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Forum Post: The Union is Burning and all through the House and Senate...

Posted 6 years ago on Nov. 7, 2018, 11:27 a.m. EST by elf3 (4203)
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[-] 1 points by elf3 (4203) 6 years ago

54 percent against the new fuck you contract: 54 percent in favor of renegotiating for a better deal!!!!. Who makes sure the voting company doesn't get paid off same as Hoffa by UPS as they all meet in Singapore the Dark Money Capital where corrupt money is known to change hands unchecked and Hoffa silently slipped off to while union members called him out and demanded emergency meetings. Full Time Workers Voted it down demanding a contract that doesn't create a lower wage replacement force that may well put 374,000 previously well paid hard working AMERICAN workers off their jobs for subcontracting. Or further on the puppet strings of an abusive work environment. Lifting packages well over the supposed 70 pound limits. Driving 14 hour days. Stress Managed into illness. Disregarding safety. A worker in Kentucky was killed last month...being screamed at to hurry I'm sure. He was a young Dad and Husband. Another run over. Pressure to go faster and blamed for accidents as they drive around in traffic scanning for kids, dogs, some people who try to hit trucks for lawsuits, try to beat the clock and get stalked by supervisors with stop watches, cameras, and clipboards... Then lift 150 pound packages that aren't supposed to be on the trucks. They get injured it or car accidents it is then their "own fault". Lets not forget exposure to the elements extreme heat and freezing cold temps. No BATHROOMS especially on rural routes. But still they deliver, perform, and come back the next morning to do it again and deliver surging stocks. But nope not good enough for the company. And the shareholders are proud of this? Why don't they take action or speak up then if not?No they want workers they aren't responsible for after they use and abuse them then discard them...and sometimes cause them to die... while they sit back on inherited money collecting ever increasing stocks on the ACTUAL backs of REAL working men and women. The CEO collecting $7000 bucks every hour these guys work. While they get a few meager weeks a year to recover from the body strain of 12 to 14 hour days with heavier and heavier boxes and to see family they have missed out on seeing and sharing time with. They get wages stolen. The "reward" is a big fuck you contract that threatens to replace their income with cheap labor.This is the "new normal" in America...third world wages and labor standards. We can't afford the sky rocketing cost of living. We are stuck in the WallStreet -Worker Abuse Cycle. Now imagine this times 200 ( a whole truck still to go). When that is done go back and get the pickups: https://images.wsj.net/im-34304?width=1260&aspect_ratio=1.5 He is someone's son, husband, and father. Maybe used to be a soldier... a lot of them are former soldiers. But we won't say they deserve to be compensated for their labor and afford a house or cars or college for their kids. We won't stand up. Trump definitely wont stand up for them. Not even Hoffa ...their own representative they pay. Trump and Hoffa probably both own shares in UPS stock though and BOTH INHERITED their money from their Daddys. They never worked as hard as these guys a lot of whom are former soldiers a day in their life. Not one day. (But they think they have it so tough).

[-] 1 points by elf3 (4203) 6 years ago

Good upstanding men and women currently being replaced with an ex con subcontracted labor force...coming to your front door and neighborhoods and schools soon folks. Aren't we all just so glad we are making sure level 3 child molesters finally have jobs!! (Yes this country is sinking to a new low).

[-] 1 points by elf3 (4203) 6 years ago

Way to step up for labor and the middleclass Dems. You sure are representing us at these crtitcal junctions...not. Dont let us down Warren.