Forum Post: The Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 10, 2012, 2:22 p.m. EST by aries
from Nutley, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 10, 2012, 2:22 p.m. EST by aries
from Nutley, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I don't think the two movements have any legitimate comparisons. Not to mention this is not the time for us to be dividing ourselves from any individuals who have recognized the corruption of our financial and government institutions, and want to see an end to that corruption and the power of Democracy put back in the hands of the people rather than corporate interest. Furthermore, the Occupy movement transcends party lines and is a peoples movement not recognized as either democrat or republican. Just the other day I myself was talking to a couple who identified as conservatives and were out supporting the movement with me and my fellow independents. So please don't try and define this movement as a political affiliation. This is a peoples movement, with the ideals of change for all peoples of this once great nation.
How about a stream live debate between the occupy and tea party by MSNBC. Funny, i just heard of this and it's on tommorrow. What gives.
Ought to be interesting to watch, thanks for the heads up.
that's great! Cant wait to see it.
Noam Chomsky makes a clear distinction between the nature and goals of the tea party and Occupy Wall Street. Check this video out:
Yea - the distinctions are drawn in my link too. Noam Chomsky is a Communist.
Noam Chomsky is a Libertarian Socialist:
He totally rejects all sorts of tyrannies, including leninism etc.
Struggleforfreedom - what is your opinion on the question of who is more to blame for the current financial crisis? Wall Street or Government?
There´s a lot of blame to go around, I think. To give a short answer: Both.
When you have a system like this, you get crisis
Is he for big government or limited government? Is he for wealth redistribution? Is he for so called "social justice"?
Start studying anarcho syndicalism / libertarian socialism. Then you´ll get all your answers if you really want to know.
So you cant answer the question. No problem. Understood.
I answered a couple of minutes ago
must have missed it. my bad
Except it doesn't draw on the contradictions of the tea party. While it is for limited government, it excepts large scale donations from huge corporations that funnel money to candidates. It's big government at its worst. Occupy has none of that. It's a real movement by the people for actual democratic ideals.
Everybody accepts any donations they can get away with. In fact - didnt Obama reneg on his first campaign promise to only use public funding? Once he got the nomination that was the first thing he reneged on hahaha! So much for hope & change hahaha! forget the money. you need to effect change by holding your elected official accountable by voting them out. The TeaParty was quite succesful at this dont you agree?
Yes he did. That's a big criticism of Obama that I share. I'm not comparing democrats to the tea party. I am comparing Occupy Movement to the tea party. Last week in NYC, due to pressure from Occupy, NYC passed legislation to eliminate corporate personhood. The tea party is not for that position. So the argument that the tea party somehow represents the average joe is remarkably false.
Let me see the reference for that legislation in NYC. what is that for NYC public office? Like Comptroller John Liu lol! How will that affect Washington? I need to see the law please. NYC? What body of government passed it? The money is irrelevant. How did the Tea Party gain a majority in the House like they did? Mobilize the vote
The New York City Council symbolically passed a resolution Wednesday opposing "corporate personhood." Resolution 1172 formally expressed disapproval of the landmark US Supreme Court decision. hahahaha! meaningless. Did you see the part about it being "symbolic" hahaha! NYC Council!? what a joke
It is not meaningless. The reason it is symbolic is because it ultimately cannot stand legally against a US Supreme Court decision - which was a "conservative republican" decision. Occupy is giving voice to the side that argues that his was a wrong decision. The tea party does not. Yes, the tea party had voted people out of office. But I don't see any of the replacements arguing against such a thing. They are supporting vey extremist right wing policies that many republicans do not even support.
really? the court seems pretty evenly divided to me no? 4 - 4 - and one wild card Kennedy. the republicans that dont support the tea party are the corrupt crony republicans they are the problem along with the entire democratic party
You still don't get it. The tea party supports the supreme court decision, and other numerous corrupt legislations that either benefit big business or corrupt government. The Occupy movement is nothing like that.
really? like what legislation? please provide some specifics. So you are against lobbyist money. Does that include unions?
Occupy and Unions can work together. Unions do not represent the voices of the wealthiest of Americans - which corporations and tea baggers do.
For more differences, you can find them here:
so you are for union lobbyist money in politics but not corporate lobbyist money. gotcha. doesnt really sound fair though.
On the matter of the "Astro Turf" (cf. False Grass Roots) Tea Party, please also see the following very important and revealing documentary film : "The Billionaires' Tea Party" ; .
Also, please this article from Oct.'10 : "The Tea Party Movement: Deluded and Inspired by Billionaires" ; and this article from Jan.'11, "These Astroturf Libertarians are the Real Threat to Internet Democracy" ; .
fiat lux ...
Say hello to George Soros for me
The TeaParty is a sham, bought and paid for by the Koch bros. and run by a bunch of Koch suckers . . . .
Links on the TeaParty:
The Billionaires TeaParty
The New Yorker - Covert Operations
Chomsky on The Tea Party v The Occupy Movement
More on the TeaParty:
InformationClearingHouse Jan.'11
I love the Koch brothers. Say hello to George Soros for me.