Forum Post: The Trolls on this forum are too numerous to count
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 2:54 p.m. EST by HPolloi
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You know them when you see them. They spread Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt:,_uncertainty_and_doubt
Here is a field guide to trolls:
Remember, they are out to divide and conquer.
Don't feed a troll, you'll have him coming back again and again. Let their posts go unanswered. Don't take the bait when it comes to inflammatory and hateful posts--they strive on that attention.
There should be one automatic message posted on these posts warning people that this post does not represent OWS in anyway and please not respond to the person who posted. Don't let them get any personal attention. That will nip this problem in the bud.
need a new forum.
We need a moderator
A while ago I described trolls as PARASITES, and by their malfeasance they do actually seek to SUCK THE LIFE-BLOOD of the nation. In that sense, they are very much created in the image and likeness of their GOVERNMENT or CORPORATE PUPPET-MASTERS.
And so one might argue that it is GOOD to have them all over this site, as they are a constant reminder of what we are up against - and also their numbers and their tone may sometimes tell us something important about the current thinking of their masters.
I would add : just don't WASTE too much of your precious time arguing with them.
If your not part of OWS it's just because you are not informed.
JUST A QUESTION about trolls. Is it true that a great many of them are actually hired by governmental agencies to spread fear, doubt and disinformation? If that is the case, then they are PARASITES paid with OUR TAX DOLLARS, right?
Anyone have info on this?
Google HB Gary.
Why governmental? Oh, maybe you are a troll? It's Kochs' technique to hire cyber-squads, not government's.
Good point! I think some may be hired by government agencies and many others by powerful interests... Either way, they are PARASITICAL and UNAMERICAN.
Yep. Sorry for calling you a "troll".
Re: cyber-squads: good doc. movie "Astroturfing" (or smth like that)
Not a problem. And thanks for the suggestion.
It would be nice to have EX-TROLLS CONFESS publicly and UNMASK their puppet-masters. Anyone out there man enough to do that?
Help migrate users to a new forum where deliberate provocation is not allowed: .
i have and will continue to voice opposition to censoring in any form. true compromise requires you listen also to the people that are to angry or are just unable to articulate. no matter how unpleasant it is, they would not have sought out this forum if they did not have an interest as we all do.
That is of course your choice, though I would disagree on the assessment that the majority of these people are "too angry" and "unable to articulate". They seem to be more of a deliberate campaign to disrupt others from communicating -- ie. censorship, in a way. THEIR attempts at more or less a censorship goal are what we seek to prevent, and if that itself can be called censorship via semantics, it wouldn't bother me.
if you want to do good and not just continue the divide you have to accept it. they are under the impression this has a divide because they were told so. these people grew up with nuclear attack drills in elementary school and movies like red dawn, then see protesters with communism signs. be reasonable or you're just more noise.
PS. Trolls get deleted and banned on this forum too, when the mods are paying attention. Unfortunately they're just not watching very often.
It's not reasonable to let people disrupt you deliberately, regardless of being able to think of excuses as to how they got that way. If I'm standing next to someone trying to hit my brother I'm not interested in delving into his past to find out what went wrong; I'll make every attempt to block the attack.
Because all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others...
On the new forum, yes, you could say we're elitist, if elitism is blocking people who deliberately try to disrupt constructive discussion through the spread of animosity.
Opposition to the movement in the form of constructive debate, however, is 100% welcome.
(With the caveat that "constructive" is in the eyes of the beholder.)
Yes there's a certain degree of subjective judgement involved in any forum with rules that seek to keep things organized and valuable. We do our best.
Some comments are clearly not constructive to most beholders. Case in point, the one that was made shortly after yours and is either right below or right above this one now.
Do you really blame people for not wanting to wade through "WAHMBULANCES" bullshit and those other text walls that keep getting posted with numerous links?
I suppose not, but I find this forum to be an amazing example of the folly of pure populism, which really is what this is all about. To have it try to make itself more productive through elitism and rejecting the unproductive dissenters is more than a little ironic.
Well, "it", as in the owners of this site or OWS as a whole, isn't changing anything.
Those other forums are made by individuals who want to discuss things in a different atmosphere than this one.
And this forum is not the OWS movement nor does it represent everyone who supporst or participates.
I read some other posts of yours in the last few days that indicated you had an open mind and wanted to learn more about OWS, if that's true you shouldn't only be using this forum to gauge what it's all about.
If you can't actually show up anywhere, follow the OWS Twitter accounts, check out Facebook and watch the Livestream feeds.
It will give you a much broader picture of who is participating and what they're saying. Maybe you still won't like it, but at least you'll be giving it a fair chance.
Something that I do get, is that this is all supposed to be a leaderless thing, with nobody imposing their positions on other people. If that's really true, then this forum is as representative as anything else could ever be, since this paints a clear enough picture of disorganized, un-productive chaos. A conflation of conflicting ideas.
Sign me up as troll #1. If you can't debate the facts coherently, I guess your only option is name-calling.
So they made you do it. I see.