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Forum Post: The Transition Phase: The Road To Freedom

Posted 13 years ago on March 5, 2012, 2:21 p.m. EST by struggleforfreedom80 (6584)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


I will now cosider a difficult subject; a subject that has been debated for years on the left. I want to share my thoughts on how I think the transition from today´s society to a free and democratic society could and should look like. Now, I don´t think that what I present here will reveal some revolutionary new ways of looking at this issue, rather it´s only my contribution to the debate based on my own thoughts. I also want to point out that I do not present this on behalf of anyone. I only speak for myself. I´m just presenting my own personal views hoping that it will in some way be a useful and helpful contribution to further discussion. I would also like to hear your opinions on this topic. Do you disagree with something, did I leave something out etc. It´s very important that we help each other in finding good solutions to our challenges. Please leave comments expressing your opinion. If you think the ideas I express in my article (or in my blog in general for that matter) are reasonable, also feel free to copy and share what you want and/or link to my blog in order to "spread the word".

I will divide this mainly into 4 parts, even though many things mentioned in these parts or stages if you will, probably will blend into each other in real life. I do so because I think there are some important stages in this transition that also need to be recognized and dealt with and discussed seperatly. How long the transition phase, and each stage will take, is in my view impossible to predict. We do know one thing though: the struggle for freedom will be long. How long it will take is up to the people participating.

Stage I: The beginning of the road to freedom - Building a movement: organization and growth.

In this stage organizing and growth are keywords. In this stage we would have to focus on protesting, marching, making ourselves heard, organizing, educating, convincing, enlightening others, educating others, educating ourselves, getting more people to join etc. In other words, lots of differnet non-violent actions in order to get attention and gain support. Everyone should do this. Unions, environmental groups, students, workers, seniors, idealists; really all who are concerned, engaged, and who want a better society must start getting seriously involved in working for change.

It´s important that the organizing includes having a goal of getting people to join for common causes, a common platform if you will, but without it leading to hierarchical structeres of leaders etc. Instead the differnet people and organizations should communicate, cooperate, arrange events, meetings etc - using different arenas to discuss and work for consensus, not necessarily on all topics but so that a constructive common platform and plan could evolve. Communities and local areas should of course have self determination; each community have their own issues that need to be adressed, discussed and handled based on their unique situation, but in order for a big growing movement to become sucessful there has to be some common ground worked out. We need to find a good healthy combination of self determination within communities and local areas, and at the same time, in solidarity with each other, work out common strategies and tactics.

Now in this growth phase there will be variations in terms of support for local movements and their common platform in different communities. In one town or community there will be lots of support, in another less. The people working in the different communities must take the amount of support into concideration and find the best way of organizing in their local communities. There are in other words no magic absolute formula. It depends on the circumstances. There should of course be a general fight in terms of bargening/collective bargeining everywhere, but in a community with lots of support people could for example organize sit-down strikes at different workplaces, and even local general strikes in order to get attention, gain support and of course gain more rights. In a local community with little support one should probably focus more on baregeining, protesting, convincing, and educating others. But the way I see it, a general rule of thumb when it comes to these issues is that the more support that is gained in the community and nationwide, the more direct non-violent action like sit-down strikes, general strikes etc. could be carried out.

We must also always remember, thruout this transition phase that we have to look in long term perspective. Changes arn´t going to come over night. It will be a long hard struggle, but in the end it will be worth it. In this stage I we must be a little patient when it comes to huge radical changes. The important thing in the beginning is to focus on growth; working for gaining support within the differnet communities, but also in the general population. In other words, building up an established force that will lead to serious changes.

We should also bear in mind that in any stage of this struggle for a free democratic society we have to expect lots of opposition from the elites and their supporters and servants. Not only do we have to expect and prepare ourselves for media-propaganda, we also have to expect more police brutality. Its a natural reaction of the finacial elite who will become more and more scared of the movement(s) as they grow. The state and government are often very servile to the wealthy finacial elite, especially in the US where the wealthy more or less control policies. The police is a tool of the business-run, or business-influenced state to try to crush the ones who want to take back from the wealthy what has been stolen thru bailouts, exploitation and speculation at the stock exchange. The elites are starting to feel threatened, they want to keep all that they have stolen, so naturally they want to stop The Occupy Movement and anyone else involved in the struggle with police force. These tendencies are however an indication that we´re on the right track: The elites are getting scared, and react by increasing their effort in trying to crush movements. The finacial elite will however fail. Police brutality is counter-productive, it just leads to more support and sympathy for people engaged in the struggle among the general population.

