Forum Post: The Time Has Come (Cont)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 1:01 a.m. EST by Orrionn
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
While those same banks forclose on our homes and we still trust them.... If we...... the 99% donated just $10.00 per month or whatever we can afford... we could build skyscrapers larger than the banks in each of these cities. We build them to house and feed people. Put what equity we have where our mouths are. Play the game in a way they understand. We together are greater than the sum of the 1%.
The banks that got bailed out just went on collecting large amounts of $ from the Gov. and acted like nothing ever happend. The 1% are scared now that the rest of society is standing up to fight back!!! The Truth--->
I know..... its time to put our money where our mouth is.