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Forum Post: The Ten Commandmen­ts - Republican­-Style

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 5:08 p.m. EST by AndyMo (0) from Dallas, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I. Thou shalt talk about Christian principles­, but not live by them.

II. Thou shalt attack opponents personally when you can't win on policies.

III. Thou shalt call yourself pro-life, but be in favor of the death penalty.

IV. Thou shalt call yourself pro-life, and put guns in the hands of school children.

V. Thou shalt give lip service to democracy while taking away civil liberties.

VI. Profit is the Lord Thy God, thou shalt not put the people's interest above those of your corporate contributo­rs.

VII. Thou shalt make sure fetuses have health coverage, but leave children and babies behind.

VIII. Thou shalt bear false witness against your opponents and liberals, and demonize them.

IX. Thou shalt run on a moderate platform, then enact right-wing policies as soon as possible.

X. Thou shalt call the media liberal, so that people forget that the media is owned by corporatio­ns with a conservati­ve fiscal agenda.



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[-] 3 points by thezencarpenter (131) 13 years ago

Very good post, maybe we can get Romney to chisel them on stone tablets!

[-] 2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Ya know, I tend to bash texass every chance I get - and then an individual comes along and reminds me that decent Americans may be found . . .

even in texass . . . .

Welcome to the ParTAY!

[-] 2 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

i like ten the best.

[-] 1 points by ComeTogetherNOW (650) 13 years ago

So true. This really is how they operate. I commend you on a well done thread. I like the Ten Commandments Repug style. Great idea!!!

We need you in this movement. Stay with it, we will be in the winning phase soon!!!

[-] 0 points by talkinboutarevolution (54) 13 years ago

Political parties don't differ anymore. They are the one percent.

[-] 0 points by Farleymowat (415) 13 years ago

Hate much? Jesus said the world would hate those who follow Him. Politics totally out of the picture, Christians would be hated and slandered by people like you anyway. Do some Christians adhere to your 10 commandments? I know of none. Every human being on this earth has some hypocrisy in them, however. It is sad how your hatred for people who seek to live a way of life that you reject, are completely judged by ones who know nothing of Christianity. Their are hundreds of millions of Christians on this earth, and you have perhaps met a handful of them in your life, who may not live by the words of Christ. That does not negate the teachings of Him. I once new a man who refused to accompany his family to the local church. When visited periodically by the preacher, the preacher one day asked,"Roy, why don't you come and join us and your family?" Roy replied,"to many hypocrites in your church." The pastor told him,"We have room for one more." Roy came down the next week and that pastor buried him many years later. Roy called out people's hypocrisy and tried, until he died many years later, to help others work the hypocrisy out of their lives. I don't mind your hatred and vitriol of Christians, because He died for all of my sins, including hypocrisy, and I will die a hypocrite in some parts of my life. You may die never having turned to Christ to ask for forgiveness of your sins. You will face the One who created you, whether you reject Him or turn to Him, at the Great Judgement.

[-] 1 points by thezencarpenter (131) 13 years ago

Did we read the same post? Where do you get hate from this satirical post about the republican agenda. Lighten up dude! However, now that you mention it, you bring up several good points about Modern Christianity. Actually there is an interesting parallel to the targets of the OWS movement and Christians like yourself. The hypocrisy that you justify that has taken over the christian religion is very similar to the corruption on wall street. Both are driven by an elitist view that they can bend the rules the rest of us choose to live by. To then assume that this degree of selfishness is aligned with Jesus is ridiculous. That may be the source of your paranoid sense that people hate you.

[-] -1 points by Farleymowat (415) 13 years ago

I do not justify hypocrisy. It is an inevitable problem of the human condition. All people have some level of it, even if a tiny bit. I also never said or implied that selfishness of any level is aligned with Jesus. I have been told that I am part of the 99%, so why would a Christian,"like yourself" be a target of OWS? Or is yours a satirical post too?



[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

Just keep on pushing that partisanship.

[-] -1 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

And the Dems are so much better?

I. Thou shalt talk about helping the poor­, but not help them out of poverty.

II. Thou shalt attack opponents personally when you can't win on policies.

III. Thou shalt call yourself pro-abortion, but oppose the death penalty.

IV. Thou shalt call yourself pro-Constitution but be against people owning guns.

V. Thou shalt give lip service to democracy while taking away civil liberties.

VI. Profit is the Lord Thy God, thou shalt not put the people's interest above those of your corporate contributo­rs.

VII. Thou shalt make sure animals are protected while advocating aborting human children.

VIII. Thou shalt bear false witness against your opponents and conservatives and demonize them.

IX. Thou shalt run on a moderate platform, then enact left-wing policies as soon as possible.

X. Thou shalt call the media conservative, so that people forget that the media has carried the liberal water for decades.

[-] -1 points by journey4word (214) 13 years ago

sound a lot like Democrat style to me :) especially #2.

Then again, the whole Post reeks of #2