA alive.



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[-] 3 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

I bet it's hard to live carrying so much fear.... eventually you start believing in every conspiracy theory...

the villain is fraud, corruption, greed & apathy ... and nothing else

[-] -2 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

You could take this reply and post it into any place in the universe, it must be nice programming bot's and only having to have 1/2 dozen canned responses in your system.

Why not address the subject? You lazy pathetic bot?

Lastly, what is the air speed of an aerial mexican marmot?

[-] 3 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

why don't you get off your ass and help try to fix the problems... than complaining about them... how are you going to change it ?

[-] -3 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

Yep, I'll go to WASH-DC and get a job to suck poly-tick cock like you and that will fix everything.

Must scare the living shit of parasites like you living in the WASH-DC, and blood sucking the world.

What I speak is true, and in the not too distant future when the US dollar collapses your fucking WASH-DC will become a ghost-town.

Follow the decline of the Roman Empire, by 500AD their money was worthless, nobody would send Bread to Rome, ... Rome died. The Roman empire died, ... The same will be true of WASH-DC, ...

Fix Problems?? First you must understand the problem, before you can fix the problem. Your KIND wants to give us BINARY-SOLUTIONS to all problems,...

My position is that YOUR government MUST be abolished, and then and only then can we fix the problem.

[-] 3 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

FU asshole... you don't deserve your money being worth anything

[-] 0 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

Tell us more about what your doing to 'fix' the problem? We would love to know?

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

Actually, you're giving the binary solution.

There either is a government or there is not.

I prefer a government with the nuance of being effective.

[-] 0 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

The US constitution says "We the people have the right to abolish the Government"

Of course we would replace it with something, ... a government that represents the people.

Your binary choice is that we're just given a choice of DEM or rePUG, which is no choice at all.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

Not sure if this applies to you or not, but most of the people really pushing the no difference meme, have a decided tendency to be (R)epelican't..............................Do you find that strange?

I do.............

Let's think forwards.

What amendment can we make to balance out citizens united?

How about if poor people get extra votes to help make it fair.

To make things fair and balanced.

How do we quantify the voting leverage rich people and their entities get from citizens united, so we know how many extra votes we should give the poor people?

[-] 0 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

HL-MENCKEN - 1930 "No different between DEM&PUG"

MALCOLM-X - 1960's "No difference between PUG&DEM"

Ralph Nader - 1990's "No difference between PUG&DEM"

NOPE throughout american history the left, have always pointed out there is NO difference between PUG&DEM

Voting get's back to what I call binary-decisions, ... left or right, dem or pug, ... vote or not vote,

Let's review what HL-mencken said of voting during the 1930's "ALL voting in the amercian political system is an advance auctions of stolen goods"

Then and now 'voting' has never offered change, only a decision point on WHO gets robbed.

Real change can only happen if we the people abolish our government, and create anew a new country that represents the people.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

In each case cited, "no difference" applies to each individuals agenda.

I personally have noticed negative overall differences, every time a (R)epelican't takes office.

If there were no difference, you wouldn't hear all the lies told.

[-] -2 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

The point and you'll not get the point, but the point is people have been saying there is no difference forever.

My favorite example is the Richest Man in California Stewart Resnick , he owns the water and made his first billion on pomegranate juice, .. he's the guy that owns Suterra famous for spraying gypsy moth chemicals in Monterey to sterilize liberals.

Resnick gives equally to both party's millions each year to dems and pugs, he doesnt' care who is in power he owns everything, this is what its all about, the DEM&PUG are just shows, but guys like Resnick own all and don't care because they own both party's.

Resnick even owns all the water in the ground in California, ... how pray tell? Because he owns all the politicians he got them to create a water-board and had them make him prez, and then he had it privatized, and bought it, now he owns the water, ... not bad.

DEM&PUG don't mean shit they're just two whores for sale, the results are all the same.

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

Sterilize liberals????

You're off on a rant now.

OK I'll buy it, just make sure NOT to vote for any (R)epelican'ts,. and then we'll see about the difference..

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

You are supposed to be from where ( ? ) exactly?

I mean: YOUR government?

[-] 1 points by gestopomillyy (1695) 13 years ago

the world? i think you have it backwards.. america is what is keeping the world alive.. when amerca starts pulling all the money out of other countries.. that is what will fix the problem


[-] 1 points by freewriterguy (882) 13 years ago

i hope the dollar loses alot more of its value as i have invested against it.

[-] -1 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

There is no easy way to invest 'against' the dollar at this time, its an orderly default.

All you can do today is diversify. CHF, SGD, ... JPY, CNY, ... That's about it, and that is what the world 'smart folk' are doing.

