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Forum Post: The time has come to consolidate everyone in Washington D.C. and take the battle to congress!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 6:11 p.m. EST by Changeagent (0)
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I believe the time has come to bring all the OWS groups from around the country together to march together and relocate to Congress. There should be one unified message when everyone arrives and that is...Jobs, jobs, jobs. The media will pick up and run with their coverage if the groups are organzied to move all their camps from around the country and to relocate them all to D.C. The movement is powerful but it will take on a whole new force if everyone comes together in D.C. and pounds away at Congress to act on creating jobs and looking out for the 99% instead of trying to get re-elected. Let's start this movement now!



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