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Forum Post: The Tree Of Peace

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 5:25 a.m. EST by aLibertarian (44)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

there was war and it was horrible. The rivers ran red as the mighty nations of Mohawk and Onieda and Huron and Tuscarors and many others and these guys were worse than butchers.

We have or had a prohibition against directly spillng blood so our favorite weapon was a war club. It was bad, it was really mean. We used to capture the women and children and kill all of the men. And it probably had a beginning but we got caught in the cycle of war and we forgot what we were fighting for. And it just became an un-ending cycle of violence. At one point all honor and integrity was lost and it was just "you hurt me so i'm gonna hurt you worse".

Onandaga stopped this madness and he made us "bury the hatchet". That's where that term comes from. And when we did he said this will be the seed of the Tree Of Peace and the roots of this tree would grow out to all 4 directions so that all people desirous of peace would be able to trace back the roots of this tree and find peace.

imagine my horror as i am the one to say this to you because if i am the one to say this, that means i am the last and the least of my brethren but i have to say this even if i really am the last Llennape. I hope i'm not.

Quee! Quee! Help me my brothers and sisters. Sadin, wichimanitou, k'shatria, Haudenonsee, Owls and bear, please come now because the people need everything we can give them.

Mitakuye Oyasin



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[-] 1 points by China777friends (75) 13 years ago

"Tree of peace"

[-] 1 points by aLibertarian (44) 13 years ago

there are so few of us left now and we became protective. The tree is still there and we know it's location but you couldn't kill us to get us to tell you where it is. This is what we will tell you: you already know. And this is our promise: when you find it, you will be with us.

And that;s why we give out our real phone number and that's why you, yes YOU are invited to call because there's not much time and we can't afford to fuck around for much longer.

One thing is, we talk about blood and weapons but we're almost completely non-violent these days. We're trying to practice love and if you kill us you are doing us a favor. We're ready. If we kill you it will be death by backrup or something pleasant.

[-] 1 points by aLibertarian (44) 13 years ago

then the gennocide happened and most of us got wiped out

[-] 1 points by aLibertarian (44) 13 years ago

now I will talk to you because i know you can hear us. Great Onandaga decreed that the roots of the Tree Of Peace would grow out to all 4 directions so that all people who desire peace will trace it back