Forum Post: THE U.S. GOVT RANKED # 28th OF WORLD'S BEST GOVTS. 28th !!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 4:08 p.m. EST by 1776
from Glen Head, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The U.S. Govt was ranked number 28th in the list of the world's best govts. 28th !!!
Let's get the money and lobbyists out of politics! Kick these corrupt puppets out! Let's get an honest govt that can get things done! Enough of their rhetorical smoke and mirrors games. They get away with no accountability and make up their own version of the facts that the citizens don't have time to check. The press is supposed to provide that service, but they are corporate owned and are closer to propagandist than free press.
Sadly the majority of citizens don't even know the name of their representatives much less what they're doing. Every citizen should demand comprehesive non partisan reports on what these officials are doing. People should not have to dig and research to find information. It should be compiled and made easily accessable.
Let's shape this #28 govt up! We deserve a new govt at least in the top 5. No more corruption, obfuscation of the facts and crony capitalism.
We want complete ACCOUNTABILITY to the people. The govt keeps volumes of information on their citizens, so let's return the favor. Each American citizen spoon fed information on what's going on with their elected officials. Mailed quarterly report cards, in a uniform, comprehesive format. Issued by a non partisan, non-political watchddog agency. Extensively covering the activities of each official. No more parlor tricks! The people want to know everything! Salary, days in attendance, expense accounts, staff info,etc. What they voted for, what they're now voting for and what they're going to be voting for. Their views on everything in clear, concise language,etc.etc.etc.
The People have had enough of our politicians twisting facts, concealing the truth and spinning simple answers into a convoluted rhetorical confounderance.
Any politician caught not representing the people or being in collusion with a person or entity for personal gain and/or rewards, be they past, present or future, gets a stiff prison sentence( we might only be 28th in world govt, but the USA is #1 in world's highest incarceration rate. Imagine that, "land of the free". That's what we do best, so let's lock up the corrupt ones).
The people are tired of this false Republic that America has. We need officials who govern in accordance with the needs of the majority of their constituents. Not these politicians who sell out to wealthy financiers and special interests.
Now it shouldn't be too hard to replace the #28th best govt in the world. Finland has it tough. They've got the #1 best govt in the world. Imagine how hard it would be to replace that govt.
see the list:
Ninety percent dissapproval of Congress was not enought to raise suspicions that this mob of share-holders were only taking the job to line their own pockets.
All of the top 25 "best" governments have vastly smaller populations than the USA making it them much easier to control. Also, less people increases the likelihood of a homogenous society where everyone will agree. Finland has only 2.5% foreign citizens.
Why is the ability of a government to control the people a good thing? If the ability to steal liberty from the people ranks high in this survey then I wish for a lower score.
BTW Japan is remarkably homogeneous; all 130 million of them. It is one of the most controlled places I have ever seen. People there are slaves to the state.
Hmm makes you wonder what this toast was about?
Hopefully we'll do better in the Coaches poll