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Forum Post: The US economy was unsustainable anyway

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 10:15 a.m. EST by ParacelsusStirner (42)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

-jobs outsourced....there is no way to compete with countries that pay their workers 10 cents an hour (and with the free trade bills signed by the past four presidents no one was interested in even trying)

-national debt

-resource depletion...specifically oil....and for the "drill baby drill" crowd, the US does not have enough easily extractable oil to last very long at all.

Im sure you can add your own



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[-] 2 points by ParacelsusStirner (42) 13 years ago

ChicagoT... "the size of the pie has to get bigger" is a nice metaphor, but inherently, we live on a planet with limited resources

Maybe green energy or some other source can take up the slack. Maybe not. As a strong enviromentalist Id like to think so, but realism tells me not.

[-] 1 points by ParacelsusStirner (42) 13 years ago

repetitious alaska has less than a year's supply of oil, if it were to supply the entire us

[-] 1 points by Yepper (277) 13 years ago

WHy posts lies? Over the last decade we have found HUGE amounts of natural gas and oil.

[-] 1 points by ParacelsusStirner (42) 13 years ago

yeah, coal....no problems with spewing that into the air.....

[-] 1 points by RepetitiousHistory (9) 13 years ago

We have enough easily accessable oil to actually become self sufficient and exporting...in Alaska alone.

[-] 1 points by Justice4All (285) 13 years ago

They, the politicians made it unstable through:

1) Bailouts,

2) Preferential tax treatment,

3) Sanctioned oligopolies (medicine, credit rating agencies, oil),

4) Over spending (defense).

5) Lack of taxation (wealthy),

6) Unfair trade agreements (exporting job incentives, taxing the return of invested capital abroad, etc.)

[-] 1 points by sage2012 (30) from Hartselle, AL 13 years ago

remember the title song form GOODTIMES. and the line that goes.. (easy credit ripoffs) well that's how our country has been running these last 20 yrs. max out that card... it's ok... you deserve all that stuff... keep consuming .. eat ,drink, and stay drunk. till the house of cards falls and you owe your soul to the company store. We were deceived, but mostly we deceived our self's Ain't we lucky we got um...... Good times............ yeeeahhhh...

[-] 1 points by Justice4All (285) 13 years ago

I have always said that everyone has a part to be blamed. But if we are going to bailout Wall St, insurance companies, etc., then we should provide at least a moratorium on foreclosures for which these bailed out securities derived their value from.

If we can bailout Wall St and insurers of Wall St., we can provide some relief from the homeowner.

[-] 1 points by sage2012 (30) from Hartselle, AL 13 years ago

that's what Ron Paul said last nite in debates.

[-] 2 points by Justice4All (285) 13 years ago

I like Ron Paul a lot. I do not like his Civil Rights positions, but I definitely like him more than those clowns up there.

Bachmann: a freaking IRS collections attorney. LOL. Wow.

Cain: former Federal Reserve director. Unbelievable!

Romney: the guy who bought companies and fired people to increase the stock price. This is the guy who knows "main st." Cannot believe that these people are the "front-runners" of a National Party. Shocking.

[-] 1 points by Arachnofoil (104) from Charlotte, NC 13 years ago

Yes, in all truth, the sun is just setting on another empire. America will be relegated to the pages of history, just like ancient Greece, Rome byzantium, Persia.

What is going on now is really the death gargle of a once great nation.

[-] 1 points by CharlieL (59) from Centerport, NY 13 years ago

Although there are indicators that could be the case, it is by no means certain that the US MUST follow the path of ancient Rome, especially given the case that people are aware of the issues, and furthermore, taking steps to deal with them. What is certain, is that if no changes are made, and the corporate citizens continue to buy themselves a playground and circuses, we WILL end up falling to the wayside.

[-] 1 points by ChicagoT (54) 13 years ago

sustainability is predicated on the growth of value... The size of the pie has to get bigger...re-slicing the pie into smaller pieces doesn't make it sustainable... This is where innovation comes into play.... the government should not promote entitlement programs that consume resources but does not add value.... and example: "shovel ready" road projects will put people to work temporarily but doesn't add value. There is no revenue generated from the project.... resources are consumed... when the project is done, we are further in debt and the employees are again out of work...

An alternative would be to provide funds to small innovators that will create new products. These products will require employees to implement. The product will generate revenue which will sustain the effort.... the innovator can afford to pay back the government and sustain their existence... win-win for everyone...

If the government sponsored a "space program" for energy we would create sustainable employment, reduce our reliance on natural resources and help balance the trade deficit. Look at the innovation, products, jobs, and improved standard of living that came out of the space program.

Its about focus...
