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Forum Post: The Three Stooges of Government

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 4:22 a.m. EST by Puff6962BorgTroll (28)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Ever notice how much our 3 branches of government resemble The Three Stooges?

Moe = The Supreme Court.

Larry = Congress.

Curly or Shemp = President Obama For Sure.

I once read a psychologist's analysis about why The Three Stooges are still so popular. He said it's because the Three Stooges represent the 3 stages in a man's life:

Curly or Shemp = The Child

Larry = The Adolescent

Moe = The Adult

Larry is the key mediator who is always trying to balance the forces of the adult Moe and child Curly.

Are we seeing these same stages playing out in our government, with Larry the adolescent mediator (Congress) trying to balance the forces of Moe (the Supreme Court) against Curly (The President)?



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[-] 2 points by JackHall (413) 12 years ago

When it is all added up there has to be way more than three.

Have the Republicans ever fixed anything (except elections)? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jocRd-aajW0 [right click]

We had an industrialized economy in the United States until private enterprise outsourced our major manufacturing with the US Chamber of Commerce and Republican Party's blessings.

Mitt Romney on Outsourcing

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gym_4-o60LY [right click]

Republicans and Unemployment

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idsipmvkLhc [right click]

Rachel Maddow – Republican Party promotes outsourcing jobs

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB0G16VswG8&NR=1&feature=endscreen [right click]

The 3 Stooges who broke our economy are proof the Republicans should get out of government and politics.

The Republicans didn’t see a problem with the Gramm Leach Bliley law when it was written. Most Democrats didn’t either. Now Republicans aren’t doing anything to repair the damage and prevent recurrences. Democrats aren’t doing enough.

Byron Dorgan (D) N.D. v Gramm (R) Leach (R) Bliley (R) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvnO_SH-4WU&list=PL399213F28C3CC71A&feature=plpp_play_all [right click]

[-] 1 points by Puff6962BorgTroll (28) 13 years ago

They fall through the holes in his hands.

What is the difference between Jesus Christ and a picture of Jesus Christ?

[-] 1 points by Puff6962BorgTroll (28) 13 years ago

How come Jesus Christ can't eat M&Ms?

[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

Cuz Catholics ate his body so he can't chew or hold them? (I failed Sunday school.)