Forum Post: The time is NOW - send the message we're all waiting for...
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 9:44 p.m. EST by chronicP
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The intentions behind this movement have been for a better world; a cause always worth fighting for. Sadly this world does not change that quickly, so what this needs is a direction.
Instead of trying to change everything all at once, pick a single significant issue and give the gov't an ultimatum of sorts. I suggest striving for free health care because it affects everybody equally, and while being a difficult goal to attain, it is not impossible.
Make an offer that you will clear the streets if this country grants free health care to all, no exceptions. Coming together to achieve this goal will show that we can get things done non-violently as a people, and make the movement seem less like a pimple waiting to be popped in the eyes of those with all the power.
I am not sure if you have a leader, but you need someone smart, well read, and well spoken to represent your interests. Up to this point, everyone seems to be waiting for you to do something about your cause...
The time is now.
Folks should not jump to conclusions so quickly. I fully endorse the idea of a complete gov't overhaul. But those with control do not, and yes I have simplified the issue for I am neither a historian nor political expert. What reason do they have to change anything? That's the hard part, convincing them. I'm agreeing with you, Moss, by the way.
And mvsn my thread has nothing to do with Obama so please watch your tone. I thought this was a discussion forum.
I wish all these topics were more openly discussed. I look forward to a world united. Until then, looks like I got bills to pay.
I know you mean well. There is no way in hell that they can meet our demands. The system would crumble. We have to change the system. There is no easy way or short cut. We've been kicking the can just like congress because we don't know what to do or we don't want to do the hard thing and make the hard decisions. The problem is, things are going to keep sliding down hill until we do the hard work and make the hard decisions.
In a way this is a terrorist tactic. Don't go there. They've been changing the laws to strangle us with them and to treat and detain U.S. Citizens like terrorists. We have to be smarter or we will fail. The best and only plan I've found is OsiXs.
Read “Common Sense 3.1” at (Http:// )
More DNC/pro Obama crap. Go away plant.