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Forum Post: The Time Has Come

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 12:47 a.m. EST by Orrionn (8)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Lots of us may not realize that it is us..... the 99% that control the true wealth. My name is Brian. I am 50 yrs old and I, like all of us, has been workin my ass off for what amounts to pennies a day compared to the 1%.

My dad Jack was a genious. An assistant District Atty. in South Lake Tahoe when I was 5 yrs old, He had the opportunity to start a Title Company, Inter County Title Company, in Sonora California in the late 60's. By the mid 70's the business was worth over a million dollars. My dad sold to my uncle who turned ownership over to my cousin Rick in Mariposa California. While I am sure the company is in good hands, due to the economic forces at work, poor choice on my dads part and dumb luck... it is a shell of its former glory.

Dad lived with me his last 13 yrs. One day, while we were driving into work (He was riding with me as he wanted to borrow my car for the day), he looked at me and asked, "Brian, what are we doing?" I said "Going to work.... like everyone else"..... He said "Exactly" (Motioning to the cars around us)..... He pointed to the city we were driving to and said "You know... all of us are going there" (Points to the skyline skyscrapers of the city where we lived) and he says..."Where we will mill about like ants for 8 hrs today..... and tomorrow.... and the day after.... and who really benefits from all that collective labor.... the Vast Minority at the very top"

That is where we are. But, all is not lost. If we pool our recources, WE.... the 99% hold the true wealth. I am at a conference today in a small city in the west. Early evening, I am missing my family..... havin a smoke on the pool deck of the hotel I am staying at. I look up and notice.... the largest skyscrapers in the city belong to the banks. The places we entrust our hard earned money to own multi million dollar properties while our (Cont)



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[-] 1 points by Orrionn (8) 13 years ago
