Forum Post: The Tea party is against bailouts.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:51 a.m. EST by slinkeey
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Then OWSers (Liberals) called them racists for it.
The were labeled racists, in the same fashion that this movement is labeled as all hippies and crazies. They latch on to an idea, and force feed it 24/7.
That's right. The mainstream media is the lapdog of the establishment. The establishment calls OWS dirty hippies and tea parties racist to try to discredit any threats. Then they move in and hijack those movements. Hence, neocons moving in on the tea parties and neolibs and Democrats moving in on the Occupy movement. Some WILL get hijacked but never give up!
these are the same people who have herman cain leading what a bunch of stupid redknecks
Hmmmm...... I will go with you on this one.. You actually make some sense.
Just keep an open mind about it. Remember that the main weapon they have is division. The media is controlled by the same people/ companies that have gained control of our politicians. Keeping the populace divided diverts attention away from the real problem, Washington. It's not just one sided, BOTH parties fail to represent the best interest of Americans. If this movement evolves into only anti-capitalists or anarchists types, I don't think the American people would support that. As of now, it's not produced anything official. There is a document in progress, to me it has some good, and some not so much.
i am interested in this document. Alsoi am representing the void you speak of, and most of the people i know fall into that category, i'm trying my best to educate as many people as i can and get them active in a government that is no longer run by them. I have dedicated the past probably 48 hours to this and am struggling getting my homework done.
Excellent. There is alot of information out there. I do not want to try and influence your conclusions. I will say this though. After all is said and done, and you have heard some things you thought were crazy. Step back, look at the big picture. Think..what makes all this make sense. What is the one thing that ties everything together. Trust yourself to see the truth.
So what of this document? I appreciate the positive attitude and encouragement to find truth, because that seems mostly to be what this is about, among other things. Was this a hint to find the document for myself, or are you perhaps Privy?
I can't seem to find it. I forgot to copy the link. I saw it in the forum, it was a "News Item". It's out there, but finding it on this forum, well...sorry. I do not see it.
The racist nuts get more media coverage. By this time though they seem to have been taken over by them.
Actually the Tea Party was widely ignored and dismissed for the first 6 months.
I don't think we should label people or generalize as it's limiting to real progress because it keep us inflexible.
Just stating the facts.
I'm a supporter of OWS but am not a Liberal so that's where I think the message gets muddled for me.
I cast off my party ties. I am nor republican nor democratic, simply american, and simply pissed.
Here! Here!
OK Slinkeey,
So their against bailouts. Now ask them are they in favor of regulating the banking industry or corporate plundering of the economy?
And just an FYI for ya: "Then OWSers (Liberals) called them racists for it." Thats not why they're denounced as racists. You've got you're issues confused.
One of the founders of the Tea Party has-
--endorsed OWS
-- stated the republicans have coopted the Tea Party
google and ye shall learn
They were called racists because they were carrying signs with Obama as a monkey and saying he should go back to Africa. In fact, MOST of us - most of the nation - was opposed to the bailouts. So that had nothing do with it.
Libs used to compare GW to a monkey, so what is the difference?
I'm sure you know what the difference is between calling GW a monkey and pasting the head of a black person on an actual monkey and writing "go back to africa" underneath.
There were only a few of those signs. How do you know that they were not plants? There are claims that republicans are infiltraing this movement in an attempt to discredit it. What makes you think that tactic is one-sided? I remember a few years before Obama, wasn't there people in Washington with pictures of the current president of that time depicted as hitler? Those folks are patriots tho?
LOOK...I support NEITHER party..They BOTH suck. They both use the same tactics to divide us. It's up to WE THE PEOPLE to see past that B.S. and realize, we are all Americans.
I'm not saying they ARE racist - I'm saying that the reason they were called racist is because of the signs some of them had and because of the stuff they were saying. The OP here said they were called racists because they opposed bailouts. I'm just pointing out that that is false. And that most of us on the "left" opposed bailouts too.
BTW, I am also definitely not defending the democrats or Obama. After making the idiotic decision to drop my distrust of mainstream candidates and give Obama my support, I am finished. Never before had I and never again will I vote for a mainstream democrat. Ever. And I think that will be part of Obama's legacy - true progressives will abandon the democrats for probably the next 20-30 years.
Understood. It is very refreshing to see so many people be able to see through the media spin. There are many who refuse to, but there are more and more everyday that are seeing it. An awakening is happening.
certainly not every tea partier is racist. But there is undeniably a very loud "fringe"
Since when does Believing in the rights entitled to you make you bad? And since when does being progressive and unorthodox make you bad. THOSE ARE THE INGREDIENTS THIS COUNTRY IS FOUNDED ON!!!!!!!!
It doesn't make you bad. You are part of the crawd that called Tea partiers racist for being against the bailouts..
You know this for a fact obviously.. For your information i have never been political until the last 3 days, i didn't even vote last presidency. I've always been more interested in keeping my knives sharp and my firearms loaded. I have worked for whats mine and i keep it. This movement extends beyond what i have been to what i want to be and what i want my country to be. I support the Tea Party just the same as Occupy Wall Street. This is about much more than finger pointing and "who done its." There is enough of that of that shit in the government. Get over yourself you self contenting ignorant ass.