Stage II: Continued growth, frequent striking, and fight for reform.

Stage II begins when the movement has grown substantially, moving steadily towards soon organizing and/or having the support from the majarity of the population in a nation. Stage II should be a continuation of all the things in stage I, but there should now be an increased focus on organizing strikes. As many strikes as possible, in any form, whether it´s sit-down strikes, local general strikes etc. This should be planed orgnaized and conducted in any place that has a certain amount of community support. Striking is an important and effective way of fighting the wealthy owners and achieving rights. Fighting for rights in the workplace should be one of the main goals at this point. That would include fighting for better work conditions, more pay, increased democratization of workplaces etc. The unions will naturally play a central role in striking, but It´s imortant that all the other organizations involved and engaged in the struggle for freedom will back, support and help the workers and unions in their important contribution to eventually stripping the wealthy of their undemocratic power. As we grow solidarity amongst the different local movements is increasingly important. Solidarity and cooperation among the different participants must be a very important factor in the struggle for democracy and freedom.

As I mentioned the strike frequency should increase as support increases. Now, if the support in a community is very high, than one could go further than striking and bargaining/collective bargaining etc. There might arise situations in which a huge majority of a relatively big geographic area within a nation supports even further action, like workers´ takover of economic institutions, even though the majority of the nation is against it. These situations could get tricky as to what should be done, and I don´t think there are any magic formulas or general answers to this. It would depend on the specific situation; how strong is the nationwide opposition to this, how free and democratic is the nation state, how much is the general population affected by the acts, and so on. I think though, that in most cases areas that have a lot of community support - the overwhelming majority - for making the institutions in their local society democratic they should take steps beyond just striking and take over production even though we´re just in stage II.

An increasing number of politicians will, as the movement grows try to get on the movement´s good side. The people invoved in the movement should not be fooled. Some of the politicians may be sincere and honest, but that´s really irrelevant. They can agree with the movement all they want, the thing is, they´re not needed. The people can do this work themselves, by more direct action, constructive work and coopertation and solidarity amongst the people and organaizations involved, operating within a relatively flat non-hierarchical structure. What should be done in terms of dealing with politicians is pushing for short term reform like increased taxation of the wealthy, and avoiding cuts in welfare programs. We should avoid any type of direct participation in established government and state institutions including getting mixed up with party politics. Istead the movement should work by itself organaizing constructive non-violent action (like protesting, educating, convincing, striking democratization of workplaces etc, everything I mentioned earlier) in the differnet local areas and communities, carried out by the people living there; working actively, without the use of government, to gradually shift power from government and state to increasingly engaged, enlightened and determined communities and workplaces.

(Part III & IV continues below)



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[-] 2 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

Stage III: Majority support - Direct action, responsibility and awareness of threats.

Stage III starts when the majority of a nation either supports and or have actively joined the struggle for freedom. Now, I want to point out that stage III is also a growing stage, our goal should be to convince as many people as possible to support and/or join the struggle. However, by being the majority one can focus on lots of other things as well: Increased direct action; getting major things done! One important factor in this stage is in my view worker´s takeover of the economic institutions, but I want to again stress that the right time for specific actions might vary from community to community. The frequency of worker´s takeover of institutions, and any other direct act in local areas may vary from place to place depending on community support. If the vast majority in a community, and the nation in general, supports these initiatives, then there´s no doubt as to what should be done: take action! Carry the owners and CEOs out of their offices if necessary.

Now, as I mentioned earlier violent opposition is very likely to increase more and more as the movemnet grows, and in stage I and II brutality and violence from state and the establishment must be faught with non-violent means in most cases (maybe som exeptions can be made at the end of phase II though). However, in stage III, the movement and its supporters can now start fighting back with violence if necessary. There´s really nothing controvercial about that - It´s only self defense. It´s just defending democracy. There will most certainly be owners and wealthy people who despertaly want to fight violently in an attemt to maintain their wealth and power. It will then be necessary to use force, and if necessary violent self defense in order to maintain the course that the majority wants. The use of violent self defense agianst the ones who violently want to fight the will of the people, the vast majority, must be as humane as possible on the movement´s behalf. Absolute prevention of disruption with as less rough treatment and violence as possible should be the norm.