[-] 2 points by freewriterguy (882) 13 years ago

smart folk are huh? check out the value of the iraq dinar which was $3.22 before the war and less than a penny today, and iraq is sitting on trillions of dollars of oil, not to mention their recent diamond and other mineral mines, and they have some of the most fertile land in the region. When the World Bank or IMF reevaluates their currency, its going to make alot of instant millionaires, and if the bank of Iraq chooses not to reevalue against the dollar as is getting popular in so many countries in the world, it could help current dollar to dinar investors even more.

b.t.w. what does chf , sgd, jpy, cny stand for please andthank you

[-] -1 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago


"b.t.w. what does chf , sgd, jpy, cny stand for please andthank you"

Ask the Indian Call center manager to 'google' for you,

Well let's see the USA goes to a country, destroys its economy and infrastructure kills millions of people indirectly with dysentary by destroying water filtration and sewage systems, their currency collapses and then the USA steps in and buys everything whole sale for free US Dollars that it can print for free, ...

Yep WAR has always been a great business to be in and the USA is #1 in the world in this business of KILLING FOR A PROFIT

[-] 2 points by freewriterguy (882) 13 years ago

ya ur right it was morally wrong for our gov and military to go into iraq, i tried to warn the president that from a religious standpoint we dont have permission to go into another country and kill hundreds of thousands of our brothers and that it could have dire consequences on our "blessed land" funny if i dug up that email now, it would make me look like a prophet. LOL

[-] -1 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

There are a dozen morons BOTS that don't know how to capitalize their sentences, if your going to have conversations with yourself, you must attempt to make each avatar appear dissimilar. OK?

[-] 1 points by freewriterguy (882) 13 years ago

there are bots on here? well i figured out what those currencies are thanks for the tip, here i am working hard for a living, when i could be investing and living the good life.

[-] 1 points by jack1420 (1) 13 years ago


I am completely satisfied with the fact that US government has open the oil war. I was watching news on my tv cable online and there was a debate for this. US government should have to stop this all.


[-] -1 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

Yes, I think that all BOTS consider 'opening a war' much like opening a can of beans, shit maybe you can open a BOT store where BOTS can resell their responses, and make your posts more interesting?

Would you like a child's liver with that blood of dog? - blade runner

[-] 1 points by Spade2 (478) 13 years ago

Well, obviously you don't truly believe in this either


[-] -1 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

Our government is a 'Kleptocracy', and our People are a 'cargo cult'.

[-] -1 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

10,000LB gorilla running the world is the COMEX

Imagine if Saudi Arabia wants to deal with euros currency instead of week dollar - john lennon

Funny Under Obama the OWS likes to talk about Wall-Street but the 10,000LB gorilla running the world is the COMEX

The USA forces everyone in the world to trade commodity's in US-DOLLAR's, its why they put OBAMA in power, because he's from Chicago, which Runs' the COMEX ( Chicago Mercantile Exchange ), and they by putting OBAMA in power in these times they needed a black-face to justify foreign wars, e.g. sending people of color to die in oil wars.

In every recent war it was over dollar-oil, Saddam wanted Euros and got bomb, Gaddafi wanted Gold like Chavez and got assassinated by the USA.

The world wants to neuter the COMEX and force commodity's ( rice, oil, wood, pigs, ... wheat,. gold ... ) to be traded in something other than dollars, but anybody that ever gets close to competing with COMEX is killed or their country is destroyed by the USA.

Funny how 99% of the folks here defend the USA and their way of doing business and their OREO(obama)

[-] 2 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

owsleader2038.... your title post had me considering a more direct response... until I read this post....

[-] -1 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

Your BOT can respond with no particular response, but then has to tell us that it has nothing to say? Is the point here only to keep BOT's busy, to create the image that this site has 100's of users, when in fact there are only 3-6 real people and 100's of BOTS using this forum??

[-] 2 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

Paranoid delusions, too. Take your meds, and I don't mean more acid or pot: you've obviously had enough of those two.

[-] -1 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

Thrassy, I think you have posted this BOT response like 100,000 times on this forum,... does it ever get boring for a BOT to post the same response over & over?

If it walks like thrassy, post's like thrassy, say's the same thing as thrassy, ... is online 24 hours a day, ... its thrassy

[-] 2 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

How many people have you accused of being thrassy now. 10? 20? More?

Just more paranoid delusions. You just keep proving my point for me. Thanks.

[-] -1 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

How many BOT's have I accused of being Thrassy? Let's see I have long said there are only 3-6 real people are at any given moment, but there are 100's of BOT's. Thus in answer to your query, I suggest that I have pointed out that 100's of post's here are generated by BOT's daily. Thrassy himself has bragged on many occasion that he is in control of the BOT's. Thrassy and his monikers have never been banned, which can only prove that Thrassy is an admin.

[-] 2 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

Thanks again.