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Forum Post: The United States of Greed

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 2:51 a.m. EST by Fountain (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The United States of Greed

In a state where money is everything

Where people are numbers and they only mean one thing ($$$)

Where they’re cold and they’re hungry and they’re told it’s liberty

The land of the free

The United States of Greed

And this world it’s an empire for the rich

With bought politicians despite of race or breed

Where you’re told you’ll be better and they promise you all this

Then they say, “Unconstitutional!”

The United States of Greed

Get up and fight for your freedom

Demanding the banning of right out slavery

Get up and swear with your voices and your guns

We’ll take it by force and break out the guillotines

The chancellor has spoken with arms and spit at breeze

Stating what’s right for us, sacrifice your young for me

In the end we shall triumph and the worms will have their feast

By God in God we lust

The United States of Greed

Get up and fight for your freedom

Demanding the banning of right out slavery

Get up and swear with your voices and your guns

We’ll take it by force and break out the guillotines



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