Forum Post: The Trayvon Martin murder was not primarily a racial issue.
Posted 11 years ago on July 22, 2013, 10:22 a.m. EST by bensdad
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Furthermore, even it if was, no court or legislation could do anything about it.
This was a GUN ISSUE - from the nra & alec -
for example :
Joe walks up to David, an Hassidic Jew, and tells him how much he hates Jews & Israel.
David pulls out a gun and kills Joe. "I was afraid"
Ann is walking to an abortion clinic.
Sue follows her explaining that it is wrong to kill babies.
Ann pulls out a gun and kills Sue. "I was afraid"
No law can or should be passed to curtail freedom of speech to be stupid or bigotted.
No law should exist that allows speech or fear to justify murder.
But that is exactly what STAND YOUR GROUND does
Since SYG begain, "justifiable homicide" cases have tripled.
Tripled from 12 to 35 in Fl, and the over all murders are still over 900 per year.
Keep worrying and arguing about the laws and ignoring society as a whole. Go ahead and repeal SYG, it wont stop the 16k murders a year in this country from happening.
But when the Congress can bomb nations without a peep from so called "liberals", what else can we expect?
The media has destroyed yet another chance to have a real conversation.
"I just happen to be an exception - I'm an exception because I like it when americans bomb ignorant foreigners -"
Sorry, you are all too common these days. Most people have no idea we are bombing Africa.
Nice threats as usual, btw.
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Killing the witness works in any state. Why do you think people have been doing it for so long. Just claim self defense.
Listen, the media is NOT your friend.
Go ahead and obsess over SYG, skim the top layer of the issue.
Its not going to do anything about the other 16k murders per year in the country. 16,000. There were 400 in NYC alone. With no SYG.
You are a "moron" when it comes to understanding what is involved when a person is "in fear for their life".
You can make up all the "suppositions" you want but they don't mean "squat" when it comes to "what actually happens".
I will be willing to bet you never got into a fight in your life because you are a whiney wimp with no balls.
For if you did you would understand "what it's like to get your ass whipped" instead of "being in fear for you life".
The problem I see is that there is no chance anymore to "get your ass whipped" if both individuals are packing. And, if both are ready to shoot, both are in real danger because of the law, not because of who they are. The wimp with no balls would be the guy who needs a gun to feel strong.
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Florida’s how to commit legal murder manual:
1> Find you victim in public with no witnesses
2> Kill him
3> Say “I was afraid for my life”
From your friends at the NRA & ALEC
The Florida Stand Your Ground Law: 776.012
… a person is justified in the use of deadly force and
does not have a duty to retreat if:
He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to
prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another
or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony;…
Incident date: March 27, 2006
What happened: Michael D. Frazzini, 35, went to his mother's house to investigate claims that neighbors were harassing her, specifically 22-year-old Corey Rasmussen, who, she said, had taken her car keys. Frazzini, dressed in sweat clothes and a camouflage mask, hid in the back yard. When the Rasmussens spotted someone behind the house, Corey Rasmussen jumped the fence into a utility easement where they encountered Michael Frazzini carrying something in his hand. It was a small souvenir baseball bat. Corey could have left but did not leave. Corey's father, Todd, instructed his daughter to retrieve his .357 revolver. He saw his son and the masked man (Michael) facing off, claimed that he yelled a warning and then fired one shot into Frazzini's chest, killing him.
The outcome: Not charged – stand your ground.
Incident date: June 14, 2009
What happened: Oscar Delbono shot Shane Huse, 34, in the neck and shoulder after an argument between the neighbors, the result of a long-running dispute over Huse's two pit bull terriers. Huse's two children were in his truck nearby when Huse approached the shooter's yard. A witness to the shooting said Huse was turning to leave when he was shot and bullet entry wounds supported that account. Delbono said he thought Huse was "going for something. I feared for my life."
The outcome: No charges were filed. "It is a tragic, unfortunate set of circumstances that occurred, but given the state of the law – stand your ground - there's no criminal prosecution," wrote assistant state attorney Pete Magrino.
Chris Matthews shows us how to talk about race
By Gene Robinson, Published: July 19 at 10:59 am
Is anyone noticing the remarkable journey Chris Matthews (host of MSNBC’s Hardball) is on? Now, I’ve never met Chris Matthews, although I would like to, especially as he takes a journey in the wake of the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin death and George Zimmerman trial. I write this not to embarrass him, but to honor him.
On Thursday evening, July 18, right before our very eyes, we witness a transformation about race going on in the mind and heart of an already-liberal, racially-accepting human being. Throughout this evening’s edition of Hardball, Matthews appears genuinely disturbed. In an effort to better understand what happened to Trayvon Martin and why, he interviews Val Nicholas (Vice President of NBC News) and Michael Steele (former chair of the Republican National Committee), both African-American professionals. He can’t believe what he’s hearing. He struggles to listen to their truth about what it’s like to grow up and live as a black man in America.
Nicholas describes finding himself twice staring down the barrel of a gun pointed at him by police – having no reason for suspicion and confrontation other than the black color of his skin. Mr. Steele nods knowingly, and then offers his own experiences of being targeted because of his race alone. They both laugh about the “five block follow” in which a police cruiser follows them in their cars for five or so blocks, just because the color of their skin makes them suspicious. Matthews listens in stunned disbelief, knowing that he has never had such experiences, and the discomfort in his face worsens as he tastes his own white privilege.
White privilege is the new (actually not new at all!) reality of prejudice in this country. (See Peggy McIntosh’s classic discussion of white privilege written 25 years ago: ) Modern racism seldom involves using the “n word” or obvious prejudice anymore. It is the systemic racism that is set up by the society to benefit white people at the expense of people of color. I remember being told in anti-racism training 20+ years ago that “getting white people to understand white privilege is like getting fish to understand the concept of water.” It’s simply the water that we swim in, buoys us up, and sustains us at the expense of those who don’t reap the benefits of being white – and it’s hard for white people to get far enough away from it to actually see it. Like going into a retail store and not expecting to be followed, like driving our cars and not assuming we will be targeted by state police, like being stopped by the police and feeling like we have every right to argue with them. Most black and brown people don’t feel that way.
(Continued: Race:
NAACP Criminal Fact Sheet:
Lots-O-Links on the topic:
Has anyone else heard about this case?