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Forum Post: The unseen wedge

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 7:59 p.m. EST by niky (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The greatest wedge is the IRS, it divids the 1 and 99 %



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[-] 1 points by niky (1) 13 years ago

And if you dont organize and protest propery, which involves the flooding the jails, we will lose.

[-] 1 points by jsmith (22) 13 years ago

niky. many thanks for your support. be patient- first we will force the city's to spend all there budget on law enforcement to police us. when they have no money left to pay the cops- then they send in the national guard. that's when we will fill up the jails! Gandhi was the greatest. training web page http://tinyurl.com/7rvpv43