Forum Post: The TeaParty should agree-get the money out of the system.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:12 a.m. EST by menelopie
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Our message should be the system is broken-get the money out of the politics. Our founders did not want this for us. The political system is broken and exploits Americans. This is where the OWS and TeaParty should agree and protest.
It's pretty simple. No matter your politics this is what WE THE PEOPLE, the 99%'ers, can all agree on - We'll vote only for those who will work to get corporate money out of politics and corporate influence out of government. We may not agree on the same candidates but if we remain singular in this one demand from all our candidates WE THE PEOPLE will regain control of our democracy.
It is we the people - the politicians with the help of corporations are ruining America. Our country wasn't founded for corporations to manipulate the system. Jefferson even proclaimed this. The OWS and TeaParty philosophies are closer than they think. I am surprised to hear certain TeaParty chapters want to discredit the OWS movement.
Its human nature to wish to rule over ones brother. The Tea party is pissed that their tea got cold before their party even began. The rank and file tea partiers are with OWS I'm sure. Its the the PARTY big shots that are making waves. party politics is what injured the Republic, But it was giving the power to create money to a handful of greedy families that killed it.
goal oriented cooperation would be interesting