We also know from past attemts to achive changes that not just police, but also military force has been used by the powerful to crush movements wanting change. A Coup d'état for example, is something many people have experienced and had to suffer the consequences from. We must have that in mind all thru this transition from today´s society to freedom and democracy. The movement should discuss and concider thoroughly how it can avoid attemts like this. There might come attemts like this from powerful people in the future and we must watch out for them and do anything within our power to avoid this. What the movement has to do if a situation like this would accure, I think is hard to sketch out in detail here, but I would hope, and strongly believe, that the entire population would rise up together with the movement in order to stop it. After all, the people have the potential to sucessfully fight any type of tyranny and oppression.

But how should we handle the established state and government institutions in general in the IIIrd stage? Well, remember that in stage I and II changes would have accured gradually in these government and state structures like parliament, congress etc. As the movement grew the attitudes of the people would change. The awful politicians running things today would be replaced with less awful ones. The organization of these institutions would be changed for the better, from focus on working for the rich and powerful to more focus on what´s best for the population. Central government decition making would be weakened as the movement would reject taking direct part in established state and government institutions, and instead working by itself. Power would gradually have spread more and more to communities, unions, workplaces etc. There will of course be some tasks that just have to do be done centerally. I think in general that this should be handled by the movement organizing a system of representation based on the movement´s common platform where instead of politicans and bureaucrats doing this work, recallable delegates would be elected by the different orgainzations and people participating in the movement. I don´t think it´s necessary to work out all the details on how this would be executed, it should be up to the movement to decide the exact organization based on it´s democratic principles and concensus building.

In stage III the movment should focus alot on how police and military should be handled and run. I have now just described how we should handle central institutions and tasks in general. Central tasks would of course also include handling military, and to a certain degree, police. I feel however that I have to adress this specific issue more thoroughly. The people and orgnaizations now in majority must take special responsibility on handling these institutions correctly. We can´t take these issues lightly, if we do than powerful and wealthy people could find ways to take over, and we´d be an easy target for the people, both domestic and from abroad who want to crush our struggle for democracy and freedom. It is very important that the movement and its supporters just before entering stage III and after entering it, establish arenas for thoroughly, well organized constructive discussions on how this institutions should be handled. As I mentioned we´ve seen lots of coups in the past, so we need to have a well thought out plan to prevent this from happening again. We also know that there have been examples of individuals within movements wanting change who have gained power in the state and military aparatus and by that gained increasing, often despotic power draging society back into tyranny, hierarchy and oppression. Now, the chances of this happening to a movement with well established principles and structures of the flat non-hierachical type, with frequent use of consensus-building, and recallable delegates etc, is very slim, but It´s important to not take this lightly. Police and military institutions are used to conduct legal force and violence, they´re power centers in nature; it´s therefore important that these institutions are handled in a correct and safe matter. I think that by using the same methods described above on how to handle the central tasks in general with the use of recallable delagats and cosensus etc within the framework of an egalitarian flat organized movement structure it would be pretty safe. Police institutions will also be handled more locally, so the danger of things getting out of hand in regards to police is much smaller than military institutions, but both should be handled safely based on a well thought out plan.

Now let´s look at stage III more broadly. As I mentioned, worker´s takeover of economic institutions should be one of the main factors and should be carried out as much as possible depending on community support. This should of course be done alongside of in general building strong, engaged, enlightened, solidaric, just and democratic communities working together with other communities. As these tendencies are becoming increasingly established thruout a large geographic area, like a nation, we will gradually enter stage IV.

Stage IV: Completing the transition phase: Entering a sustainable free democratic society

In this stage the sky`s the limit for the areas who have made the important achivements of creating a more just free and democratic society. Important tasks for these geographic areas in this stage would be working in solidarity with people around the world who have not yet reached the same achievments, and at the same time, not being naive, nor paranoid, watching out for external destructive forces and taking necessary precautions.

I don´t want to say much more about this stage here. It would be up to the people living in the different areas to decide details and exact organization in their society/community. I have given my personal opinions on how the society should be organized from here in the article "The Society We Should Stive for". And with that I`ll end this article by thanking the ones taking the time to read this, and also wishing everybody the best of luck in their struggle for freedom.

[-] 1 points by francismjenkins (3713) 13 years ago

Didn't have time to read it all, but if I were lay out some bullet points, it would go something like this:

I. Raise awareness, activism, organization building at the grassroots level.

II. Fight for political reform (since allowing things to continue on the trajectory they're on, only causes the lines on the graph between the problems we face, and our ability to influence change, to exceedingly widen and diverge). This should happen in tandem with organization building.

That's it really. I mean, we don't want to run the risk of spreading ourselves too thin, and both of these things compliment each other.

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

Sure. And then it goes on with more focus on workers´ self management etc. These are my more "in debth" thoughts on things that can be done by many people at the same time. I hope they´ll be useful in a way for some of you who have read it.

Like I said in the article

" I will divide this mainly into 4 parts, even though many things mentioned in these parts or stages if you will, probably will blend into each other in real life. I do so because I think there are some important stages in this transition that also need to be recognized and dealt with and discussed seperatly."

[-] 1 points by francismjenkins (3713) 13 years ago

Yes, worker owned companies. You know, employee owned companies, ESOP's, are a proven success model in the United States. Able, in many cases, to rescue distressed companies, while at the same time overcoming discrimination when it comes to raising capital (and even taxation). I think a good way to start would be to redress this discrimination by implementing a loan program allowing workers to take over closed down factories (direct loans from government to workers, no bank intermediaries). It's not like we don't have plenty, with over 42,000 factories closed since 2000, and 5.5 million manufacturing workers who lost their jobs, I'd say ... we have a good place to start.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

a loan

no thanks

[-] 1 points by francismjenkins (3713) 13 years ago

Why not? Loans directly from gov't to workers (much like SBA loans, maybe even ran by the SBA). Low (or maybe no) interest, favorable repayment terms (they should have ample opportunity to get their feet off the ground) .... this potentially creates tens of thousands of worker owned companies, and bread for millions of worker/owners.

I mean, we could try to occupy closed down factories, but you could never pull off a sustained occupation (where you could actually move in machinery, acquire legal status, and resume production). Or, we can try this from scratch (in which case, it would take decades, if we're lucky).

Nothing wrong with occupying shit as a protest strategy, but as a "business" strategy? This isn't pre-Franco Spain (which was essentially a failed state by the time anarchists were able to operate freely in places like Catalonia). Don't get me wrong, I can think of some countries where this strategy might be viable, but America isn't one of them.

People like ideas like raising taxes on the top 1%, participatory democracy, restoring Glass Steagall, getting money out of politics, employee owned companies, etc., but it's unlikely that people will go along with the evisceration of property rights. Americans tend to view property rights as a civil right.

Moreover, this isn't some top down, nanny state proposition. Our self determination has been slowly eroded. This idea would begin to give that power back, and in a peaceful way. No consolidation of power as some sort of illusory transitory step to real democracy (which has never worked in the past, but not for lack of trying), a direct divestment of power from the state and corporate establishment, to the people.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

I ain't got no property

some sort of restitution to the original owner would smooth transition

[-] 1 points by francismjenkins (3713) 13 years ago

Right, but you wouldn't need property. I'm talking about groups of workers (ideally, the workers who lost their jobs in the particular factory at issue, but also other people who have needed skill sets), receiving a loan from government (with no personal collateral). This would enable restitution to the original owners.

I mean, it's unlikely that we could get "grants" (as opposed to loans). Maybe in the future, there could be some sort of loan forgiveness program, but initially it would probably have to be structured using a somewhat conventional format. Don't get me wrong, grants would be great (I just don't see that as realistic in the beginning, although I'd love to be proven wrong on that point).

This would require much more than merely the cost of acquiring the factory. You need to buy machinery, workers need to be paid while the business is getting its feet off the ground, the light bill has to be paid, vendors have to be paid, you'd need accountants, engineers, etc. (none of which come free).

[-] 1 points by Pottsandahalf (141) 13 years ago

Wow stop wasting your time with this crap.

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by j91488 (14) from Menlo Park, CA 13 years ago

just give up

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

No way. The Revolution has already begun!